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(diagonal) REALM [boom/single map] now on idgames!

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Liking the look of this from the screenshots. Just downloaded, I'll be giving this a spin ASAP. c:

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Looked very nice, a bit too slaughterish in HMP... I'll have to try to lower skill for my next play.


I think I found one issue with GZDooM 4.5.0. I was able to press the yellow card switch without the card from this angle:




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Review time! (Played on HNTR.)


Visually, it was overall quite nice. Texture usage appeared well thought-out, and the detail work was pleasant to look at. I wasn't a big fan of the gameplay initially - namely with the overabundance of Revenants early on - but it got a lot better once I got my bearings and scrounged up the SSG. My only major criticism is that the Chaingun made its first appearance way too late into the map - I went about half the map without it despite the amount of bullet ammo laying around clearly indicating that I should've gotten it much earlier (on HNTR anyway, I don't know if this is the case on other difficulties). I also somehow got softlocked in the final area right before the exit, as the teleporters that are supposed to teleport you to the switches that open the exit door (target tags 195 and 196) didn't work, even though they're seemingly set up correctly. This occurred on GZDoom 4.5.0. Barring that, the map worked normally.


Overall, not bad. :)


EDIT: I tested the same teleporters in GlBoom+, didn't work on that port either.


EDIT 2: Just for fun, I cracked the map open in UDB and tried swapping the target tags around on the teleporter lines - that actually fixed the problem, curiously enough. Makes me wonder if it's a nodebuilding problem or a long-standing quirk of the Doom engine that never got fixed by any source port... Leaning towards the former scenario.

Edited by MFG38

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I gave this try on UV in GZdoom 4.5.0, but I encountered a game-breaking bug regarding the door that is opened by 3 keycards: I entered the room, but I backed out when the revenants and mancubi appeared. After about 30 seconds, the door closed, with no way to reopen it. Also, there is HOM in the lava ceiling above the red skull key.


While the map is nicely designed, I wouldn't call the it very enjoyable, mainly because for some 80% of the playtime, it's endless SSG grind. Then you suddenly flood the player with rockets near the final fight, but they're quasi-useless because of all the pinkies there. So, even more SSG grind. Another thing that could be addressed is how the player obtains the SSG in the first place - I took a "wrong" turn and instead of getting the SSG, I was suddenly thrown into big fight around the yellow skull key with nothing but ordinay shotgun and chaingun. I didn't want to restart the map, so I used IDFA cheat to deal with all the monsters there.

Edited by Caleb13

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23 minutes ago, Caleb13 said:

I was suddenly thrown into big fight around the yellow skull key with nothing but ordinay shotgun and chaingun.

As far as I remember and if I remember that correctly, in the yellow skull area there's a rocket laucher in a small nukage pool

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Thanks everyone for your opinion and playtesting. I've updated file in the OP, link is the same.


10 hours ago, SP_FACE1 said:

I was able to press the yellow card switch without the card from this angl

Haha, did not expect that to be happen, thanks for catching that, fixed.


8 hours ago, MFG38 said:

nodebuilding problem or a long-standing quirk of the Doom engin

You dug too deep. Problem is really dumb - teleport destination don't have flag to spawn on easy. xD


8 hours ago, Caleb13 said:

After about 30 seconds, the door closed, with no way to reopen it

Thanks, fixed.


8 hours ago, Caleb13 said:

with nothing but ordinay shotgun and chaingun

In my defence i should say that there is a rocketlauncher, near the entrance.

8 hours ago, Caleb13 said:

I took a "wrong" turn and instead of getting the SSG

Let me guess: you took right turn through the room, where floor suddenly lowers? There is a SSG in monster closet, maybe you just missed it.

8 hours ago, Caleb13 said:

Also, there is HOM in the lava ceiling above the red skull key.

Nah, this particualr HOM is intentional. Something like hellish beacon for the red key.


Anyway i've placed a few spare ssg's and chainguns on the map, so if you somehow miss weapons near the starting area you could get them later.

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Using vanilla textures and making them look good? Now that's something! Really nice map @4MaTC From gameplay to the visuals, everything is really solid and great to play.

Edited by Endless

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  • 1 month later...

I've updated the map:

-slightly changed balance on uv

-added stairs for monsters to come in near red keycard

-swapped keys needed at weapon stash near final battle

-fixed tags in slime pools in storage area

-some minor bugs fixed


I think this is the 'release' version and there will be no updates in future, unless someone catches some nasty bug that i missed.


> > download < <

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Played this trough this time on HMP. I don't know if you balanced it from the very first version but the fights felt less slaughterish now. On my first run I probably only saw 20% of the map but now that I played the whole level there's so much more and the areas are nicely interconnected. I'm loving what you have achieved with just vanilla textures and detailing. Hopefully more people will play this because this is fantastic map. 

