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What do you consider to be the most annoying game mechanic?

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9 hours ago, Idiotinfrontofadesk said:

This can be for any genre of video game.


I have always found stun mechanics to be insanely infuriating to fight against, especially if the game you're playing, or the play style you're using heavily relies on movement. I'm somewhat fine when they slightly slow you down, but when they put you at a complete stop, that's enough for me to become an absolute faucet of fury.


When it comes to Fighting Games, one of the most annoying, if not most, annoying is SNK Boss Syndrome:



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sort of a weird example: games that DONT have some kind of dedicated melee button really frustrate me. it feels so janky to be shooting something thats like 1 foot away from you on a regular basis, in my opinion. 

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Forced cutscenes that you can’t skip. I watch cutscenes the first time I play, but after 100 times I’d like to be able to skip them all, but some games have forced cutscenes that can’t be skipped. 

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sort of a weird example: games that DONT have some kind of dedicated melee button really frustrate me. it feels so janky to be shooting something thats like 1 foot away from you on a regular basis, in my opinion.

Doom feels fine without it since it's never been part of it, but post-Duke3D, I never understood the lack of a melee. I know the mighty boot is technically a cheat and it looks moronic when you get Duke running around while both feet are in the air, but being able to kick something that's up in your face to get some distance before shooting always felt like a fantastic mechanic. It's pretty ubiquitous these days though right?

Edited by Doomkid

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1 minute ago, Gerolf said:

Forced cutscenes that you can’t skip. I watch cutscenes the first time I play, but after 100 times I’d like to be able to skip them all, but some games have forced cutscenes that can’t be skipped. 


Can second this actually.


Or unskippable dialogue so you have to relisten to everything all over again...

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Ability upgrades in FPS games (alt fire upgrade is fine).


I don't know why, it's just kind of like they want you to change your gameplay or whatnot. I guess it's a way to get around "basic game mechanics can't last the player the whole game, and you need to give the player a little bit of spice to keep them playing". For Classic Doom, the basic game mechanics are just so good IMO, which I can just play with it for such a long time (I prefer WADs without custom monsters and weapons too), but it seems ability upgrades are basically built into many variety of games nowadays.


Prodeus is a rare game with old school style and with no ability upgrades in it (but it's still in EA, so who knows :P). Of course, I'm not saying the game doesn't have other issues, but it's pretty clean in gameplay design.

Edited by GarrettChan

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Actually thinking about it, over tutorialing. Like it's nice to know some mechanics and how stuff works, but when it's restricting, and you're starting over again, it's a piss take.

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Another one I thought about was the “YOU ARE LEAVING THE COMBAT ZONE” crap. I have always found that to be lazy and cheap. At the very least they could make it seem like there are booby traps or snipers out that far, and you get insta-killed reaching the boundary with a cool death animation instead of just a stupid message and then a mission failed screen. 

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10 hours ago, Biodegradable said:

I've never been a fan of Regenerating Health as I feel it removes tension and breaks the pace of gameplay. Rather than becoming a daring challenge on low health, forcing you to change tactics in a desperate attempt to find more, all you have to do is sit behind a box for a few seconds and suck your thumb while your wounds heal. LAME.

I.... slightly disagree. 


In a game like Call of Duty where every enemy is a hitscanner or turret, the regenerating health acts as a buffer, unless you want to add a thousand health packs to every map.


Sure, you could say for Doom, there's hitscanners, and you don't have regenerating health, but in Doom you can predict that enemies location, unlike in Call of Duty or Battlefield. 


I'm not trying to defend those games or the mechanic, I'm just trying to give a reason as to why they're there.

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anything that forces you to take damage you don't deserve, to give a doom-specific example would be a damaging floor that you have to cross to get to the exit or the "leaky radiation suit". taking damage feels like something that should only happen by some fault of the player. i'd say secrets don't count since they're meant to be in places you wouldn't normally go

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When you can "lean" but its like, the camera moves exactly one inch and just tilts a little bit, making it 100% useless

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RNG. And A.I. 

I know they are controversial topics within this community and everybody's got different opinions on it. Like I do.

The only thing that truly makes me angry in games is RNG. No control over it, no skill required, just hoping the game doesn't screw you over.

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Unforgiving jumping accuracy. Maybe this is just a me thing, but 99% of fps games with a jump mechanic has a small window where jumping just doesn't register when trying to clear a ledge. And for whatever reason, my instinct for jump timing has always been off. Almost every time I run to a ledge and press jump I just fall off the ledge like the button didn't even register. More often than not I think that I jumped late or pressed jump after already clearing the ledge, but no, it's usually too early. I hate it.

