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The 12 Days of DOOMMAS! December Speedmapping Event [WAD RELEASED]

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Gonna try this, though i'm not sure about how to measure time spent in builder. Is there any software maybe?

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29 minutes ago, 4MaTC said:

Gonna try this, though i'm not sure about how to measure time spent in builder. Is there any software maybe?


Pause it when you're not mapping, scripting, or playtesting. If you need to close the browser, write down the time you had somewhere on a piece of paper and then enter that time limit back into the stop watch.

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3 hours ago, aletheos eberlain said:

Just to clarify, when you say "your map can have no more or no less than X" what you mean is "your map must contain X"?


1 hour ago, Walter confetti said:

People have to add all the limitations or one they most like?

All the limitations, and they must constrain exact quantities of each. So exactly 5 arch viles, no more or no less

Edited by BluePineapple72

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I had not planned on participating this month, but.... I might not be able to resist.  And 400 cacodemons may "accidentally" show up to pull Santa's slay...(no spelling error there)

Edited by Steve88

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Honestly I feel this specific set of guidelines is going to make for some pretty sloggy maps


Four cyber demons and five Archviles in EACH map let alone NINE pain elementals with a ten sector limit. Ouch 


Maybe I'm wrong but that doesn't sound like it would be fun to make or play



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Map Name: Bloody Hell, It's Cold Out Here
Author: Dragonfly
Date: 01/12/20
Format: Limit Removing
Build Time: 2 Hours
Music: Icicles - Jimmy (James Paddock)
Editors Used: UDB, Slade



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1 hour ago, Clippy said:

Honestly I feel this specific set of guidelines is going to make for some pretty sloggy maps


Four cyber demons and five Archviles in EACH map let alone NINE pain elementals with a ten sector limit. Ouch 


Maybe I'm wrong but that doesn't sound like it would be fun to make or play


Not necessarily, each map will have a BFG so that should reduce much of the potential slog. Also mappers could elect to make some of the higher-tier monsters telefragable.


8 hours ago, RonnieJamesDiner said:


Mayhem 2020 was a 20 sector limit (Mayhem 2020... wink wink nudge nudge!) :D


There were a couple of maps in that megawad that were actually 10 sectors though, namely maps 18 & 24, both of which could be a good reference point as they do a lot with only 10 sectors.

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I just want to say I'm mildly twitchy about the fact that your list of items scans well with the original song until 2 and 1, when it just completely abandons the melody.  Not even any mention of what kind of tree the BFG is in?  For shame!


3 hours ago, Clippy said:

Honestly I feel this specific set of guidelines is going to make for some pretty sloggy maps


Four cyber demons and five Archviles in EACH map let alone NINE pain elementals with a ten sector limit. Ouch 


Maybe I'm wrong but that doesn't sound like it would be fun to make or play




Four cybers and five archviles can indeed be pretty sloggy by many folks' standards, but the sector limit shouldn't really factor into it.  If you're thinking that ten sectors means a broom-closet-sized map, you should look at some of these previous ten-sector projects, as many of the maps are surprisingly huge and intricate.

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Oh dam only ten sectors?

hmm this can work. 
I also really like the textures.
Im thinkin of a snow temple that collapses in a snow cave.

I dont know when I can get started mapping.

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3 minutes ago, Breezeep said:

Are we supposed to choose one of the 12 themes or use all of them when making our maps?

Use em all!


Check out Dragonfly's YouTube. They recently posted a timelapse wherein they organized all of the items needed to be used very neatly before beginning mapping. Doing this should help keeping track of your monster limits easier.

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Wait a tic, watching your playthrough pineapple and it's all wrong... LOL Fuck. So, so sorry about that. I left it like that to take a screenshot, didn't realised I'd saved it. If you (or anyone else for that matter) want to take another shot at it, the download link has been updated.

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53 minutes ago, jerrysheppy said:

I just want to say I'm mildly twitchy about the fact that your list of items scans well with the original song until 2 and 1, when it just completely abandons the melody.  Not even any mention of what kind of tree the BFG is in?  For shame!

♫ and a B F G in a pear dead tree ♪

oh, hey, it fits!


2 colored keycards?

Edited by aletheos eberlain
added keycards

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21 minutes ago, Dragonfly said:

Wait a tic, watching your playthrough pineapple and it's all wrong... LOL Fuck. So, so sorry about that. I left it like that to take a screenshot, didn't realised I'd saved it. If you (or anyone else for that matter) want to take another shot at it, the download link has been updated.

Ah! I was wondering why I was able to get to the exit so fast. I'll go ahead and record another playthrough since I have time.

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33 minutes ago, Dragonfly said:

Wait a tic, watching your playthrough pineapple and it's all wrong... LOL Fuck. So, so sorry about that. I left it like that to take a screenshot, didn't realised I'd saved it. If you (or anyone else for that matter) want to take another shot at it, the download link has been updated.


This version appears to be broken in complevel 2 despite being tagged as limit removing, as the first switch doesn't open the rock passages and causes a softlock. It works in complevel 9, though.

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Does drafting on paper count as mapping time? If so, I timed out an hour of that and have the basic layout sketched.

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1 hour ago, dach said:

Does drafting on paper count as mapping time? If so, I timed out an hour of that and have the basic layout sketched.

I would count it, especially if you stick to your draft to a tee. Good on ya for for timing what drafting time you did use 👍

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9 hours ago, BoxY said:

This version appears to be broken in complevel 2 despite being tagged as limit removing, as the first switch doesn't open the rock passages and causes a softlock. It works in complevel 9, though.


Seems S1 Lower to lowest floor doesn't work when all the sectors are merged together. So I guess I'll relabel this as Boom even though by all rights it shouldn't be Boom format. >:(



11 hours ago, BluePineapple72 said:

Playthrough of your fixed version @Dragonfly


Thank you! Interesting to know it's harder when played as intended, perhaps because the efficiency of the BFG is lowered when there's less targets clustered together..?


I've updated the map, changelog below:

Secret backpack + cells added (It's kinda rude in it's placement.)

Bullet ammo added

Geometry reworked slightly for better gameplay and visuals

Pickup placement tweaked

Health / Armor bonuses removed
Extra shotgun enemies added for a small surplus of extra ammo

Credits updated

Difficulty settings rebalanced



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3 hours ago, Dragonfly said:

I've updated the map, changelog below:

Secret backpack + cells added (It's kinda rude in it's placement.)

Bullet ammo added

Geometry reworked slightly for better gameplay and visuals

Pickup placement tweaked

Health / Armor bonuses removed
Extra shotgun enemies added for a small surplus of extra ammo

Credits updated

Difficulty settings rebalanced




Did you remove some zombiemen in order to keep 8 former humans on the map?


(I get how this can be confusing, since the rule states 8 former humans and in UDB, there is an enemy named former human, but the rule really should be 8 zombie hitscans or some shit. I can't change the wording since I am putting together a song.)


I am willing to change the rule to be just 8 regular ol zombie men if you don't want to make a fourth update and if the rule is too confusing.

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