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How do I make a cage as a door?


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I already know, if you use a transparent texture in the middle, you can shoot through it. My question is, how do I turn a cage like that, and make it a door?

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You don't add upper texture and offset middle texture so it's drawn over upper. I can never remember if it's 128 or -128. It should work in Doom and in boom you can use "create fake floor and ceiling" effect to make it transparent for good.

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If mapping for UDMF, it's much simpler. In my own maps, I've made a very thin sector like a <l> shape with the mid texture as the l. Then join both sides of the midtex and give the sector a tag and give the midtex the walkable flag and projectiles pass through. Then you can give the line an action to raise the ceiling to "open" it.

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