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The Top 5 Custom Monsters

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Completely disagree with the Afrit, especially Scythe 2's incarnation as it's a floating damage sponge and screw all damage sponge enemies. Later megawads that use Afrit at least tone down its health.

No Eviternity enemies makes me quite sad.

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Scythe 2's customs monsters are atrocious to blind plays. They are just beyond Doom. Resurgence did a way better job to use the exact same mons but toned down to a reasonable level. I guess that's why later WADs don't do over-the-top custom monsters in general.

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20 minutes ago, ‹rd› said:

All Hell is Breaking Loose has some great ones



Remember the ones who flip the finger after they die?

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4 minutes ago, TheMagicMushroomMan said:

OP, didn't you just post yesterday that you haven't played Scythe 2 yet?



Uh, maybe?

1 hour ago, Andromeda said:

Plutonia 2 doesn't have custom monsters...

Eh, I just thought that the Gatekeeper looked pretty cool, but I think I'll replace it sometime.

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6 hours ago, NuMetalManiak said:

Completely disagree with the Afrit, especially Scythe 2's incarnation as it's a floating damage sponge and screw all damage sponge enemies. Later megawads that use Afrit at least tone down its health.

No Eviternity enemies makes me quite sad.



what i wrote here sums up my thoughts on scythe2 afrits and marines: they could have been better. there are some more very good posts:



overall, i'm more for a "glass cannon" approach like in valiant, ancient aliens and eviternity.


see for example the pinky in valiant. not only does that eyeless creature with mechanical legs look more frightening, it doesn't have the delay between opening its mouth and biting. so they'll rip a chunk out of you as soon as they get close. i really treated them as enemies instead as roadblocks (especially after the red key in map05)


valiant imp: dumb, slow creature. maybe you hurt yourself outrunning its fireballs and catching them. ok, we'll see about this when you eat 2 of its quick shots.


eviternity astral caco: holy shit, get the plasma gun / bfg out as soon as you hear it scream.




Edited by Pirx

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I love custom monsters! My favorite is probably the Pyro Knight (Valiant), it have some really cool attacks and it's also a lot more interesting to fight compared to regular barons\knights.

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41 minutes ago, Noiser said:

I love custom monsters! My favorite is probably the Pyro Knight (Valiant), it have some really cool attacks and it's also a lot more interesting to fight compared to regular barons\knights.

I really wanted to include him actually, but I couldn't get a good picture of him. He would probably be at #3, and as such take the Afrit's place and replace Mr. X.

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The Scythe 2 ones are still my favourites, maybe because they were the first I ran into and I'm more used to them than others, I don't know. Not really big on the Arachnorbs, or at least not them spawning from dead Arachnotrons. It's cool I guess, but I never felt like it added much to the gameplay. I haven't played Sunder, but the Hive Mother certainly looks impressive.

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- Caco replacement in zanspid.wad (128 HP, faster attack)

- Lost soul in strain (counts towards monster kill %, less dumb)

- Final boss in spectrum.wad (much more dynamic than spider mastermind)

- These pain-elemental like creatures in Mordeth with a different colour, spitting homing "ghosts"]

- Killer Croc (?) in Batman Doom


- I have a soft spot for bazooka troopers from Obituary


I thought about 5 minutes about this post, so it may not be the most accurate ranking of mine. Skillsaw's monster replacements are usually awesome, but I didn't play his WADs so much so they are not that memorable for me, if that sentence makes any sense.

Edited by vdgg

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  • 3 years later...
39 minutes ago, Thaumaturge_Tanishq said:

Where can I find the Sprite File of Beehive Mother? Its not available in Realm667

sunder, but only sunder uses it and idk if others are allowed to use it

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1 hour ago, JackDBS said:

sunder, but only sunder uses it and idk if others are allowed to use it

From Sunder's text file:


* Copyright / Permissions *

Authors MAY use this level as a base to build additional levels. Seriously, go have some fun! It's not like I'm getting paid for this.

I think that's a yes.



Tough to be safe, full credits of the Hive Mother if you want to know who to contact to ask for permission:


Hive Mother monster modelling/texturing/animation/rendering by @TheMisterCat. (Done in Sculptris/Blender.) (Based on a digital sketch by Insane_Gazebo.) Blood animations on death and muzzle flash animations by @Insane_Gazebo. (Drawn over the top of TheMisterCat's work.) Various sounds from freesound.org for idle/death states. Alert voice sound by @Major Arlene, edited by Insane_Gazebo. Original ZScript work by TheMisterCat, conversion to DeHacked by @antares031.

(I replaced names with @ Doomworld handles. I've also replaced "me" by "Insane_Gazebo" just to be clear, since he's the "me" who wrote that text file.)

