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Fairchild Island

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Download WAD here (it's too big for here): https://github.com/lawrencecandilas/fairchild-island

Name: Fairchild Island
Map Format: Doom (WAD)
Ports Tested: GZDoom, DOOM2.EXE, BOOM
Ports That Work: GZDoom
Ports That Have No Chance To Ever Work: DOOM2.EXE, BOOM
IWAD: DOOM2.EXE or compatible
Map(s): START (enter command `MAP START`)
Music: Me
Gameplay: Single player, multiplayer co-op, not deathmatch
Difficulty Settings: Yes
Multiplayer Placement: Yes
Build Time: 3 or 4 months
Textures: ID Software
Requirements: Freelook recommended but not strictly needed



Story: You like to go fishing from time to time near a large lake. Well, you were out on your boat, hit some unexpected craggy rocks, and crashed ashore on Fairchild Island. Your boat is split in half and it's too far to swim back. The island is rumored to have a hidden gateway to an ancient water shrine that's infested from demons of Hell. Luckily you have your trusty shotgun ... and hopefully there's another boat somewhere.


GZDoom required; uses DOOM2.EXE or compatible WAD; developed with Brutal DOOM mod in mind and very recommended but not needed. This has a MAPINFO with a 1-level episode and ending like my earlier WADs, just start the game, or enter "MAP START" to restart. Because of the MP3 music file, and the fact that this WAD has a very large number of sectors and linedefs, this WAD is big.  The par is 30 minutes.


There is NO WAY this will work in the original DOOM2.EXE. BOOM segfaults when trying to load this WAD. Sorry. You'll want freelook anyway to look at all the pretty ceiling decay.

Thanks for checking out this WAD.


Here's the map:












Thanks for checking this out.  I appreciate any and all feedback.


Also feel free to check out my other two WADs I've made earlier this year: Loveland Factory and Serenity Castle.






Edited by Lawrence
Too many screenshots, whoops

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Don't play Brutal much so I'll pass, but must say, I love the disintegration detailing in the shots. Very cool. You're a master of debris and decay!


Btw, I can see some of the floor detailing affecting the ceiling brightness in some shots.  If you raise the ceiling of those sectors above the surrounding sector and leave the upper textures blank, these spots will disappear and merge with the surrounding sector.

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4 hours ago, holaareola said:

Don't play Brutal much so I'll pass


20 hours ago, Lawrence said:

developed with Brutal DOOM mod in mind and very recommended but not needed.


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Thanks everyone for the kind words so far.  I really appreciate it.  The detailing took a lot of time. :)

I'm hoping the gameplay is enjoyable.  Things are pretty well tested but I'm not sure about the "finale" (place in the last screenshot).  I might make some improvements there.


18 hours ago, holaareola said:

Don't play Brutal much so I'll pass ...


It'll honestly be fine without it, but might be differently balanced in some places.


19 hours ago, holaareola said:

Btw, I can see some of the floor detailing affecting the ceiling brightness in some shots.  If you raise the ceiling of those sectors above the surrounding sector and leave the upper textures blank, these spots will disappear and merge with the surrounding sector.


Ahh ... did not know that.  I'll try that out.

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