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What's The Worst Doom Map To You


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^ 'I Sawed the Demons' makes E2M1 memorable to me

Edited by paturn

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I'd say The Pit is the official map I dislike the most. It just feels like such a slog, and it's full of ambushes that feel more annoying than exciting. And most of the "secrets" are just ambush rooms, so they're not even worth seeking out unless you're a completionist.

It doesn't help that it comes right on the heels of Tricks and Traps, which is easily one of my favorite official levels.

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E3M8, it is very misleading. You can beat it easily, especially if you have the BFG from previous levels. Just run up to the spider mastermind and shoot her directly with the BFG!

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15 minutes ago, pcorf said:

E3M8, it is very misleading. You can beat it easily, especially if you have the BFG from previous levels. Just run up to the spider mastermind and shoot her directly with the BFG!

That's one map that plays a lot better if you're running Project Brutality. They increase the Spiderdemon's hit points substantially, so it can take several BFG shots without dying. Plus between the fact that the Spiderdemon can insta-kill you by stomping on you at close range, and that they've changed the way the BFG works so it does splash damage instead of relying on tracer rays for its AOE, and you can't just charge up and blast the crap out of it anymore. On the flip side, the mod removes hitscan effects, so the Spiderdemon can't just instantly shred you with its chain gun the minute it lays eyes on you like it can in vanilla Doom. With all the changes, it's a very different fight.

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On 12/1/2020 at 10:46 AM, The BMFG said:

the worst doom map to me is downtown what about you?

My first map, it's way too short and it's very basic, but it's the first map i made and it's got le sentimental value.

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  • 5 weeks later...

None?  For me, even levels that i don't particularly like aren't bad, they all have an idea and unique design, and i can appreciate them for those.


i've watched Clippy play through some really funny levels from here, where the design is just "awful" by normal standards, looking like they put about 10 minutes of work in, but even in those the creativity and the unique design ideas have merit to them.


If i made a level, i'd be tempted to make some kind of long-winding maze of monotonous tunnels as the first one, something really outrageous that would piss a lot of people off (not intentionally but i know it would happen), and make it somehow interesting.  Often things that we don't like should challenge our way of thinking and looking at things... but nothing wrong if that's not what you want out of Doom, either!


It really is all good to me!

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I might be the only person who thinks the city levels in doom 2 are the most fun part of the game, due to their non-linearity. (Except Tenements — I generally dislike maps with a lot of lava pits and enemies in high/low places. But the advent of free-look makes the latter less of a problem now)


I’d have to go with “Grosse” for just being boring. Or E4M1 for its tedium.

Edited by Sigh Man Vanz

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On 12/4/2020 at 6:03 PM, Noiser said:

As other people already said, Fortress of Mystery was created as a puzzle map - for the first time the focus was using infighting to win. It may look silly and irrelevant nowaydays, but at the time I think it was a neat concept for a secret level. To help the player figure it out what to do, there are also hints showing that the two factions hate each other (dead cacos on the baron room, hanging barons on the caco room). I always found that pretty cool!


Tbh, I didn't even notice those hints, and cleared the level with no infighting. It didn't even cross my mind. But I also went into the level with a pretty full arsenal, so it was simply a matter of clearing down each group of monsters. I don't remember there being a time when I had the barons and cacos 'activated' simultaneously.


As for disliked level(s): E3M1 for pistol killing 2 cacos on UV. E4M1 for American McGee being dickish and giving almost no health bonuses on UV.

Edited by Rytrik

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