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Can Among Us be recreated using the Doom Engine?


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This is basically an extremely random idea I've been brainstorming while messing around with some Doom Mods. Basically considering Among Us could be a survival horror style of game, it's cartoony aesthetics won't make up for it's "scare factor" or overall "creepiness" of any sort. The Doom engine, although primitive enough can ensure that with its lighting and dark textures. I was just thinking about an Among Us recreation using the Doom Engine. 10 players, one or two imposters. Imposters can carry weapons and crewmates are stuck to their fists. Three keys scattered around the map must be found in order to exit the map. Crewmates win if they avoid the Impostor and survive, Impostor wins if they kill all crewmates, or find the exit keys themselves. What do you guys think? Would any passionate modder be up to recreating it in Doom??

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Possible? Probably. Don't see anything that would be impossible.


Whether or not someone wants to make it and the requisite maps for it is another question entirely though.

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Among us on Doom could be possible, likely through the use of GZDoom's vast scripting and modding capabilities. It could be done, however, it will require a lot of practice, time, skill, and effort.


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13 hours ago, Oldschoolgeek32 said:

Among us on Doom could be possible, likely through the use of GZDoom's vast scripting and modding capabilities. It could be done, however, it will require a lot of practice, time, skill, and effort.


So in other words... you're telegraphing that you're doing it, right?

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1 hour ago, Dark Pulse said:

So in other words... you're telegraphing that you're doing it, right?


If they're genuinely interested in a project like it, maybe. Me personally, I'm still trying to make my own maps, let alone a full-fledged mod.

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There was a thread earlier that wanted to recreate the maps from Among Us in Doom. Some progress was made but I haven't seen anything since. Gamemode would most likely be possible in the engine.

Edited by N1ck

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Well, I had thoughts of recreating a murder solving game in Doom, though it was Danganronpa rather than Among Us and that it would have been a script movie divided in several chapters and episodes. I think recreating Among Us is easy with the help of some script assets from Whodunit and Zombie Horde.

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13 hours ago, Dark Pulse said:

So in other words... you're telegraphing that you're doing it, right?

I know basics of creating maps but I'm quite not yet experienced with most of Doom's scripting and modding capabilities, so perhaps, in the future, once I've learned how to eventually use it with practice lol :)

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7 hours ago, DukeOfDoom said:

Well, I had thoughts of recreating a murder solving game in Doom, though it was Danganronpa rather than Among Us and that it would have been a script movie divided in several chapters and episodes.

I already imagine multicolored marines yelling Kingdom Hearts-tier platitudes at each other. That'd be pretty fun to play, honestly.

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If anybody does this for the love of god don't doom it to p2p netcode by using zscript lol.


That said, the hardest part to make I would think would be the minigames themselves. Other stuff may require some workarounds to be cleanly achieved but the minigames I think is where compromises may need to be made. Then again, mortal kombat was ported to zandronum and uses a setup which may work for the minigames so maybe that mod already has the answers to this.


Final note, whodunit is a very fun game mode and captures the idea of among us with the gameplay and setup of doom.

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