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What is a 'Terry WAD'?


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Heard this term thrown around a couple times lately, never fully understood what it meant. Is 'Terry' short for 'terrible'? Or something else?

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"Terry is a pseudonym for a group of Doom mappers known for creating a genre of maps called "Terrywads". Terry debuted with UAC Military Nightmare and has since released a stream of single level wads utilizing the "terry trap" - a Doom map equivalent of an Internet screamer. Because of this, many community members consider this collective identity to be one of the worst wad authors in existence."

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They're levels which seem ordinary at first, but turn into something stupid with scripting fuckery when you go a bit into them . Usually looping some annoying sound while the screen is flooded with sex and toilet jokes :p

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It's like Plutonia, except the death traps are replaced by 'rape' traps

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The Doom WAD equivalent of a Rick-Roll, basically. Except instead of being forced to briefly listen to the 1987 classic, you were subjected to painfully-unfunny, tryhard, early-2000s edgelord memery filled with ear rape and shock humour.

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11 hours ago, OpenRift said:

Is 'Terry' short for 'terrible'


Yes I guess it is.

Edited by ReaperAA

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Basically, imagine John Romero (or at least a hundred clones of his severed head on a stick) really making you their bitch.

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@DownloadTheseSweetViruses knows


Is basically a wad that seems normal but in certain moment you go into a terry trap, usually with carnevil's face rooms, flashing colors and very loud sounds, and messages everywhere on screen saying rape-related things


believe me or not, there are terry megawads (eg B4NM.wad)


And the obligatory aquarius199 video here:


Edited by URROVA

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For someone that know's so much about DeHacked patches and WADs in general im actually quite surprised you know nothing about a Terrywad.

Imagine this:


Times this:


There is your Terrywad.

Are you laughing?

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Recipe for a terry wad: 


1>Make a map that looks nice and put effort into it, showing you have potential but choose not to use it. 


2>Make the next room open into a room with some dillweeds face or some explict images plastered everywhere 


3> scream really loudly into the mic and put text that says some obscene stuff that I can't post here on doomworld. 


Cook until it's burnt and force it into the gullet of the idgames archive and done. 

Edited by DoomedFox

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Im sorry you had to ask. Studies show that knowing about Terry wads decrease life span by 10%

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Imagine the people that downloaded those WADs that don’t know much about how to use certain features like the map view or they don’t bother to check monster counts amongst other things before booting it up.

You start some of those maps and they look like any other level, then you open a door and suddenly “I’M GONNA RAPE YOUR BUTT” or something similar is displayed through an in-game message or even heard through an audio file, sometimes it’s both... then you are dead before you know it. You try again thinking this is just simply not possible. You must’ve found some secret Easter egg, but the second attempt leaves you more dead than before. You have been given the Doom equivalent to a Rick Rolling. You downloaded a Terry WAD. 

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Shitty troll wads usually featuring Carnevil, Santa, etc. that only get made to this day because of the attention people give them.

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 MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM? Have I been summoned by the one known as @URROVA this very minuteness? Well time to explain to you who is terrence and what  his wads are, some are bad and poorly thrown together sure, but we got such masterpieces like B4NM that are truly fun to play, the bosses are just potrayals of big boy community members like Linguica, Grazza, Bloodshedder, pcorf and most notably Carnevil/Caloobi. Some bosses are just strange miscellaneous characters, like Tito from Rocket Power, Romero-Leader and (my favorite) Albert 400. These bosses try to "rape" you and if you go through a fake door/hallway you get sent into a terry trap. Which is a trap where loud sounds play and vulgar messages riddle your screen, (mostly ones describing how much they enjoy violating your snap). Now again some are great and others are complete garbage, and if you want to try them go for it! I found most of them through Aqua's videos. But be warned once you go in, there will be no truly will away anymore! 


Hope this helps,





Edited by DownloadTheseSweetViruses

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2 hours ago, Redneckerz said:

For someone that know's so much about DeHacked patches and WADs in general im actually quite surprised you know nothing about a Terrywad.

I really don't know that much about dehacked patches and WADs in general if I'm being completely honest. I just know stuff about certain WADs and stuff I guess.

But yes, everyone knows the Tim Allen WAD.

Edited by OpenRift

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Usually they start off looking okay until suddenly you are warped into some crazy flashing room often textured in SOMEMONG with crazy sounds plus silly messages often making fun of homosexuality (rape your ass, etc).

Edited by pcorf

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My view of Terry WADs :

It usually starts off normal and suddenly you get warped to a room that contains flashing imagery, weird and silly messages and crazy sounds that are so bad you might need a Medal of Honor if you survived playing through a Terry WAD while wearing headphones and volumes set to maximum *or you might of killed your ear drums by then*.

Edited by Baratus II

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On 12/4/2020 at 2:31 AM, Doomkid said:

Dang, I had no idea people were still this obsessed with terrywads


I am not. Honestly, why can't terry wads just die already. There is nothing funny about them and most of them have toilet jokes, while some of the worst have malicious content in them.


In the past, I used to watch Aquarius199 from time to time but I don't watch him anymore. All his videos do is give attention to terry wads.

I am glad that they were put in a separate "Terrywad" category in idgames archives by the late Ty Halderman and further strict measures were taken by Bloodsheddder and Eric Baker. According to Doomwiki: Ty received anonymous threats via email stating that he should "cut it out or face the consequences." Shitty authors of shitty wads.


I say that Terry wads should be outright banned from idgames.

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A more interesting topic would be Gamarra WADs, though truly understanding them requires some context and inside knowledge of Doomworld.

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I wonder if it would be worth it to take all the Terry wads and pull the bullshit out, tune them up and make them actual playable and fun maps.  Then we can just delete the shit sandwich with no bread that is the Terry files.  

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