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[PRBoom-Compat] Unhallowed

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7 minutes ago, onetruepurple said:

Cool. This is the map that ukiro streamed some time ago, right?

I don't remember if he streamed it, but I do remember posting screenshots on his server when it was in development.

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Nice to see you posting here! Getting my ass kicked in return for the awe-inspiring visuals is almost worth it. Not my cup of tea though, but I'm still impressed of what you managed to crank out. Would be interesting to see speedrunners tackle on this!

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YAY! I've been dying to see this map out in the open and I'm so excited to see what everyone thinks :D (btw, HNTR is good for those who aren't slaughter superstars but still want some spice)

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This was a fun map to play based on setpiece combat and i quite enjoyed it, played it on UV so i had some trouble on some battles but overall i had a fun experience even if ammo was a bit tight at the start.

Overall i really enjoyed the map, great stuff and also this goes without saying but aesthetics and visuals are amazing

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I finished it and loved it! There wasn't really anything I didn't like. Visually I was reminded more of Death in Excess than Sunder. I would definitely play a larger WAD filled with maps like these.

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Please, Read this.


Well, I have come to see what this Wad is about, and since most of them have seen me in Posts related to this kind of things that are in Wads made to be challenging and that the user dies almost constantly, I have to suppose that some would come to see how I give a bad image to this work due to the difficulty it brings with it, because as it is already my nature to play Wads in UV difficulty, it would be the first thing I would criticize about the class of enemies that the mapper placed throughout the level, and that I would say a lot of things because of the choices I make during the course of the map, and that others would come to tell me about "do not feel ashamed to lower the difficulty if you feel that things they are being very hard for you", and other related things. Well, I mean, this time, my feeling for this Wad will be very different, and it really made it different for me.




Ultra-Violence || GZDoom || Vanilla_Ice



*Deaths: 23 (I no longer remember who it was that killed me, but the only thing to know is that they were demons) 

*Saves: 30 (Holy Molly)
























This map, I really liked how they have no idea, despite how frustrating it made me go through in certain parts of the map, the reality is that I could not be so angry with this Wad, simply because of the fact that it has a very good structure and quite variable architecture, with a lot of decorations and a very good way to progress in the level, there are quite a few locations to explore, and many of them are truly memorable, both visually and in the fighting themselves, and that's really good, for example, the intense start, the areas with the keys, and the areas that are at the end, among other locations, but another reason why I did not feel any discomfort with this Wad is due to the fact that there was I read in the post that it was mostly Slaughter encounters, and that I knew exactly what I was getting into, therefore, it would be my fault if I died many times, but despite the constant pain that I had to go through in many places, I must admit that it goes It was worth it, and a lot, as long as I had witnessed not only a really beautiful place, but also had a personality of its own, like the music that was played while it was played that was really relaxing, although the pain came almost immediately to The Marine, I really had a good game experience, a rare game experience to tell the truth, but it was extremely satisfactory, the end left me with a little memory of Eviternity, but everything was phenomenal anyway.


And about the difficulty? Well, the images themselves say it all, I do not have words to describe the pain suffered throughout the level, and I honestly do not want to remember much of what happened, haha




I found some bugs while I was playing:


1. There is a textural error in the part where the rock wall is descending towards the area where the red key is located, this appears in a part where the wall is descending.



2. There is the possibility that if you accidentally get off the platform that takes you up, to one of the combat zones that is almost reaching the end of the level, it may happen that the Marine will no longer be able to climb to this platform, because the same mechanism denies you access.



Edited by ElPadrecitoCholo

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Thanks for the review, Cholo! Glad you enjoyed the map even if it was challenging. :D

Also, the regarding the two issues you found:

1. In all of my testing and watching others test, I never saw someone being able to make it there fast enough to see the lack of textures in that area, so I never bothered to fix it since I assumed most players would never get there fast enough.

2. If you look to the left of this platform, right before the metal pillar, you'll see a switch that allows you to lower the platform again. It opens once you've walked into the platform.