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I might sound like a broken record, but open worlds. I hate, hate open worlds. And I hate Ubisoft.

I bought Assassin's Creed 1 on hype and I fell asleep, it's an decade-old experience that actually shaped me forever. Awful.


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I hate being punished for doing well
Mario Kart is a great example. The better you're doing, the harder you're attacked. Being in first place is a nightmare, and managing to win is a feat of luck way more than it has any right to be

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For me, looting is the absolute pits. I have a job already, ta.


Stalker + mods is a game I love despite this (it's mostly corpses and the odd stash). Fallout 3 is a game that I would have loved without it. Every accursed room was stuffed to the rafters with safes, desks, cupboards. Rifling around in every bit of furniture in sight is horrible lifewasting filler that, perhaps a fault of my own, I still end up doing compulsively.


The dopamine gaming of levelling and upgrading everything is also a pet hate. I liked it when it was mostly just in RPGs years back. They were much slower games, so IMO they benefited from the little bit of extra compulsive drive this mechanic gives you. These methods are so evidently psychologically addictive that in retrospect it's surprising they took as long to propagate as widely as they have.

Edited by holaareola

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Mandatory Turret sections in shooter games are perhaps my least favourite "mechanic", as you just sit in 1 place mowing down (weak) things with something that is too easy to control.

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- Regenerating health

- Stamina mechanics that seem to imply I am a lean mean killing machine with the athletic ability of someone whose idea of healthy eating means ordering Diet Coke with their nightly bucket of KFC instead of regular Coke.

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Item degradation/repair mechanics in ARPGs. Utterly pointless and only slows you down in a game that's supposed to be all about smash and bash.

The stamina bar in Diablo 2. What the fuck Blizzard

Edited by Bridgeburner56

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In a similar vein of speed reduction / stuns I'm not a fan of underwater segments. Slow, low mobility movement often with limited sight is just a chore. 

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I would have to go with crafting. It is quite a turn-off for me. Maybe it's because I have crap memory and can barely remember any recipes or the items needed. I thought I would have more to say about this, but I don't.

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NPC companions (or worse still, escort jobs) when the companion has the intelligence of a particularly stupid tree stump. Only games I can think of off the top of my head who had companions I enjoyed are Bioshock Infinite, Half-Life 2, Outer Worlds and Skyrim (specifically Serana, bonus mention to the Inigo mod).

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Auto-healing in fps, I think that it takes away the realism that for example Wolf 3D and DOOM had, on the other hand, in DOOM I hate that the mosnters are infinitely (IDK if that's how it's written) tall, it just drives me crazy.



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Usually it depends on the feel of the game and how well the mechanic is implemented but one I’ve always disliked is forced on-rails sections in FPS games and generally I dislike any time a game takes control away from the player.

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Excessive animations that do nothing but slow down gameplay. While I love Kingdom Come Deliverance the game did bother me with how many animations that were made for immersion reasons but instead took me out of the game. Trying to space myself just far enough from doors so Henry could properly open/close them or watching myself reach down and pick up every individual herb got old quick. Sure it may make the game seem more realistic but comes at the cost of adding tedium and jankiness.

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1 hour ago, :[Lol 6]: said:

Auto-healing in fps, I think that it takes away the realism that for example Wolf 3D and DOOM had

Wait, realism? i assume you mean health packs as realistic?


It's very realistic to get shot billion times just to rip a health pack and be as good as ever.

Or in the case of doom, Doomguy eats a fucking rocket like the absolute badass he is, umm... what's this? a weird orb with a strange face on it


yeah doesn't seem very realistic to me.


realism would be you get shot once maybe twice and you bleed to death in some corner because you are paralyzed by the pain

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Obligatory stealth sections in games not about stealth. Especially if theres some reward for doing it PERFECT, but its only used in this one spot, thus no time to practice, and bonus points if its buggy and people see you no matter what.


Second is Obligatory Fishing Minigame thats Hard As Balls, with all kinds of exclusive rewards attached.

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12 hours ago, Master O said:


When it comes to Fighting Games, one of the most annoying, if not most, annoying is SNK Boss Syndrome:



SNK Boss Syndrome? Pfft. Easy-peasy, once you can find a pattern that will cheese the boss.


On the other hand, when it's General Time, your ass is grass and he's the lawnmower, weed killer, earthquake, lava from the volcanic explosion, mile-thick ice, plate tectonics, transperambulation of the Earth into pseudo-cosmic antimatter...


How bad is he? This guy literally got the dev team fired because he tanked the game's revenue and is the reason mechanics like air blocking were INVENTED.



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