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I am absolutely awful at these but practice makes perfect. I love how beautifully-interconnected everything is and I never felt lost. My overall lack of experience with slaughtermaps makes me feel inadequate to talk about the combat too much beyond the fact that it never felt too unfair to me, like it didn't feel like you were being relentlessly cruel as you balanced it with plenty of plentiful yet somehow also limited ammunition which was an interesting dynamic. It was hard and exhausting and I did lose my temper a little near the end, but regardless this is a really good map with a lot of heart and effort put into it. Incredible work, man.



I'll let my footage speak for itself: A feature-length presentation of me being a goofball. Enjoy!

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Still trying to play through it and UV is a bitch. Every room I run into for safety is just more demons thrown at me. I will say, visuals are pretty impressive and the diagonal lines help make the environment look more foreign. 

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Played it and loved it. The fight for the yellow skull key was especially awesome. Only major problem is I got completely stuck in the red key card section. I completed everything in the area but the door back wouldn't budge.


I looked at it in the editor and turns out it's impossible to open because there's a linedef with an action directly in front of it. In boom you can't "reach past" linedefs with actions on them to activate another linedef. There's also a small bug at the end where you can press the blue skull and red skull swtches from below, before the yellow skull switch, and the pillars get stuck.

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Thanks everyone for your kind words, i am very very happy that you liked it!


11 hours ago, Biodegradable said:

I am absolutely awful at these but practice makes perfect.

I hope this map improved your overall skills and you will be able to play other beautiful slaughter maps! Thanks for the video, really amusing (i even got to work late because i was watching it, hehe). This imp and your swearing made me laugh xD Really enjoyable accent you have (australian, i presume?)


3 hours ago, Arbys550 said:

Only major problem is I got completely stuck in the red key card section. I completed everything in the area but the door back wouldn't budge.

Dammit! Thanks for spotting this. You fix one bug then another ones comes out xD i should fix this asap. I hope you idclipped this door and continued playing? If no, nvm, my bad missing this.


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  • 4 months later...

Sorry not sorry for the late bump, but now it's my first upload on idgames! Woo hoo!


Fixed bug Arbyss550 was talking about. Now you can't flee and corner-camp monsters until you got a red key.


Link on idgames

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Played through this on HMP earlier today and had a blast with it! I'm a fan of ssg grinds so this was right up my alley, had the right amount of rockets and plasma to back up the ssg when needed. 



Seeing as you've just uploaded this to idgames now is the perfect time to report a few very minor issues amirite? Source port I played in was prboom+ 2.6um.



Texture misalignments in the room where the floor lowers to the right of the small poison fountain with the chaingunner in it. Also some of the gore piles and maybe one of the dead marines didn't lower with the floor, they stayed at the original floor height. I think it was things 709, 713 and 720.






HOM in the cavern area before the final fight.doom03.png.51864a7cefddc78e9a78dfcdfdd8aca3.png



In the room after the three key door, one of the revenants (thing 122) in the pillars woke up during the first fight before they lowered.


In the red key room two pinkies were stuck in each other, thing 30 and 357 I think.


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5 hours ago, TeK (⌐■_■) said:


Seeing as you've just uploaded this to idgames now is the perfect time to report a few very minor issues amirite? Source port I played in was prboom+ 2.6um.

Well, i am speechless *sound of facepalm*


I'll run it in prboom later to see if it's my fault or source port (this green texture extends to the ceiling on the first two screenshots so i'm not sure), but anyway it's too late, so let's just let's pretend we didn't noticed it :)


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14 hours ago, 4MaTC said:

so let's just let's pretend we didn't noticed it :)





I wasn't sure if it was worth posting about at first but did it anyway. I hope to play more from you soon!

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 I would post my FDA but I kinda forgot to record, so instead, get a image of a dead doomguy!

Unfortunately I died to a really unlucky max damage roll from a rev rocket, damn bideo game. Anyway, the map is pretty solid, the gameplay isn't too hard or super refined to a comb but thats ok. The detailing isn't my cup of tea (I prefer CHONK), but otherwise a really good one. Bordering on whether to give a 3/5 (good) or a 4/5 (great) but I think I should save that for a later full run. Difficulty overall was about a 2/5, if you have some foundations of slaughter and dealing with controlling some space this map won't be that hard at all. I would bring it up to a 3/5 (I.E. Scythe 2) but I felt the enemy placement (nor the resource management) wasn't insidious enough (with what I've played so far btw) to consider it so. Keep in mind this is on the first run so take as you will.

dsda-doom 0.18.0 7_3_2021 10_43_15 PM.png

Edited by Bobby “lolmcswagger”

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