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Some new info (taken from the Polish mag)


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Ok, I decided to post this in a new thread, as I wanted more people to see this. The text for the most part mentions things most of us already know about Doom 3, but I did manage to find some gems here and there:

-The Doom 3 logo we've all seen is NOT the final version
-TrueForm (an option exclusive to newer ATI cards) will not be implemented
-The text mentions an interesting smoke particle system. The author describes a scene in which the doom guy fires a rocket through a small column of smoke and the smoke actually swirls around the rocket and then slowly fades away (the swirl that is)!
-It is not certain if Trent Reznor will continue to work on sounds/music for D3 (even though he did all the audio work for the alpha version).
-In addition to the "familiar" monsters (ex. imp, pinky, etc) the iD team will create new enemies "which will surely become classic."
-The BFG and the Chainsaw WILL be available (for the player to use)
-There will be around 30 levels total
-The text mentions that the game will take place on Mars - there's no mention of Hell/Phobos/Deimos/etc.
-Outdoor levels might not be implemented; it is still undecided.
-A proper multiplayer system will be most likely be worked on and implemented after the game ships.
-The Doom movie should be out in 2004 (if all goes well)
-You will meet several NPCs along the way (most likely scientists, etc)

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HateFactor said:

-The Doom movie should be out in 2004 (if all goes well)

Huh? As far as I know, no studio as of late has picked up the rights to it, so if they're hoping for a 2004 release, that's going to be one QUICK production...

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Lot's of contradictions compared to other articles lately, which said there would definitely be outdoor-levels for example. I'm a little confused.

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Prime said:

Huh? As far as I know, no studio as of late has picked up the rights to it, so if they're hoping for a 2004 release, that's going to be one QUICK production...

Apparently the rights have been picked up by Warner.

Disorder said:

Lot's of contradictions compared to other articles lately, which said there would definitely be outdoor-levels for example. I'm a little confused.

Quote: "We are planning on making several outdoor levels. I don't want to mention the exact number of outdoor and indoor levels we have, since I don't want to spoil the player's fun. I can admit however, that implementing outdoor levels is not on our priority list. If they'll be expendable (ie. won't add to plot development, etc), we will not include them in the game. We don't want to implement them purely because it's the 'fashionable' thing to do now."

T. Willits

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HateFactor - Awesome job, thanks for the info.

Alientank - Bah. Hell could be made shit-scary by being in dark, enclosed spaces. But yea, I think there should be a couple of outdoor areas in hell.

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HateFactor said:
-The text mentions an interesting smoke particle system. The author describes a scene in which the doom guy fires a rocket through a small column of smoke and the smoke actually swirls around the rocket and then slowly fades away (the swirl that is)!

This sounds really cool.

-It is not certain if Trent Reznor will continue to work on sounds/music for D3 (even though he did all the audio work for the alpha version).

Bah :-(

-A proper multiplayer system will be most likely be worked on and implemented after the game ships.


-The Doom movie should be out in 2004 (if all goes well)

Bah, bah and BAH! /me sneaks into Hollywood and sabotages their studios.

Anyways, thanks a bunch Hatefactor.

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Good job HateFactor!

-In addition to the "familiar" monsters (ex. imp, pinky, etc) the iD team will create new enemies "which will surely become classic."

Can`t wait = )

-A proper multiplayer system will be most likely be worked on and implemented after the game ships.


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"HOOOYAAAAA!!!" Wait-a-min! That's a SEAL war cry! I Mean "OOPPPAAAAAAA!!!" This is JUICY info!! Doom3 not being the final logo? should've known. How can you call a retellin of DOOM1 D3? makes no sence. Smoke particle system, Good! Outdoor levels, Hope so, but limited. Several NCP's. HOTDAMN!! Can't wait to see the rest of DEMON HORDE!! They have to bring back the PHOBOS and DEIMOS chapters, what about the "DISTRESS CALL" from Phobos? The disapperance of Deimos? What about the INFERNAL regions(HELL?) DooM movie? "SOUR!!!" Warner Bros said they want DOOM to have a PG-13 or lower rating to "APPEAL more to the KIDS!!"......."KIDS!!" Those JACKASSES!! They just wanna quickly "Cash In" off the DOOM franchise and Popularity!! Just impling DOOM is a kids game proves WARNER BROs have no CLUE what the true ESSENSE of DooM is all about! SCARE,GORE and SOUL SHATTERING VIOLENCE!! *"ahem", With substance........"

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tsareppsun said:
"HOOOYAAAAA!!!" Wait-a-min! That's a SEAL war cry! I Mean "OOPPPAAAAAAA!!!" This is JUICY info!! Doom3 not being the final logo? should've known. How can you call a retellin of DOOM1 D3? makes no sence.

Just because the current Doom 3 logo isn't the final logo doesn't mean that the title won't still be "Doom 3". IIRC, it came from id's own mouth(s) that the new game would be called Doom 3.

They have to bring back the PHOBOS and DEIMOS chapters, what about the "DISTRESS CALL" from Phobos? The disapperance of Deimos? What about the INFERNAL regions(HELL?)

