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2021 Goals & Intentions


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Personally: this has been a FANTASTIC YEAR for me! ........COVID has brought much pain into the world, though, so I won't linger on that. In 2021: I'm going to upload the 2-map mini WAD I've made.

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My greatest doom-related achievement is probably making it onto the Record Index Top 50 list on dsdarchive.com for speedrunning. I had so much fun running levels this year, and I will continue next year and strive to be among the best in the world. I don't know what it is, but something about Doom just feels so beautiful and alluring to me, and also the fact that I always want to spread my love of Doom through content creation, whether it be a Doom Wad Review, small mapping projects or a speedrun. Next year, I want to continue getting involved with this community. There's always something fun to talk about on here and I enjoy every minute I spend here. 

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For Doom:

-Beat Scythe on Nightmare! difficulty, in a single segment (and hopefully be the first to do so, who knows)

-Record more UV-Max demos over 2 minutes :P

-Finish all of the current Sunder maps

-Get an 8 second nomonsters run of E1M1

-Make some stupid maps :D

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I made leaps in my HeXen mods lately, so I would like to finally merge and finish all my decorations, monsters and classes and do a complete HeXen mod. And maybe start a community project with it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I stopped making lists of my life goals. I did that twice but some many things going on around here. All I know is I got stuffs to be done and if I don't then, I regret them in my entire life. So What am I doing right now ? Told you so, busy with stuffs I gotta do. It works fine to be honest. Burn the lists because after 2 weeks you won't be sticking to them unfortunately. Instead put rules for yourself it is more effective to reach your goals in my opinion.

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In 2020, I engaged in my first serious mapping venture contributing to 2048 Units Of /vr/, though there were some bumps in the road, I'm proud and satisfied with my efforts, I never thought I had any good maps in me, but I'm glad I proved myself wrong, thanks to help from others (most importantly critics). For that matter I'm impressed with and proud of the efforts of other contributors, I think we made something worth remembering.


For the future, I'm hoping to make some good contributions to Temporal Tantrum, as well as make some headway on my project on Immoral Conduct. I also have pondered ideas for a mapset of my own, for which I've already made some assets and written down concepts, I'll see if I start some mapping for that in 2021.

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Finish Visions of Hell. I think that has been my Doom New Year's Resolution for about 4 years now but I am only 6 maps from finishing so there is a realistic chance this year.

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Not die of Covid - or anything else. Then spend more time on my various Doom projects; the Black Cats of Doom despite their complexity are actually components of a big map I have been working on since 2004. I have now got it to work in ZScript but there's a lot of work to do, improvements to make, flaws to fix, etc.

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Start re-working on my BOOM compatible project entitled OverBuffed since I've released a demo and finally got some feedback.  The ultimate goal is to receive a runners up award since it'll be my first real project and because I've invested time earlier this year properly learning how to map and made a deHACKED patch that completely modifies how the weapons work and how the enemies work (And by that I mean completely modified how the combat system works).  It's essentially a mix between DOOM and QUAKE in terms of how the enemies can operate and theoretically every modified enemy/weapon can work in Vanilla DOOM (They sadly can't all be put into one deHACKED file compatible with vanilla DOOM since I used MBF .bex format which gives a few extra frames and null frames can be given actions).


Actually sit down and practice mapping instead of floating around with ideas in my head all the time (this applies to other aspects of life).

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Release a megawad on October 31st, 2021, come Hell or shark-infested high water.


Finally finish Realm of Intensified Chaos, whether I release it in 2021 or not.

Edited by Steve D

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On 12/12/2020 at 8:53 AM, seed said:


Ye. What doesn't kill, cripples.


"What doesn't kill you.... is weak"

Final Sin

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My goals for 2021 that are DOOM related revolve around me and my bro finishing our collab wad intended for NaNoWADMo. I hope once accomplishing this, I can start making maps by myself!


Non-DOOM goals include better scheduling myself when I dev so I don't hit burnout hahaha. I almost did, but this holiday break has been a Godsend. I'm so happy my teammates were understanding! 


New Year's resolutions I completed this year? I said I wanted to make lots of games and I did just that! Whilst I will be dialing back my ambition next year, I'll be able to check off a good load in January, so January will be a good release month!

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15 hours ago, thelazyqdude said:

I want to get better at making detailing that isn't annoying to the player during gameplay. I suck at it.

My main principles with this are “keep shit off the floor if possible” and “make your spaces big enough to move anyway”. I also periodically make use of impassable linedefs for wall insets to kind of “smooth” the walls, like if there’s an inlaid computer or light or whatever I’ll make it so the player can’t step into it or but your corner inside it while running past. It doesn’t affect the gameplay to make that inset inaccessible and smooths movement a lot, and I get to keep my fancy detailing too.

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15 hours ago, thelazyqdude said:

I want to get better at making detailing that isn't annoying to the player during gameplay. I suck at it.

