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How do I change level names for vanilla doom?


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I tried doing this and succeeded using Slade but it only worked for Gzdoom, and I want to make levels that are fully compatible with vanilla. When I used Chocolate Doom the level named was not changed, and still said "Nuclear Plant". I looked up tutorials and they were all very complicated and I was just wondering if there was a relatively easy way of changing level names that is compatible with vanilla source ports without taking extreme measures.  

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I have no idea what you tried, but map name actually exists in two forms, as a piece of text embedded in code (For automap), and as a picture (For intermission screen). The former is done by creating a DeHackEd patch and most ports can handle it embedded in the wad (Not sure about choko, since it's very faithful) the latter is done by just replacing CWILV sprites.


I think this topic covers it or some other nearby:


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I'm going to take a guess here, and assume you used MAPINFO to change the name of your map, which should work in GZDoom, Zandronum, etc...but not in source ports that are closer to Vanilla play.  If you want it to work in other ports, you should refer to ViolentBeetle's recommendation of Doomkid's video.  It's a slightly more involved process but will be overall more compatible.  

Edited by Kyukon

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