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Post your favorite guitar solos

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See title. Remember to make sure the Youtube link you post is timestamped to the solo (unless it's a shred song). 





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Ahh the perfect chance to share my favorite band ever: Pagan's Mind. Here's one epic solo from each of their first three albums.





Highly recommend listening to their first three albums in their entirety at the minimum if you like prog metal.

Edited by Nevander

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Not a super crazy solo, but very controversial because some people thought it was too good to be true.

Rings Of Saturn - Godless Times



This whole song is a shrederrific and beautiful masterpeice.

Eric Johnson - Cliffs Of Dover



Buckethead is my fav guitarist, I can't really choose a favorite one, so here's his most popular song. Ironically, you can feel the emotion in his playing even though you can't see his face. (The song is about his aunt who passed away earlier in his life)

Soothsayer - Buckethead



Last but not least, I've learned this solo myself, and although it isn't a particularly emotional song, the solo hits deep for me because it sounds so dang good!

Rush - Limelight




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I could post many but this pops to mind as a recent entry. Ron thal's epic outro solo is a perfect expansion of the original, combining the soul of the original with tastefully added flourishes showing his immense technical ability without ever overstaying their welcome.



Edited by Murdoch

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Early 1980s Japanese music with a very strong guitar in various sections of the song. 



Edited by FrogMaster

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I just sat through about every solo by Pantera, Death, Megadeth, Deicide and Opeth, so thanks for the opportunity to be so entertained for a while.


But now I'm overwhelmed because they're all my favorites so I'll post this instead.





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1) Petrucci's solo at the end of Octavarium (beats The Best of Times' one imo)


2) Stratovarius - Judas Kiss (by Timo Tolkki)


3) The Spiderman cartoon guitar solo:



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Inspiration is not really with me today, so the first thing that comes to my mind is the live rendition of Freezing Moon from DMDSA. I think this is pretty much the best version of the song in my opinion, better than the studio recording with Dead even.



And some Death:



And Dead Congregation:



Hopefully they are time stamped correctly, they start where they should for me at least.

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I couldn't really think of anything, so this is the closest I have. Edit: Aggg, I keep messing up the link



Edited by Chopkinsca

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So, now that I'm sober (and the weekend is over).. A few solos/shreds :

Yngwie (Black Star is another favorite, but this one is shorter) 


The Great Kat (classically trained violinist decides "what about playing this on  guitar but even faster?!"):

Cacophony (tow of the fastest shreders at the time getting together to release an album) :



that's it for "pure" shredding, now some solos!


My Iron Maiden favorite song is actually a solo:



Hammerfall's Secrets has one I really like:



Japanese anime speed/power metal? why yes (there isn't an actual solo but the entire music kinda is a solo with voices on top of it) [alternative animetal song:


Now, there had to be a Manowar song here, and what better than the first heavy metal song I heard? They have better songs and better solos, but for nostalgia reasons, this is the one:


shifting things a bit, here's Brian May's best solo:


a tiny splash of Led Zepplin (there's a ton of versions of this song live with awesome solos, just search for any concert from before 74) Can't really choose a part I enjoy more than some other so... Enjoy it in full:



a bit of Black Sabbath, from the first album. There's actually more than one solo, but I think the second one is my favorite and the best in the song, since it just keeps on going. Whenever you think the solo is over, there it goes again in a new direction:


and finally, Pink Floyd. Because this guitar tone. *chef's kiss* (sorry, can't force myself to post a link timestamped to a particular part of the song, I feel it should be considered a crime. And the guitar start sounding awesome from the start so... but if you insist, here is solo.)



(it took me over 2 hours to write this post since I can't just post the songs, I had to listen to them all. Sorry for keeping y'all waiting.)

Edited by kalaeth

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just remembered the existence of quite possibly the greatest guitar solo from King Crimson :^)




Now, I know what you're thinking...


And the answer is: Yes, that is a GUITAR and not a piano, trust me!


Edited by Ar_e_en
your ==> you're

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I could post a shit-ton of epic shred on here, but I'll have to give some love to my new favorite funny metal Youtube guy Bradley Hall:


...and his alter ego, Sweepman:


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