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The DWIronman League dies to: Eviternity


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Haha very cool choice. I know I will be busy this week-end. :p


Also I never finished Eviternity , so it could be a good occasion to beat it , but I fear the cybruisers.

Edited by Roofi

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Status: Map 1 to Map 10 completed

Demo: Evitdemo1.zip (Category 2)

Time taken: 1:22:35


Completed the first 2 episodes. Nothing too hard in these 10 maps and fairly easy even if blindly played. Only Map05 can be challenging for someone who doesn't know about its traps.


I will start from Map11 either tomorrow or in upcoming days.

Edited by ReaperAA

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Looking forward to some fantastic and frantic runs this months.

Edited by tmorrow
posted to wrong thread

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Category 3 run, died on map 9 to a Nightmare Pinky.


I got irritated and made some bad decisions in a few seconds. Death swiftly followed. Oh well.


Also gonna petition for either @NaZa to rediscover his interest in the Ironman League to have the threads come out on the first of each month going forward like he did for the first 7 months of 2020 (and the rest of his tenure), or for somebody else to take over the running of the Ironman League. Having two "guest" thread authors need to make the monthly post (after waiting 10 days on both occasions, here and back in October) within the last 3 months is unacceptable considering the consistency of this fine thing over the last 4 years.


As somebody who has participated (and enjoyed being involved) in every single Ironman League over the last 4 and a 1/2 years, I don't particularly want to see the Ironman League just die off.


EDIT: It seems that @NaZa has made his decision regarding the Ironman League (and his general community involvement), which he mentioned on my stream just now. I'll leave it to him to explain the details, I guess.

Edited by Suitepee

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Category 2, died near the end of map09

Didn't even get to the good levels >:(
I may be too hardwired for uv-max to be any good in this comp :/
Rotating posters would lead to some interesting picks. Haven't been around long enough to have any thoughts on it.

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6 hours ago, Daerik said:

I also second having someone else take over the ironman, rotating people who've expressed interest about posting threads such as @Roofi @ReaperAA @Bdubzzz could make for an interesting year.


I think this is a good idea. Personally speaking, I am not in the mood of completely taking charge of ironman threads all by myself. But I can definitely consider this if managing ironman threads is divided among the interested players.


@akolai Welcome to DWIronman League. Hope you enjoy participating. While, UV-maxing is unnecessary, atleast finding secrets is still useful as they can improve your chances of getting further or even surviving a mapset.

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Category 2, I've played the first seven maps before. After that, it's a blind run. Died on map11. A separate demo was recorded for each 5-map episode. The first episode was done in 45:24, and the second was done in 1:13:41, so the total time for completion of maps 1-10 is 1:59:05. On map11, I died at around 13:05, so the total time for this run is 2:12:10.



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On 12/11/2020 at 4:06 PM, ReaperAA said:

Status: Map 1 to Map 10 completed

Demo: Evitdemo1.zip (Category 2)

Time taken: 1:22:35


Completed the first 2 episodes. Nothing too hard in these 10 maps and fairly easy even if blindly played. Only Map05 can be challenging for someone who doesn't know about its traps.


I will start from Map11 either tomorrow or in upcoming days.


AAAAND I am dead on Map14.


Demo: Evitdemo2.zip (Category 2)

Time taken reach Map14: 39:46


Total time of both demos = 2:22:21


Well what can I say. I was really doing pretty good throughout the demo with health rarely dropping below 100. I also had Map14 almost beaten but a certain cybruiser had to ruin my day. My 120-ish health/120-ish armor brought to zero by a single rocket. Kinda disappointed that I didn't reach Map15 and its epic fight.


Another fun fact: The was a megasphere near me that I didn't pick because I was saving it for the end.

Edited by ReaperAA

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Pretty excited about this one! I'll see and try to make a video for it.

On another note. Kinda excited about the future of the Ironman now that it seems like is going to have different hosts, which might add some nice variety.

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Category 2. I playtested the wad, during the development, and after the first public release. I tried to UV-Max each level, and recorded as one single demo file, not separated runs.


Died on MAP15, with the total 2:31:52 recording time. The 1HP clutch from MAP14 only extended my life for one level: ironman_anta_eviternity.zip

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There has been an atmosphere of burnout around here for the last several months and I was expecting this Ironman league to quietly fade away after the end of this year.


The idea of multiple hosts to share the burden is something I hadn't considered and is an interesting alternative.


Type 2 demo: I've played through the whole thing already if my taking over the megaWAD club topic wasn't enough of a clue.  Only one demo as I choked on map 5 trying to take out the archvile first.  It's a very long demo for the maps covered.  Ended map 2 with 0 armor.  Went in circles on map 3 for quite a while before finding the path forward.  Thought I'd softlocked myself on map 4 (which would have been a more amusing way to end the run) after a charging lost soul triggered a lock-in with me outside it.


PrBoom+ -complevel 11




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dead at map02 with 57/95 monsters dead.. 

category 2, I've played it all (but never in UV). Gzdoom 4.4.2.

Will upload the demo shortly. 


command line :

gzdoom.exe -iwad Doom2.wad -file Eviternity.zip -complevel 11 -skill 4 -record KAL_eviternity.lmp



Edited by kalaeth
adding version of GZDoom to post too

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@kalaeth Welcome to DWIronman League. Hope you enjoyed participating.


