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[SPLIT derailment] zdoomisms


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11 minutes ago, SilverMiner said:

You never died in Heretic? In Zdoom ports monsters don't start punching each other upon player's death but in Eternity they do that like in vanilla

You never died in Heretic in ZDoom ? In ZDoom ports monsters start punching each other upon player's death and in Eternity they also do that like in vanilla.

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12 minutes ago, Gez said:

In ZDoom ports monsters start punching each other upon player's death

You're wrong, dude. See, it's Zdoom 2.8.1


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I'm on mobile and the whatever you're trying to show isn't displaying, also looking up code on GitHub at a specific version is a pain, and obviously I cannot run programs for the time being. But even admitting my recollection is wrong and the mass infighting after death is indeed broken in ZDoom 2.8.1, it's still a goalpost moving since VGA and seed were talking about GZDoom.

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Most fascinating.


This issue is present in the latest devbuild too. @SilverMiner Can you show a bit how it is supposed to be like in Chocolate or Eternity please? Just to confirm.

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5 minutes ago, drfrag said:

Yeah it's true in LZDoom. I remember the infighting working.


Yeah, I checked the internal demos in the meantime and this can be seen in the very first demo.


No problem, this will get fixed now that someone pointed it out.

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On 10/14/2020 at 8:11 AM, SilverMiner said:

Finally I can play Heretic on high resolutions without gameplay changes

You also have this, is the one i use, specially the Heretic version, and no, it is also on english ;)


Its plays the UnBeliever megawad that Ryath made smoothly and just like vanilla.

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ZDoom (needlessly IMHO) adds and enforces a bunch of restrictions onto Heretic's "mad melee" when the player dies - for example, in ZDoom, monsters of the same species won't fight each other under this condition, whereas they did in vanilla Heretic. Vanilla's "rule" for when the player dies is that a monster will literally fight the next living thing it sees regardless of what it is.

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6 hours ago, Gez said:

it's still a goalpost moving since VGA and seed were talking about GZDoom.

Then perhaps they can fuck off to a GZDoom thread.

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6 hours ago, dew said:

Then perhaps they can fuck off to a GZDoom thread.


Make me.

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Offtopic posts split off into its own thread. I personally grow tired of having to prune ZDoom posts yet again from another port's release thread. 

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8 hours ago, seed said:

Make me.

Now I shall proceed to having sexual intercourse with both your parents.

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