A good rule of thumb is to not have stuff sticking out of the otherwise flat walls a bunch for the player to get stuck on, you can do this a little for wide open spaces, but for tighter spaces where you have to move fast, this can be really bad.


I had some paths circling a courtyard in a level, and I had some pillars jutting out of the wall to look nice, but I would eventually remove those because I kept snagging on them (and people complained). I replaced them with little grated off indents where I moved the torches to, and it made it better to move in.



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Finish my E1 replacement. Working on it for the past few months since I started mapping has made me realize how complex and well designed the maps in KDitD really are, I hope to do them justice with a 2021 release. I'd also like to make longer and more ambitious maps in general.

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2 hours ago, punch you in the face man said:

Finish my E1 replacement. Working on it for the past few months since I started mapping has made me realize how complex and well designed the maps in KDitD really are, I hope to do them justice with a 2021 release. I'd also like to make longer and more ambitious maps in general.

That sounds like it’ll be cool. I have to learn the opposite. I need to learn to make maps that are quick and small and don’t take 9 months to make.

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Finishing Freedoom (phase 1 and 2), Plutonia, TNTR, and a lot of PWADS I hadn't finished

Edited by :[Lol 6]:

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Make some actual progress on my game project (using plugins with Godot to use DOOM maps I’m making so that counts as DOOM related right?)


Getting my 8-year old into DOOM (he loves watching me play the original ones). He’s struggling to wrap his mind around using a controller (he is autistic) so I hope it’s something that clicks with him and he finds some fun it.


And continuing to give my family the room and resources to grow. Just welcomed my second child into the world in October and it’s been a ride.

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For 2021, I expect everything to go back to normal. No more pandemic and no more staying at home. I want to assist personally at college courses for once to become a successful programmer and designer with the proper knowledge while I get enough daily physical exercise for my healthiness.
Apart from there, I also expect to finish my art projects before or after the year ends.

In terms of DOOM, I can't wait for you guys to see more things I can find about the cancelled DOOM game. I expect this year to see more about it and know what the game originally wanted to be through its design and story script departments. I hope to try any of the unreleased builds someday. A fan has to wish.

Edited by IrOn7HuB

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myfirstmap & myfirstwad :D


Working on both already. But still nothing releasable or even presentable/testable, although myfirstwad is already close. It will probably be a 4-map wad, 3 of them are already (somewhat) playable. Will feature obscure gameplay concepts like "pacifist slaughter" and "soundblock linedef puzzles".

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23 hours ago, CivilianM91 said:

He’s struggling to wrap his mind around using a controller (he is autistic) so I hope it’s something that clicks with him and he finds some fun it.

How about mouse and keyboard?

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52 minutes ago, ChopBlock223 said:

How about mouse and keyboard?

I haven’t tried that yet- he rarely takes interest in messing with my laptop unless it’s something art related. Worth a shot though!

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1: Try and get more used to playing wads on Ultra-Violence and see if that'll make a better player out of me. 


2: Check off more Cacoward winners and runner-ups... or is that runners-up?


3: Discover more mods worth playing beyond the Cacowards and hoping I don't fall into a troll wad pit.


4: Quit getting hit by so many damn Revenant rockets.


5: Just continue to enjoy Doom. I ain't bored of it yet!

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Nearing the end of October Ghost of Tsushima as well as Sekiro both had updates that easily got me distracted from mapping, after that I just kinda stopped mapping altogether. I want to get back into mapping but I recently changed from Windows to Linux and can't find a way to get Doom Builder to work (yet). Thankfully I have my ideas more organized and can hopefully finish the maps I planed to make a couple months ago.

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In 2021 my primary gaming related goal will be to get the CatacombGL source port to a stable version 1.0.0.


Next to that I'm also looking forward to participate again in a Doom community mapping project.

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I've been lurking around here for ages and admittedly I haven't done too much, so I plan on getting more involved with mapping. Several ill-fated attempts were had over the last couple years but my godawful perfectionist mindset ceases work on any of it the instant I am even mildly unsatisfied, then I start something new after somehow reasoning that it can't be salvaged and the cycle continues. I'm putting a stop to that and I'll actually have something to show sometime soon. Mapping and the creative side of Doom has always been my absolute favorite part of the series, it'll be fun to finally participate.

Another mildly Doom-related project I've been telling myself I'll start this year is properly streaming over Twitch or something, I don't really know. A lot of people have been encouraging me to do it so I'm at least going to give it a shot.


Here's hoping I own up to all this and don't leave it in the dust like I normally do. Posting this here now means I have to do it. It's been etched into the annals of Doomworld, it's now sacred text.

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On 12/12/2020 at 1:31 AM, MFG38 said:
  1. Finish and release v2.0 of SGD.
  2. Implement Heretic compatibility for Vandomizer. Maybe also Hexen.
  3. Make a map I've been silently brainstorming since summer.
  4. Participate in as many CPs as time and creative energy permits. Or maybe host one.


Guess I can already half-cross one of these off the list.

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