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Which way is it???


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The top one. The cyberdemon shoots with his left hand.

Edited by paturn

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I thought "Well, the Cyberdemon is on the left of the screen in the Doom 2 title screen so that's the right one", then checked and he's on the right. There's some parallel universe stuff going on here.

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I was gonna say it could be either, but the Cyberdemon actually has a full set of 8 rotations. Neat.

Edited by Spie812

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The box art is the correct way but the title screen is flipped. That cyberdemon is very well done and matches the cyberdemon in the game.

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  On 11/20/2020 at 12:22 AM, Doomkid said:

The real giveaway is Brom’s signature, which is the right way in the top picture (although it’s been cropped in that particular iteration). For whatever reason, the art was indeed flipped for the title screen.


Here’s what the full piece looks like:





Seeing the full artwork really makes me appreciate it even more.

The starry, almost serene sky (wich due to being cropped in the regular covers , you can see much less of) contrasts uniquely with the bombed, hellish battlefield on the ground. The colors used make for a very atmospheric shot.


I always imagined fighting the Cyberdemon like this whenever I'm fighting (circle-strafing) one in the game.



Edited by OniriA

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  On 11/20/2020 at 12:22 AM, Doomkid said:

For whatever reason, the art was indeed flipped for the title screen.


It makes Doomguy more of a badass on the flipped version.


It's a subtle psychological trick. Since we read from left to right, it makes Doomguy the starting point and the cyberdemon the destination -- Doomguy is attacking that cyberdemon. On the original art, it's the other way around, Doomguy attempting to fend off an attacking cyberdemon.


Granted it doesn't apply to people who read from right to left; and it's also truer in comics where your eyes move from panel to panel than in single pictures where there's less assumed eye movement.

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That’s really interesting.. I just assumed I preferred the flipped version due solely to nostalgia for the title screen, had no clue there was anything else at play!

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  On 11/20/2020 at 12:22 AM, Doomkid said:

The real giveaway is Brom’s signature, which is the right way in the top picture (although it’s been cropped in that particular iteration). For whatever reason, the art was indeed flipped for the title screen.



Oh, I wonder if it is the same Brom that did some of my favorite magic cards of old? *checks the interwebs* yup, the same! A couple of my favorite :




Also, this implies some connection between MTG universe and Doom universe... Doomguy is a planeswalker confirmed! 


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Well if this was 1994 and I walked into a untidy game shop and noticed the box displaced on the shelf, then we must consider all positions as potentially accurate... 

Like say:


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I wonder if Gerald Brom was inspired by any existing works to create the Doom II cover art. Maybe it's just the style of it but I've seen art that is quite similar.

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  On 11/20/2020 at 4:56 PM, Buckshot said:

Well if this was 1994 and I walked into a untidy game shop and noticed the box displaced on the shelf, then we must consider all positions as potentially accurate... 

Like say:



I need to make a II DooW list

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  On 11/20/2020 at 5:31 PM, Buckshot said:

Holy shit, it actually does say "To Do"


Well, I think this is some sort of subliminal secret that we've uncovered here. WHAT DOES IT MEAN?!


To Do Ow

Doom 2 predicted Overwatch 22 years before it's release


Also, too much Doow, Moom and Dood and nobody is gonna talk about Wood?

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  On 11/20/2020 at 6:31 PM, ASD said:

I choose this way.



On second thought...



"By id." They're so keen to let you know they made this game.

Edited by Dark Pulse

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I just noticed that doomguy is going to die in the next few seconds after the event in the cover takes place. You want to know why.

He is going to bump into a wall with a cyberdemon in front of him.



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