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The DWIronman League dies to: Eviternity


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1 hour ago, Daerik said:

Either '-complevel 11' isn't being passed as a parameter or you have 'Dead players can exit levels' turned off in the doom compatibility settings.


XDRE reports that they are complevel 17 demos, so most likely it's the former that happened. I'm posting this to help with troubleshooting, definitely not to cast aspersions; forgetting to set the correct complevel is an easy mistake to make.

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 Lucky me found this just on the last day!  Long time lurker, haven't played Doom since the 90s until about 6 months ago or so.  i never play UV generally.  And never played this WAD before.


Standard 1 - Death: Level 1 - 30 kills!


Died for my own stupidity, but the Spectre i absolutely couldn't see was a bit unfair.  Think if i hadn't been so nervous about playing on UV, i would've got a bit farther.  It actually didn't seem that difficult....


Oh well, still good fun!, and will happily participate again. 


Edited by dei_eldren

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I suppose I should post, since I did a run. It was on stream but the video expired, and it's not exactly entertaining anyway. I hadn't played any doom since the summer and I've always been terrible, but made it to map03. Died to a spectre as my settings made them almost entirely invisible. prboomplus cl11


Standard, category 2.


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Nice to see you participate ukiro. Shame you didn't get far because of struggling to see spectres.


I welcome Rotwang and dei_eldren to DWIronman League. Hope you guys enjoyed participating.


I also have an announcement. I have extended the deadline by 2 more days (to 7th Jan) due to my RL commitments.

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50 minutes ago, ReaperAA said:

I welcome Rotwang and dei_eldren to DWIronman League. Hope you guys enjoyed participating.


Thanks - yeah, i think this is a good way of doing something challenging i wouldn't normally do, to get some experience and find new WADs to play.  As a result of this, am gonna play through Eviternity on HMP, because frankly, this WAD looks gorgeous and feels great.


Look forward to this month's new challenge.


Thanks also to the folks who encouraged me (despite my result!) by liking my first post!

Edited by dei_eldren

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Category 2, Dead on Map 32


I know the early maps very well in Eviternity as I somewhat recently did Episode UV-Speed for E1 and E2 (Maps 1 - 10) and was routing 11 to 15 but never got around to finishing that for Movie month. Besides that I have done UV-Maxes for all the Maps except 31 and 32 which clearly shows since I died to something on 32 that should of been easy to deal with if I knew it was coming. (an annihilator :p ) Probably should of just skipped the secret maps since I think I would of stood a good chance to survive the rest of the wad, o well.



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OK so the deadline is over. I will post the scores and the top 10 Ironmen of the year 2020 within a few hours.

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Firstly I would like to congratulate @Daerik for winning their first Ironman challenge. Annihilators on Map23 prevented from surviving the wad, but it was an impressive run nonetheless, especially the Map32 stretch. A well deserved victory.


And now with that being said, here is the finalized Ironman Leaderboard sheet for 2020.


The top ten performers of the year are:


10th - SSGmaster

9th - Suitepee

8th - Daerik

7th - dt_
6th - Naza
5th - Arbys550
4th - ReaperAA
3rd - Beginner
2nd - Roofi
1st - Bdubzzz

Congrats to all the top tens and especially @Bdubzzz for winning this year's Ironman. Despite their absence from October's challenge, their performance has been exceptional enough to more than make up for it. Even on their worst performance on June, they still got a score of 79,175 out of 100000.


And with this, the Ironman League finally say goodbye to 2020. Since Naza has retired from organizing the Ironman League, the Ironman challenges will be hosted by multiple authors (different author on a different month).


I will be organizing January's Ironman (I will make the thread tomorrow), while February's Ironman will be hosted by someone else. 

Edited by ReaperAA
Fixed some slight errors in the excel file. The top 10 scores are still the same so no issues.

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