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What fake name do you use at restaurants?


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I used to use the name Tex a lot when I used to go to McDonald's. Tex seems like a pretty cool name but I wasn't feeling it anymore


So now I've been trying the name Trent. It's pretty cool when they call out Trent and I get to pretend it's my name but it's still in beta testing


I want a name that really turns heads you know


What fake names do you like to use?

Edited by Clippy
I find they make food better when you have a cool name

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42 minutes ago, Pegg said:

I don't tell employees my name, I don't think they'll remember it for more than 5 seconds anyway.

At fast food you have to a lot of the time.

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Im not old enough to drive to McDonald's. But I would go with some silly shit if im in the mood. Maybe Nick would be a nice fake name too.

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"Shub-Niggurath The Black Goat of the Woods with a Thousand Young roaming in the Darkness....your pizza's ready"

Edited by Dubbagdarrel

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I’ve used fake names for various things. Carl and Frank are usually my go-to fake names, after Carl Brutanananadilewski and Frank Zappa. Usually though I just use my real name because it’s nothing important.

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20 minutes ago, Doomkid said:

I’ve used fake names for various things. Carl and Frank are usually my go-to fake names, after Carl Brutanananadilewski and Frank Zappa. Usually though I just use my real name because it’s nothing important.

I wonder what the cashier's reaction is when you say your name is Doomkid.

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Dick Thunder.


Also i am an adult and the fact that you use fake names at a teenage snack junction like McDonalds is high-school humor at best, and it ain't even funny.


I also go by the name Mark in real life.

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Talk to a fast food employee long enough for them to learn my name? I slap down my Centurion card and don’t even make eye contact. Sometimes my man Chadwick says his name is “alosersayswhat” but he’s the group’s comedian, I’m more of the serious type and I’m not here to waste time talking to whoever is getting my goddam mcdoubles 

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I get called John a lot but that's because everybody mishears the "sh" at the end of my name.


One fake name I do use outside of real life is Richard Hammer, which can be flavourfully shortened to "Dick Hammer".


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The only time I've ever used a fake name was at A&W where they always ask for my name. So I just say my name is Bill because they always butcher my real name.

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1 hour ago, mrthejoshmon said:

I get called John a lot but that's because everybody mishears the "sh" at the end of my name.


My first name is Joel, so I feel your pain.

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Mclovin cos I feel Super Bad using that name ;-D *Ta da boom tish*


Jks I don’t need to use a fake name as my handwriting is so atrocious no one can read it anyways :-P

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When I go eat Japanese, "Ookii Chinpo." Or sometimes "Chitsuga Oishii."


They tend to kick me out. :(

Edited by Dark Pulse
You didn't see the ninjas.

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