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Why is Supercharge (mod) so popular with mappers here in DW?


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Cacowards 2020 featured 3 wads that use Supercharge as their gameplay basis. Tango created a gem that has won hearts of players and mappers. But how? What makes Supercharge so unique among other high-quality gameplay mods? Personally I have an answer why do I love it (even though I'm not prone to mods that change vanilla behaviour). But now I wonder if we all like this mod for the same reasons.

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@RonnieJamesDiner probably covered all there is in that monster post, but I'll quickly chime in with my own thoughts. Now, this is from the perspective of it being a gameplay mod and not as a mapping resource. To start, Classic Doom's gameplay is not perfect. It's a solid base, but there is quite a bit of room for improvement from how it was in '94. Supercharge addresses a lot of fundamental issues with Doom's core gameplay without making an entirely new game on top of it, as many of the more feature intensive gameplay mods do.


The fist, chainsaw, pistol, and single shotgun all receive some much needed love. They remain useful  beyond the first few minutes of a map while searching for a "real weapon". This also means the SSG is no longer the weapon of choice 90% of the time, as it is not buffed compared to the other weapons.


The vanilla enemies act mostly as you expect them to, with the exception of the Pinky being significantly more dangerous. The vanilla Pinky sucks. He fails his job as the dedicated melee enemy and exists to take up space. In Supercharge, just like Valiant, the Mecha-Pinky is much more capable of closing distance and biting the player. 


Lastly, RNG damage is silly and consistent outcomes when you shoot an enemy X number of times make the weapons and combat feel better. Also, you can no longer complain about those 80 damage Rev rockets.


In short, Supercharge enhances vanilla gameplay and is, most of the time, flexible enough to be used with a multitude of vanilla wads without completely changing the balance.

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What? The Supercharge already exists in vanilla DOOM. It's the blue globe with a restless face, that makes you feel healthy.


My point to authors: please pick a name next time that doesn't conflict with something already established in the game. Now I'm off to either doomwiki or searching to understand what is this about. EDIT: predictably, the wiki only describes what I talked about.

Edited by printz

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1 hour ago, printz said:

My point to authors: please pick a name next time that doesn't conflict with something already established in the game.



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Mapwich 2 -- a collaboration project that pit two mappers together, working with Supercharge -- proved, definitively, that 


it takes two to Tango.

Edited by rd.

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I'm gonna say that having been introduced through Paradise really helped it find an audience among people who may otherwise not have cared about gameplay mods in general. The existence of the "Minicharge" variant that works with DEHACKED likely also helped.


It's not the only mod that has had mappers create maps for it -- I remember a few for Doom 4 Vanilla and yeah, Brutal Doom has had some too. But it's still something relatively rare.

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Supercharge is objectively good, well balanced and immensely fun.

But the as someone who has helped bring it to the fore, the best thing about supercharge?....

It's fun to map with

That is the true strength of the mod. You'll notice that all of the award winners didn't just jam Supercharge in as an afterthought, they built their projects around the inherent and novel gameplay elements that Supercharge brings. Supercharge not only alters the base enemies/weapons of Doom, it adds additional concepts that you can only truly explore if you are designing maps around these new entities. As an example, there is a Mapwich 2 map that has 300 Diabolists in a single fight and it is the absolute finest dumb as fuck fight ever made. This could not have been done without Supercharge and it is a work of art

Major Arlene, Kaito, Aurelius and 40+ Mapwich mappers all had an absolute blast using this resource. It is objectively awesome. @Tango has set the standard for mod excellence in a way that no one has done before. Bring on more Supercharge wads.

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Since we are no longer limited to keyboard-only controls and 15 fps on our 386SX, Supercharge adds that component that has always been missing on modern computers: quick and good gunplay, without falling into the camp of ridiculousness, that complements the movement speed of Doom perfectly.

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I had an absolute blast mapping with Supercharge. it was close enough to vanilla while introducing some new ideas to make it fresh and fun- it really is a "beginner mapping with mods" kind of mod. it also adds great foliage and environmental effects.

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To add a few personal specifics to what RJD already outlined in his spot on post:


  • The faster fire rate on the regular shotgun makes it an even better alternative to the SSG than it was before. In vanilla, I use the shotgun when I don't want to waste shells and/or I am sniping stuff from afar. With Supercharge this aspect is emphasized even more with the faster rate of fire, making it perfect for clearing out individual low tier monsters from turreted positions with satisfying speed, and in some cases taking out mid tiers when I'm still waiting for the SSG.


  • The RL projectile being faster is one of the key improvements you can make to an already excellent vanilla weapon. Even with the reduced splash damage, the quick and lethal sniping capabilities of the SC rocket launcher makes it just as deadly as the player is accurate with it. I generally enjoy when games give me weapons that can be super deadly from the get-go if used correctly and with appropriate mechanical skill, and that the only thing standing between good and bad use are my own skills as a player. That is not to say that the vanilla RL isn't like this, but the slow projectile speed gives more time for enemies to randomly move out of the way, which makes the SC RL much more consistent and controllable in that regard.


  • The Diabolist is an amazing alternative to the AV, providing the same threat of resurrection but with a different sort of area denial capability that forces you to move, but not to hide behind corners. This can be used effectively when you want to that resurrection aspect to an encounter, but don't want to prevent the player from directly engaging the new horde. And since the area denial is of a more location specific sort compared to the line of sight variant of the AV, it can be combined well with pain sectors and limited movement availability to create open but precarious setups that still keep the player constantly moving.


  • Tango is such an amazing guy to work with, humble and approachable, and one of the most chill dudes in the community in general. If you want to make a map/mapset with Supercharge, he's willing to lend a hand with implementing stuff the right way and if there are any problems he'll help you out. He's very open to feedback and has developed the mod with the community in mind, while still keeping the vision as close to his own as possible. When a mod author cares about the people who make maps using their mods as much as Tango does, you know you've chosen the right mod to support.



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33 minutes ago, Aurelius said:

Tango is such an amazing guy to work with, humble and approachable, and one of the most chill dudes in the community in general. If you want to make a map/mapset with Supercharge, he's willing to lend a hand with implementing stuff the right way and if there are any problems he'll help you out. He's very open to feedback and has developed the mod with the community in mind, while still keeping the vision as close to his own as possible. When a mod author cares about the people who make maps using their mods as much as Tango does, you know you've chosen the right mod to support.


This. 100 times this. 

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Already been answered, but might as well chime in:


it's well balanced (i.e. works with all non-gameplay-modded wads)

it's a discrete gameplay mod (another "standard" but important point for working with all non-gameplay-modded wads, e.g. it's troublesome to map for say Astrostein where it contains maps and music and everything else)

quite a few user configurable options if you don't like something 

it's regularly maintained and improved upon

it takes a lot of the high polish methods/ideas from other mods and combines them into one (it has its own unique ideas too, of course)

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