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How to play non-IWAD wad files with PK3 mods?


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I need some help here. For reference, I use both GZDoom and Zandronum

I want to try playing a wad file using the PK3 mod "Death 4 Told" (A Doom 2 to Doom 2016 modifier mod), and I wanna play it on several wad maps.However, turns out I can only play them on those listed as IWAD's. I've seen videos of people successfully playing their mods onto non-iwad wad files, and I wanna do the same thing too, I just don't know how. How should I do it? 

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Have you tried to drag and drop both the pk3 file and your PWAD on the GZDoom icon? This should work, not sure however...and I don't have other ideas.

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Just now, Simomarchi said:

Have you tried to drag and drop both the pk3 file and your PWAD on the GZDoom icon? This should work, not sure however...and I don't have other ideas.

I haven't tried that. But how do I do that exactly?

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Just like you would put 2 different files in the same folder, with the difference that the folder is the GZDoom icon.

You can "draw" a square around your 2 files, holding the left button of your mouse, or you can select both of them by pressing the left button on the first one, then press ctrl and then left click on the second one.


Once you have done one of those 2 things you simply drag the file on the GZDoom icon and that's it

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Just now, Simomarchi said:

Just like you would put 2 different files in the same folder, with the difference that the folder is the GZDoom icon.

You can "draw" a square around your 2 files, holding the left button of your mouse, or you can select both of them by pressing the left button on the first one, then press ctrl and then left click on the second one.


Once you have done one of those 2 things you simply drag the file on the GZDoom icon and that's it

Oh ok. Thanks 

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