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How to play psx doom in modern control style on emulator?


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I tried the PlayStation doom port for the first time yesterday but the outdated control settings annoy me quite a bit and now I am wondering whether it is possible to play it with modern control configuration. When writing "modern" I think about:

left analogue stick: forward/backward/strafing

right analogue stick: turning

R1 firing

L1 running

and so on.


Is that even possible? Any details what emulator to use and how to set it up. I have the Logitech F710 controller.

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If you're talking emulations of the original PSX Doom/Final Doom, those came out before Dual Shock/Analog controllers were released, so simply put, no, as the games have no ways of recognizing the controller directly.


You could probably do it with some external programs or something, like Joy2Key, but at that point that's pretty elaborate.

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2 hours ago, Boaby Kenobi said:

Try the PSX Doom TC. It's an unofficial remaster of the game. There's also PS Doom - Master Edition.




Playstation Doom TC isn't a fully accurate conversion though, and PSX Doom GEC Master Edition doesn't have analog controller support either.

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Basically, numerous small stuff. Not the same sprites for example (on PSX they all got resized), the lighting method isn't quite accurate (you can set sector colors but they way they'd blend under GZDoom's renderer isn't the same), etc.


For a much more accurate recreation, the same guys behind the GEC Master Edition on PSX also released a backport of the PSX Doom/Final Doom/Doom 64 content using an older fork of GZDoom, called (currently confusingly) "Gzdoom [GEC] Master Edition" and those sorts of things were properly accounted for, so it should be very close to the PSX Doom/Doom 64 experience - just running under a rather old GZDoom version. The makers of the PSX Doom TC endorse that as a more faithful recreation.


It'll be renamed to DZDoom to avoid confusion later on.

Edited by Dark Pulse

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I'm not that good at solving problems but I think you need to configure the controller from the emulator or install a special driver that has also happened to me with some emulators

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Thank you for all the replies! After learning that it is almost impossible I decided to try the "GZdoom [GEC] Master Edition" suggested by Dark Pulse, and it is great! I won't try with emulator anymore. This one seems faithful enough, and if that criterion is fullfilled, a PC port is always superior.

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@GenColossus Of note, if the "Playstation Doom Port" you were talking about is PsyDoom, keep in mind that's a work in progress and will be improved.


I'm sure eventually @intacowetrust will eventually add stuff like analog controller support, but that will come as later polish (right now he's still working on getting it fully functional).


Obviously once that's done, that would be as accurate as you can get, as it aims for a 1:1 experience and is being based off the reverse-engineered code GEC created.

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12 hours ago, Dark Pulse said:

@GenColossus Of note, if the "Playstation Doom Port" you were talking about is PsyDoom, keep in mind that's a work in progress and will be improved.


Yes, come check out the PsyDoom thread @GenColossus - this might be just what you are looking for. The latest release (0.5.2) can be obtained from here:



And info about the project and how to run can be found here:



12 hours ago, Dark Pulse said:

I'm sure eventually @intacowetrust will eventually add stuff like analog controller support, but that will come as later polish (right now he's still working on getting it fully functional).


Analog support is already in and works quite nicely with the uncapped framerate for smooth/precise turning - it was added in 0.4.0. The Xbox controller is supported out of the box with a modern style control layout by default. PsyDoom also supports standard keyboard and mouse controls too. Most of the game is pretty much there at this point, I'm very much moving towards enhancements and quality of life additions at this stage.


12 hours ago, Dark Pulse said:

Obviously once that's done, that would be as accurate as you can get, as it aims for a 1:1 experience and is being based off the reverse-engineered code GEC created.


The code is actually derived directly from the original PlayStation MIPS machine code and uses that as its basis. I wrote tools to convert this machine code to an assembly-like form of C++ and that was gradually converted to standard C++ with the emulation layers being stripped back over time. I did use the GEC code later on as a reference once that became available (I started before that point) but even then I still had to painstakingly convert and go through every single function and gradually strip away all emulation, piece by piece. It was a very interesting process but basically my goal all along was to maintain working builds at every single point in time so if a problem was introduced I could pinpoint exactly where in the git history it was introduced. Thankfully all that stuff is done now (it was a LOT of work!), so I can just focus on adding improvements and quality of life features etc.


As for accuracy, I've recorded over 180 demos playing through all of the maps in Doom and Final Doom for both the PAL and NTSC versions and all of these demos play back accurately in PsyDoom. Demos are an excellent way to check if gameplay is 1:1 because if the slightest thing is different they usually go 'off the rails' very fast... For example a slight difference in the view bobbing threw off of some the demos I recorded for Final Doom, a seemingly harmless thing that affected when weapons could be fired and thus caused a de-sync.

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  • 3 years later...
30 minutes ago, sonjoebatdoomguy said:

I know this topic is dominated but. WHERE IS THE DUALSHOCK SUPPORT ON THE PSX?

Are you gonna bump all PSX threads on this regard? Doom for PlayStation 1 was released 2 years before Dualshock came out. Nobody had an idea such a controller would be released at some point, let alone implement a support for it. 

As an alternative, you may take a look at this thread. This updated version has a support for Dualshock.


Edited by Dimon12321

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On 2/5/2024 at 1:10 PM, sonjoebatdoomguy said:

I know this topic is dominated but. WHERE IS THE DUALSHOCK SUPPORT ON THE PSX?

You can also try out intacowetrust's native pc port of PSX Doom: PSY DOOM (which on top of having keyboard and mouse support, uncapped interpolated fps, high-res hardware accelerated mode and widescreen support; also has dual anologue stick gamepad support)

(edit: also please don't bump ass-old one-off threads like this, it gives the impression that the ass-old conversation is more recent than it is and buries actual fresh conversation)

Edited by No-Man Baugh

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