Since I believe this is your very first Ironman run, I'll be lenient here and accept your run. However, for future runs, note that demo files (.lmp files) are only accepted in case of conservative demo compatible ports like PrBoom+,GLBoom+, Eternity, Crispy etc.


If you are using GZDoom, then you are required to record a video or provide a stream of your run. This is because of at least 2 reasons:


- Firstly, GZDoom has stuff like dynamic lights and brightmaps, which can give advantage to the player (like sometimes dynamic light of glowing item leaking from a secret wall) and thus should be turned off. Unfortuantely whether dynamic light and brightmaps were enabled or not cannot be checked by the demo .lmp file as far as I know. This is mentioned in "Rules" at OP:


No cheat codes and no features that result in behavior beyond what is possible in the intended source port (e.g. freelook, jumping and crouching in a boom set). This includes dynamic lights and brightmaps. If streaming or recording videos using an advanced source port with compatibility options, you must display these settings on-screen before your run. In ZDoom derivative ports, "Doom/Boom(strict)" will suffice.

- Secondly, people tend to use different versions of GZDoom and since demos are not compatible between the different versions, it is quite a hassle to install a particular version of GZDoom just to check a demo. So it is generally discouraged to provide just the .lmp files (and no video) in case of (G)ZDoom runs.

You also didn't mention which version of GZDoom you used, so I going to assume that it the current latest version (4.5.0). In case you used different version, plz mention it.

Edited by ReaperAA

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5 minutes ago, ReaperAA said:

@kalaeth Welcome to DWIronman League. Hope you enjoyed participating.


if you are using GZDoom, then you are required to record a video or provide a stream of your run. This is because of at least 2 reasons:

You also didn't mention which version of GZDoom you used, so I going to assume that it the current latest version (4.5.0). In case you used different version, plz mention it.


Oh, ups, I missed that. Hum, gotta see how to record a video if I participate again then. (or get another sourceport).

And I forgot to mention the version of GZdoom, yes, it's 4.4.2

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Well, that didn't go well at all... But, it's a start, and I am definitely not cut out for any sort of Ultra Violence playthroughs (even of maps I know well). It was fun and something to do. I'll be back next month to give it another bash I think. Eventually, with this, the WADZine Endurance, and enough random maps (plus FreeDoom speedrunning) I might eventually get good enough to put something together! :D

Died on map 1, 3m25s in, with 39 kills made.

Definitely a first playthrough. Using dsda-doom.

Twitch VoD here: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/840553628
Demo attached (with advanced HUD screenshot)



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Dead on MAP05, category 2; I worked on this. Haven't played Doom in quite a while so I'm kinda happy to have just made it past map01 lol but I wish I had at least cleared the first chapter. Wireless mouse/keyboard started acting up which completely distracted me and so I made some real 5Head moves :)



* Zombie gets gibbed by an imp at the start of MAP02

* Non-berserk fist fight with a hell knight on MAP03

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(Category 1, recorded in PrBoom+

Dead in Map01; chewed up by hitscanners while trying to push through the mobs. Cool level in how the monster density applies a sustained pressure - it's nice that the low-tier monsters get a chance to seem menacing for once. I'll have to give E1 an actual playthrough sometime.

Edited by head_cannon

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@MxCraven @head_cannon Welcome to DWIronman League. Hope you guys enjoy participating.


@Eris Falling I am glad to see you participate. A shame you didn't get further because your mouse/keyboard screwed you up. But I am still waiting Dragonfly to hopefully die on one of his own maps participate in this ironman.


Also I will update the leaderboard in the weekend.

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3 hours ago, ReaperAA said:

Also @Eris Falling I notice you didn't disable dynamic lights during your run :p

I'll let go this time, but in future, make sure to disable them.


On jeudi 10 décembre 2020 at 7:14 PM, ReaperAA said:

December, 2020






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Here is my Category 1 run.


Yes, Category 1. I've never played Eviternity before.


Yes, I watched bits of a few different streams back when Dragonfly was making it, but those maps were all of the later levels, which I never reached. I saw about 10 or 15 seconds of Map 01 with Dragonfly and Bridgeburner and Liberation playing co-op back in 2018, but I didn't see much of the map. Certainly none of the traps and I don't remember seeing anything particular noteworthy regarding progression. If you want to re-christen this a Category 2 run, so be it, but as far as I'm concerned, this run of Eviternity was blind.


I generally don't do well on blind runs, so I'm pleasantly surprised with my performance.


Dead on Map 03

Kills: 27/87

Time: 27:22

Recorded: PrBoom+ v.




What can be said about Eviternity that hasn't already been said? This was one of the most anticipated releases of late 2018 and when the bugs were fixed in 2019, it was hailed as a fantastic achievement, and for good reason. The level design is great. The encounters are well-done. The ammo and health are well-balanced, at least through what I played. The use of OTEX adds to the aesthetic flair, to be sure, but even with stock textures, I think these maps would still be good and fun to play. I enjoyed myself and am looking forward to going back through for a Category 3 run later this month. There are a few times that I think I will let discretion be the better part of valor--that way I may exit Map 02 with some ammo. Despite the joy of starting Map 03 with absolutely zero ammo (although the level design still allowed for me to get a toehold), I think it might be nice to have something to shoot with to start.

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