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Hitscan passing straight through enemies, why does it happen?


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(Do note I'm playing on Crispy Doom) So right now I'm playing Eternal Doom MAP15, and I've noticed at least 4 instances where several of my pellets go straight through enemies, with just the shotgun. It's not something exclusive for that map or wad, it occurs in others too, although much more rarely. I'm not sure if it just happens that I've gotten a streak of bad luck in this map so far, or if it has something to do with it in specific, perhaps due to nodes; I remember back in my beginner mapper days where a map of mine had node issues, causing hitscan from both the player and the enemies to, at specific spots, hit an 'invisible' wall, in which actors could pass through just fine. Reducing the map's layout size (a lot of it was just empty ocean filler) fixed it.


But, why does it happen exactly? Is there any doomwiki article on this specific issue? Couldn't find any.


video example https://streamable.com/zh8ukh

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Whilst not fully relevant as you are asking about source ports, I remember I once read that the PS1 port fixed this. Or perhaps it is a cognitive distortion of mine, so do not quote me on that.

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It's quite rare from my experience as well, the only level I recall where it happened very frequently was in Hell Revealed MAP14, specifically when shooting the monsters on the sides of the rocket launcher building.

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20 minutes ago, Andromeda said:

It's quite rare from my experience as well, the only level I recall where it happened very frequently was in Hell Revealed MAP14, specifically when shooting the monsters on the sides of the rocket launcher building.

I think it's also somehow related to how you shoot something. While I was running Doom 2 Map05 back in the day, there are those 7 imps in the rooms. Almost every other time, I shot through one of them. I guess don't get too much into the mons' face would help a bit (just by feeling), but anyway, it's very annoying when you're having a good run and this happens.

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14 hours ago, Spectre01 said:

Did Doom 64 end up fixing this bug or is it present there too?


I don't recall it ever happening. Then again, I was a dumb kid, so maybe it still happened and I never noticed.

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