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Cacowards 2021 Mentionation Thread

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12 hours ago, lakersforce said:

Srsly, what's with the +Aug;Zenth +1? It's average at best!

People are allowed to have their own opinions.

Besides, it's probably the best DBP up to date and stands to be a very solid megawad, especially since most DBPs are done in one month.

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My nomination for the Espi award is Aleksey Kamenev, also known as 4shockblast. He is a very prolific speedrunner, and has the most demos on the Doom Speed Demos Archive of anyone, with over 2480 demos. He was also the very first person to complete E2M8: Tower of Babel in the UV Pacifist category. However, by far his biggest achievement was when he broke a record that stood for over 20 years when he became the first person ever to get a legitimate run of E1M1: Hangar in eight seconds.

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On 9/16/2021 at 10:07 AM, RomDump said:

Zone 400. No bells or whistles. Just simple, fun and fast gameplay. Great for Corruption Cards and other mods.


Only MAP26 with pistol start on nightmare. :D

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+1 Skulltiverse


After playing through it for the MegaWAD Club, I think it's definitely Cacoward material. One of the better and most cohesive community projects I've played in a while (that isn't from an ongoing series). 

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On 9/17/2021 at 2:10 PM, philcul said:


I have obviously not yet played it but it looks like something to keep an eye on:





What's next? Falklands / Malvinas Doom?

Edited by Master O

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On 7/29/2021 at 8:01 PM, LadyMistDragon said:

I agree about Mtpain, he makes enjoyable videos. Honestly, he gets cranky whenever any remotely stupid questions pop up (I do like his responses whenever someone asks about the voice of the Delinquent). Still, some kind of award referring to his comprehensive and originally consistent megawad reviews (of which I believe hasn't really been a thing on youtube before)  would be nice.

When does he get cranky? I chat with him in comments sections and he's really considerate.

Edited by Dusty_Rhodes

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5 hours ago, Dusty_Rhodes said:

When does he get cranky? I chat with him in comments sections and he's really considerate.

Just some of his responses to some of the stupider questions. Maybe he thinks he comes across as snarky, but he sounds too blunt for that. Specifically, a patron suggested that he'd have to adjust his attitude regarding Eternal Doom, and his response was that tight kind you hear from people on the verge of screaming something angry and profanity-laden, like some bratty kid insisting no one should question how they think about things. I do tend to think he was just not in a great mood for that sort of thing.

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On 9/26/2021 at 10:56 PM, RileyXY1 said:

My nomination for the Espi award is Aleksey Kamenev, also known as 4shockblast. He is a very prolific speedrunner, and has the most demos on the Doom Speed Demos Archive of anyone, with over 2480 demos. He was also the very first person to complete E2M8: Tower of Babel in the UV Pacifist category. However, by far his biggest achievement was when he broke a record that stood for over 20 years when he became the first person ever to get a legitimate run of E1M1: Hangar in eight seconds.

This is a solid mentionation, but don't be surprised if it doesn't translate into an award this year, or this five-year plan, heh. 4shock is one of the most prominent members of the current speedrunning community, so why print the book with only half the chapters written. To not quote a famous someone, he does not belong in a museum!

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8 hours ago, LadyMistDragon said:


Just some of his responses to some of the stupider questions. Maybe he thinks he comes across as snarky, but he sounds too blunt for that. Specifically, a patron suggested that he'd have to adjust his attitude regarding Eternal Doom, and his response was that tight kind you hear from people on the verge of screaming something angry and profanity-laden, like some bratty kid insisting no one should question how they think about things. I do tend to think he was just not in a great mood for that sort of thing.

Honestly, I barely read this response as snarky, let alone cranky. It is his show afterall.




Edited by whybmonotacrab
Spoilered an offtopic image so as to not take up space

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+ Sold Soul

+ Nameless

+ Atmospheric Extinction


I don't think I've ever mentionated (if that's even a word) this many wads in one year.