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1 minute ago, CyanoBlugron said:

Thanks for the review, Cholo! Glad you enjoyed the map even if it was challenging. :D

Also, the regarding the two issues you found:

1. In all of my testing and watching others test, I never saw someone being able to make it there fast enough to see the lack of textures in that area, so I never bothered to fix it since I assumed most players would never get there fast enough.

2. If you look to the left of this platform, right before the metal pillar, you'll see a switch that allows you to lower the platform again. It opens once you've walked into the platform.


You're welcome Partner!


In the first, well, in my games, I always take my time to inspect details that occur on the maps, I really liked what I saw, besides that I was watching that of the error on the wall because before I got there, I had forgotten to press the switch that lowered it, and as it descended slowly, I waited for it to finish descending completely, and it was there that I realized that error was.


And regarding the second, the truth was I had not noticed that switch, because everything looked the same in the textures, besides that I was with a bit of adrenaline rush when I had taken that photo, haha, can you show me where is that button, mate?


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2 minutes ago, ElPadrecitoCholo said:


And regarding the second, the truth was I had not noticed that switch, because everything looked the same in the textures, besides that I was with a bit of adrenaline rush when I had taken that photo, haha, can you show me where is that button, mate?





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Playing on UV was a quite harsh experience, a lot of the earlier fights take place in very confined areas combined with rather strict resources, i had a hard time. Made it up to the blue key and realized this probably wouldn't end well. So it restarted on HMP and had a bloody enjoyable trip. Visually the map is really well designed, very appealing mix of nature/wood/marble elements with some moody lighting. Like mentioned before a lot of the earlier fights rely a lot on confined spaces, to the point where i was hoping this wouldn't be the case for the whole map. Gladly it's wasn't and later on you'll get rewarded with some really fun set pieces. I can definitely see a lot of Sunder influences in here, great map, bloody well done.



-detail is great but when it comes to floor detailing it often results in bumpy floors/ clunky movement, not very fun whilst trying to deal with a lot of mobs in a small room, same goes for those small wall/floor trims you've added in a lot of places - looks nice but doesn't favor gameplay very well

-Pain/Berserk Palette are rather ugly and jarring imo

-RK fight seemed surprisingly tame compared to everything before and afterwards

-found a few ways to cheese certain encounters like the Cyb/Imp hallway et cetera. see Demo

-this map really deserves a fancy title/interpic



unhallowed_TNq.zip Failed FDA/UV and First Exit/HMP


Edited by tourniquet

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played on hmp took a little less than 50 minutes, Damn beautiful map, played in one go :) I recommend it to everyone!

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Really fun stuff here! Died a handful of times on UV. Each fight had just the right amount of challenge where if I did end up dying, I was able to beat it the next time going in.

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Impressive work! It looked so good I had to stop after each combat to delight myself with the enviroment. Great set of combats, I loved the imp/archvile room, really frantic and fun. Never had problems with ammo or health, so balance was good. My only complaint is about secrets, not even 1 in this fantastic map.

Highly recommended experience.

Edited by Soulless

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UV with saves

Port: GLBoom+ -complevel 9

Total IGT: 0:56:02

Personal Difficulty Evaluation: 1.4 (1 = Plutonia, 2 = Ancient Aliens) (If no BFG, then it will go up to something like 2.2)

Personal Rating: 7.8 (out of 10)


A pretty fun slaughter-ish map with nice looking cave/outside environments. It's kind of funny that I didn't realize the BFG is unlocked after the Yellow Skull Key and I pretty fought the whole map without BFG, and it's actually pretty difficult to do this as the last second fight has a horde of Revs and later some AVs are released and you don't have a good way to deal with them quickly to clear up some space to maneuver.


The only slight complaint about the map is some fights (especially the last fight) are way too generous about space, so it renders the big fight a bit trivial. Other than that, the whole map is fun to play with and it's looking good to explore.


I think right now, going to Map02 after intermission screen will throw an exception for GLBoom+. Maybe it's good to fix this although it doesn't really matter.

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