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How to record at 60fps in PrBoom+?

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Somehow I can't cope with it and I don't know what to do next. Can someone advise me? Does that have to do with the program mkvtoolnix-gui.exe?


The code in .cfg

"x264 -o output.264 --crf 22 --muxer auto --demuxer raw --input-csp rgb --input-depth 8 --input-res 1280x720 --fps 35 -"

"x264 -o output.264 --crf 22 --muxer auto --demuxer raw --input-csp rgb --input-depth 8 --input-res 1280x720 --fps 60 -" (doesn't work because video will just run faster)


Edited by CrazyDoomguy

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Install PrBoom+ or 1.7 to be able to record in 60 fps.


If you choose 1.7 - you'll have to look for recent builds where a video capture configuration looks like that:

# Video capture encoding settings
cap_soundcommand          "ffmpeg -f s16le -ar %s -ac 2 -i - -c:a libopus -y temp_a.nut"
cap_videocommand          "ffmpeg -f rawvideo -pix_fmt rgb24 -r %r -s %wx%h -i - -c:v libx264 -b:v 90M -y temp_v.nut"
cap_muxcommand            "ffmpeg -i temp_v.nut -i temp_a.nut -c copy -y %f"
cap_tempfile1             "temp_a.nut"
cap_tempfile2             "temp_v.nut"
cap_remove_tempfiles          1
cap_fps                      60 <-- this is where the actual 60 fps can be set

Then you'll have a choice between x264.exe and ffmpeg.exe for video encoding. ffmpeg works faster. I can't explain it well. Read here for more info.


If you choose 1.5, then the configuration will be almost the same as you've shown in your post, but I believe there is another argument where you enter the framerate for your videos, but it's not --fps.

Also, your --crf value is too high. Switch it something like 4 or 5 to have some kind of a decent quality.

Edited by Dimon12321
The headline has been clarified. Good!

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I have installed and filled ffmpeg (correct code like here), oggenc2 and mkvmerge. It creates demos without any problems, but I can't create videos. I get output.ogg. Did I do something wrong or do I have to adjust something?


Edited by CrazyDoomguy

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