2021 has been absolutely nuts.

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Hey y'all, this thread is for mentionations, not unrelated discussion about random wads or for telling other folks their mentionations are invalid.


[EDIT] For context, there used to be a string of off-topic posts here, but they got pruned (thanks!) -- all is well now; carry on. :P

Edited by Xaser

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*Finally* got around to Heartland and it's pretty great. Excellent showcase for the Eternity engine. So I'm popping back in to say: 



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thanks to the GLES build on the new GZDoom release i was able to play and complete @msx2plus project: Time Tripper.
Its seriously amazing and a marvelous otherworldy new experience.
Its something i was searching for since TerminusEst13 made Nocturne In Yellow for Gloome a few years back.

Good mash ups of Bullet Hell and FPS are not usual, and this one is one i would totally pay for.

Congratulations, msx2plus!
You made something that i found similar to Hellsinker but for Doom :)

Hope you can fulfill your vision to the end!

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15 hours ago, Captain Ventris said:

Kill is a shoo-in for the Mordeth award!



I mean, it was technically finished, just unreleased. Seriously, this is probably gonna delay Devilution, just so they can win the Mordeth next year, unless Mordeth itself somehow sees release then too.

Edited by LadyMistDragon

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4 hours ago, LadyMistDragon said:



I mean, it was technically finished, just unreleased. Seriously, this is probably gonna delay Devilution, just so they can win the Mordeth next year, unless Mordeth itself somehow sees release then too.

It wasn't finished until this month.  It sat on my hard drive in an unfinished state.

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Historically the Mordeth award has prioritized projects with lengthy and public development-hell sagas, and projects that were anticipated for long enough to become a punchline, like TNT2, or Mordeth itself.

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2004: Hellcore. Inaugural award for "Released project with the longest development time".



The Mordeth award is, generally, cut and dry; I look when a project was started, see when it was released, and name the one that took the longest as the winner. This year required me to refine what "Mordeth" means as an award. Does longest development time from start to finish count, or is there something else?

Scuba Steve's first deviation from strictly formulaic approach to Mordeth and "development time" in the description gains quotation marks. He skipped over his own Action Doom 2, developed privately and in peace, to point out how messy the public development of Deus Vult 2 was. Which technically still awaits its v2 release... (and guess what got its v2 release this year).




Last year I had to do some soul searching. What does "Mordeth" truly mean? Does it mean taking a long time to finish a project? No, there's something more... the project requires some history, a real sense of abandonment. The true recipient, in terms of sheer time, is Escape to Corvus, a rather mediocre map that sat on a hard drive for 11 years, in varying states, and was finally finished this year. But where were the delays? Where were the constantly changing team members, the missed deadlines, and broken website promises.

Welcome to the mother of all devhells, Plutonia 2.


2011: Basically a joke about 1994 Tune-up. Get it? It was developed the entire time. :^)

2012: CC4. Longest dev cycle, but also more importantly one of the stormiest, with major beefs and melodramatic departures.

2014: D2INO. Relatively quick dev cycle honestly, but an absolute nightmare due to self-imposed public deadlines and promises broken repeatedly.

2015: ChaosCore CTF. I think Dragonfly even mentioned his Skulldash should've taken the award mathematically, but there was a cautionary tale to be told.

2017: TNT2. Pure drama, makes CC4 look tame. Would challenge even Mordeth E2 itself in 1on1 combat.

2019: SRB2. We deviate further from the dogma and into story mode. Steve points out a major update to a project developed publicly for over 20 years, yet one that perhaps may never be truly complete.

2020: Pacifist speedrunning ruleset reform. We have disattached from concrete form and used the meme award to point out the stalled evolution of a memetic concept. You awake as a hamburger.

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On 9/12/2021 at 2:22 PM, Master O said:



You figured someone had to make it at some point.

oh my god why


On Topic: NaNoWADMo 2021

Edited by Paf

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