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WADs that use default Doom 2 textures?


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I tried searching the forum but no avail. Any wads or megawads that use default Doom 2 textures?


I'm using a Christmas themed mod for Doom 2 textures that @Doomkid recommended a while back on a server, it's really fun. So far I've hosted it with Maps of Chaos Overkill (Yea, yea I know) and Hell Revealed 2.

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There's a dozen custom textures in Going Down, but they're used so sparingly that they're generally not noticed.


Warphouse is stock texture only and I can only wonder how it looks when it's Christmas-themed.


Three's a Crowd only replaces the skies and the Wolfenstein textures, the rest is stock. So if your Christmas texture pack doesn't change the Wolf textures, you can use it on 3IAC.

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2 hours ago, Gez said:

There's a dozen custom textures in Going Down, but they're used so sparingly that they're generally not noticed.

Oh yeah of course, I do suddenly recall there were a couple in the final level alone.

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Even wads that have only a handful of custom textures react well to it, other than the odd seam (which exists in most maps even without custom texture usage). Here's a handful of oldies that should do the trick:










This is just a small and random smattering of what I can remember off the top of my head.


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3 hours ago, Doomenator said:

I'm sure, oblige map generator is a good fit for this too.

When was the last time someone played an oblige map for anything other than novelty? I guess they technically count for this list but I don't see any reason for playing them.

Edited by N1ck

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Thanks for the replies everyone, I'll look into trying some of these for my Christmas season co-op server.

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4 hours ago, Doomenator said:

I'm sure, oblige map generator is a good fit for this too.

I swear to god it used a different texture for the Icon of Sin? Unless it now uses the stock textures.

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1 hour ago, JXC said:

Is it any good?


I personally enjoyed most of it, generally speaking, difficulty is not higher than doom 2, aesthetics are simple and solid, pistol starts are manageable aside from hitscan abundance relative to the health you find, if you're into all of that then it could be good.

Edited by galileo31dos01

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2 hours ago, Salahmander2 said:

I swear to god it used a different texture for the Icon of Sin? Unless it now uses the stock textures.

The same stock texture only from Freedoom. It doesn't affect anything. There may be problems with other patches, but nothing critical.

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