Just because it's a retelling doesn't have to mean that it will be true to the old story in all aspects. So far, I know they have the main aspects: UAC being a vast corporation with strong military ties does research on gateway tech, something happens and the gateways open a door to Hell.
Somehow including Deimos and Phobos would be cool, though difficult to have it make sense, but I don't think that they are in the game.

DooM movie? "SOUR!!!" Warner Bros said they want DOOM to have a PG-13 or lower rating to "APPEAL more to the KIDS!!"......."KIDS!!" Those JACKASSES!! They just wanna quickly "Cash In" off the DOOM franchise and Popularity!! Just impling DOOM is a kids game proves WARNER BROs have no CLUE what the true ESSENSE of DooM is all about! SCARE,GORE and SOUL SHATTERING VIOLENCE!! *"ahem", With substance........"

Yeah that sucks, but that's the way it is :-(

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Crix said:

Shit, they're gonna have this awes0me sound engine and some new dumbass is gonna be in the studio farting into a microphone. DAMNIT!!

Just because it isn't Trent Reznor doesn't mean that it wouldn't be a guy who could actually do something as good as Reznor's contribution to the Alpha, not to mention better.
Trent Reznor may be a superb sound guy, but I have never seen him mentioned as the "best sound guy in the world", which means that there will likely be people out there who could do a job just as great...or better.

So you can stop insulting the potential new sound guy now.

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Woah, woah... we're talkign about the same trent reznor right? The one that created Nine Inch Nails and the one that is a proven incredibly talented musician?

I'm pissed because Reznor is a master of manipulating sounds (he's been in business a long time) and he knows how to tweak sound subtely to create mood. I had been looking forward to Reznor's new Doom sounds almost as much as the new visual enhancements. This new guy they get better having something really fucking good on his resume.

(hmm... didn't realize there are 2 other threads going on about this)

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Hey dsm, How do you seperate writers sentences at the "quote" reply area? I see you can seperate them starting from anywhere you choose, I can only do it at the start or the end of the paragraphs.

Please explain how.

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tsareppsun said:
Hey dsm, How do you seperate writers sentences at the "quote" reply area? I see you can seperate them starting from anywhere you choose, I can only do it at the start or the end of the paragraphs.

Please explain how.

I'm not dsm, but I think I can answer this real quick. When you go to quote someone, notice how there are quote tags --> {quote} (but replace '{' and '}' with '[' and ']') and {/quote} for the beginning and end of quotations. These are automatically in place when you click on the 'quote' button under a message. If you want to split a paragraph into sentances then just use the quote tags appropriately as you would with bold or italics.

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-The text mentions that the game will take place on Mars - there's no mention of Hell/Phobos/Deimos/etc.

I actually read in a PC magazine in Australia that Doom 3 will first take place on the Mars base, then move to Deimos, then into Hell.

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Ricki said:

I actually read in a PC magazine in Australia that Doom 3 will first take place on the Mars base, then move to Deimos, then into Hell.

Do you have any precisions about this magazine ? Name, extracts, url, picture ?

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HateFactor said:

-The Doom 3 logo we've all seen is NOT the final version

I'm disappointed to hear that, because I really like that logo. But maybe they'll come up with something better, who knows.

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The only thing that was news to me was about the particle system. And even that wasn't THAT surprising.

I knew Truform wouldn't be in the game, it's obvious based on JC's lighting technique.

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EllipsusD said:

I'm not dsm, but I think I can answer this real quick. When you go to quote someone, notice how there are quote tags --> {quote} (but replace '{' and '}' with '[' and ']') and {/quote} for the beginning and end of quotations. These are automatically in place when you click on the 'quote' button under a message. If you want to split a paragraph into sentances then just use the quote tags appropriately as you would with bold or italics.

Thanks, EllipsusD.

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MaCvILeWhOrE said:

'scuse me for being a retard, but what exactly does truform do? (I've never had an ATI card)

There's a Paper on what it is and how it works here (PDF), But basically it smooths out relatively low poly models, making them look a lot better than T&L can render.

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Crix said:

Woah, woah... we're talkign about the same trent reznor right? The one that created Nine Inch Nails and the one that is a proven incredibly talented musician?

Well, I was talking about the very same Trent Reznor who did the Quake 1 soundtrack and sounds, and I know for sure that he could have done a better job on the shotguns and a few of the other weapon sounds, thus I believe it is possible to find a guy who's just as talented. But enough of Reznor for now.

About whether it takes place on Mars/Phobos/Deimos/Hell I have the following thoughts:
The game starts off on Mars - we know for sure that that's the case since it has come directly from id's own mouth and the id guys know what they're talking about since they're the ones developing Doom 3. I mean who do you believe the most? The guys developing the game or some game mag journalist who has only conducted interviews with id staff and got a limited view of Doom 3?

And yes, Hell will be in Doom 3 because the idders have said that you will go to Hell as a sidetrip - why on Earth would they drop Hell, one of the most crucial parts of the Doom universe? Dropping that just wouldn't make sense at all.

I doubt we'll see anything to Phobos and Deimos though, since id is trying to do a realistic (to an extent) story for this game.

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Shaviro said:

Great job there! The smoke particle system is news to me.

It shouldn't be, seeing as everyone seems to be implenting this into their engines nowadays. Unreal 2 will probably be the first released game with it in (I don't think it's in UT2003, but who knows, it might be).

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