Edited by Gez

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Thanks for including Plutonia 2's final boss!

Its official name is "The Gatewatcher". It was named so, to match the first Plutonia's "The Gatekeeper" :-)

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I have mixed feelings on the Afrit and am not a fan of the Evil Marines thematically (interesting gameplay change, though), but I will make some recommendations, all of which come from the Doom RLA Monsterpack.


The Hellstorm Elemental is a Pain Elemental that fires slow-moving portals instead of Lost Souls, which slowly suck in anything unfortunate enough to be close before consuming them into a vortex. It was a definite priority target that could also defend itself by sucking up incoming damage to its portal mouth. At the same time, their attack is easy enough to dodge that you don't need to panic around them as long as you leave yourself some room to dodge.


The Hungry are small, very fragile flesh orbs that can spawn in small packs in place of Lost Souls. One in an open area isn't a threat, but they move very fast and chew up your health very quickly if you don't catch them. They're a definite glass cannon, as any amount of damage at all destroys them, but you better not miss it they're charging at you.


Finally, and I wish I could remember the name, the Armageddon Mancubus replacement. Instead of fireballs that simply explode, it fires ones that bounce and leave scorching trails, allowing it to fulfill an area denial role. It actually inspired the Cybermancubus I added to Dominus Diabolicus.

Edited by bofu

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On dimanche 15 novembre 2020 at 10:31 PM, AtticTelephone said:

#4: Afrits

Scythe 2

Originally from the Monster Resource WAD.


On dimanche 15 novembre 2020 at 10:31 PM, AtticTelephone said:

#3: Arachnorbs


Originally created by @Jimmy for the Realm667 "beastiary", way back in 2007.


On dimanche 15 novembre 2020 at 10:31 PM, AtticTelephone said:

#2: The Super-Vile

Valiant, MAP30

Okay, the behavior is original to Valiant, though the sprites are those of the Diabolist from Demon Eclipse.


On dimanche 15 novembre 2020 at 10:31 PM, AtticTelephone said:

Super Imp


The Devils of Demon Eclipse, again with a different behavior. (Though much less different, since they haven't been promoted to boss monster status.)


On dimanche 15 novembre 2020 at 10:31 PM, AtticTelephone said:



Those were originally created by Tormentor for the Realm667 beastiary, way back in 2007. And, obviously, they're based on the Serious Sam enemies.


On dimanche 15 novembre 2020 at 10:31 PM, AtticTelephone said:

Alien Guardian

Ancient Aliens

Those are the Guardians from Hell-Forged, themselves an evolution (with brand new sprites) of the Guardians from Demon Eclipse, which used recolored spawn cube sprites originally.



On lundi 16 novembre 2020 at 10:30 PM, AtticTelephone said:

Oh, I just found this.




It only has the Bruiser demon and the MBF dog for some reason though.

Reason is that historically, the wiki editors have been rather reluctant about having pages for fan-made monsters, weapons, or other free-floating resources -- a whole mod, okay, but a mere resource for a mod, eh, nah. Now it's okay to have pages for custom monsters if they're relatively common, at least commonly enough to be used in several notable mods.

Edited by Gez

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In no particular order:

  • Annihilator from Eviternity - cyborg hell noble that fires a rocket followed by machine gun fire. I always like when wad authors do something creative with barons.
  • Veil-Imp from Eviternity II. I think its "teleportation" mechanic (where the monster turns invisible and quickly moves to a different place) make fighting him really unpredictable, combined with low health and hard-hitting attacks and you have a challenging glass cannon to fight.
  • Flamethrower Guy and Flame Cacodemon from Rowdy Rudy II, specifically the flame attack - lethal at short range, but easy to dodge.
  • Kamikaze from Valiant and Heartland. Do I really have to explain?
  • The last one I think would go to the final boss of Eviternity II. Without spoiling, it's a multistage fight with a growing number of attacks and a massive improvement over Archangelus.

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There are a lot of mechanically interesting things posted in this thread, but how the Kick Attack! surfer bros were somewhere in the back of @Doomkid's mind and he was savvy enough to dredge them up for Ray Mohawk 2, and pair them with hula imps, is one of those little things that will always make me happy.

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6 hours ago, Gez said:

From Sunder's text file:


* Copyright / Permissions *

Authors MAY use this level as a base to build additional levels. Seriously, go have some fun! It's not like I'm getting paid for this.

I think that's a yes.

That says levels but ok

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4 hours ago, TMMMS said:

what kind of enemy is the hive mother exactly? whats her behavior and attack types?

They were like the afrit iirc. They fire a spread of manc projectiles and a stream of rockets.

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