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Most overdone/played-out Doom arguments?


Most overdone/played-out Doom arguments?  

278 members have voted

  1. 1. Which arguments are you the MOST tired of?

    • Arguments about Brutal Doom
    • Arguments about slaughtermaps
    • Arguments about which source port is the best
    • Arguments about GZDoom / Graf in general
    • Arguments about whether or not Doom is 3D
    • Arguments about which stock maps are best/worst
    • Arguments not related to Doom shitting up Doom sites/boards
    • Arguments about what is or isn't "truly Doomy" (mostly pertaining to custom maps/wads)
    • Arguments about difficulty settings in general / Ultra-Violence being "true Doom"
    • Arguments about whether or not “Doom is Dying!!”

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3 hours ago, Nine Inch Heels said:

If you "promote" these supposed standards so vehemently that new mappers ask questions about the acceptability of their work, because they might be concerned about getting picked apart publicly by self-appointed experts on game-design, then I'd argue it's come to a point where trying to "science the fucking shit" out of every mapping aspect has gone a tad too far...

These self-appointed experts you speak of often have no projects of their own to show for or to back up their “standards”, but they are always the loudest when it comes to what is and isn’t acceptable for other people’s work. Sadly, these types of people exist in every modding community I’ve ever been a part of. 



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The ones that annoy me the most:

Brutal Doom: It's not for me but I don't care. Use your free time however you want.

Arguments about Doom Being 3D: Seriously it doesn't matter and it depends on how you define "true 3D" anyway and changes nothing regardless of your conclusion.

What is "Truly Doomy": Like the Brutal Doom one, who gives a crap? Vanilla Doom is its own thing but that's not the only thing Doom is allowed to be.

"Doom is Dying": This is like saying Super Mario Bros. or Tetris is "dying." It's kind of an absurd statement to make.


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8 hours ago, QuotePilgrim said:

Of course, anyone can look it up and read old threads about these things before bringing something up, but that leads my next point, which is opinions change. Reading an old thread about something gives absolutely no insight on where people stand now, and that, at least to me, is always a valid reason to ask again a question that has been asked in the past.

This is a very good point, and a part of the reason I’ve never been too hot on the “don’t start a new thread, just bump an old one” thing. In many cases, the posts on those 2+ year old threads are no longer accurate/up to date


8 hours ago, MxCraven said:

The most overused argument is -file

I freaking adore puns like this.

Edited by Doomkid

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8 hours ago, Rare Hatchiama said:

Fuck people who don't capitalize DOOM.

This. Exactly THIS!

Official name capitalization matters.

9 hours ago, MxCraven said:

The most overused argument is -file

GZDoom Drag-and-Drop Gang here. Am confuse. it's jowke

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7 hours ago, Doomkid said:

I freaking adore puns like this.

I spent a good 5 minutes trying to work out what thing to put there, and there isn't really a good one! My first thought was -record, but by the number of people submitting video only to speedrun.com that argument is not used enough at all!

Potentially -iwad, since most engines default to Doom2.wad if you don't specify.

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A long while ago there was a spurt of threads about enhancing graphics (particularly sprites) to high resolutions, ranging from simple interpolation/upscalers to full-fledged 3D models, or making "remakes" of Doom in Unity or whatever. For sprites, you'd be lucky if anyone went beyond the zombie/imp before realizing it was futile, and remakes rarely went beyond E1M1/MAP01 for the same reason.

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3 hours ago, Maes said:

A long while ago there was a spurt of threads about enhancing graphics (particularly sprites) to high resolutions, ranging from simple interpolation/upscalers to full-fledged 3D models, or making "remakes" of Doom in Unity or whatever. For sprites, you'd be lucky if anyone went beyond the zombie/imp before realizing it was futile, and remakes rarely went beyond E1M1/MAP01 for the same reason.

True. HD Sprites/Models/Textures is the "Invading Russia during winter" of Doom mods.

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1 hour ago, Sergeant_Mark_IV said:

True. HD Sprites/Models/Textures is the "Invading Russia during winter" of Doom mods.


Precisely. It's attractive to get the Russians and their massive tracts of land out of the game at first, but you quickly realize it's usually impractical and pointless.


"You're huge! That means you have huge landmasses! Depose the czar!"


...err, but anyway.

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15 hours ago, The Great Communicator said:

Whether or not DOOM is 3D/2.5D was a hot topic just recently and got exhausting fast.

Especially when it turned out the right answer was 1.5D.

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Talking about another overused trope of this forum...


When someone dismisses the original poster with a short effortless snarky answer, and, as prize for their bad behaviour, they get like dozens of likes / reactions at the expense of the original poster.


Well, if the original poster is an obvious troll obviously trolling, I could understand this move (to be fair, I sinned in the past...), but doing this to a legit poster posting a legit topic seems a dirty trick in my view.





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@DoomkidI can add another argument that might be silly to many and annoying to many. 

Remember that Boom vs UDMF map format thread? There you go if you want to add that one.

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The whole argument about what is or isn't truly DOOM-like became redundant the moment the community started making maps better than id.

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"Arguments not related to Doom shitting up Doom sites/boards" isn't as much of a problem on Doomworld since discussion is segregated into different forums (as seen by it being lowest in the poll), but it's a big problem on a certain anime imageboard that I frequent. I'd take the same Doom purism arguments (which remind me of roguelike fans arguing over the Berlin interpretation) and inane technical questions (how am I of drag WAD onto EXE) over cross-site drama and political shitposting any day, since it's such an easy way to dominate discussion on a platform with lower traffic. Anyways, the Chasm is the best IWAD map and I always play it with Brutal Doom.

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2 hours ago, Maximum Matt said:

Threads/posts that insinuate that E3M7 does anything other than suck.


I find it to be one of the maps of E1 I like the most. Probably the interesting architecture, and the proportions.


EDIT: oh wait, E3M7, not E1M7. Heck I'm embarassed. Sorry man have been feeling sick lately. Still, I do dislike E3M1 due to its grindiness (imagine pistoling a Caco). E3M7 is mazey but I don't see much else wrong about it.

Edited by Gustavo6046

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25 minutes ago, Vic Vos said:

I wonder if this thread unintentionally intends to start up all of these arguments at once.


How to make DW go nuclear with one shot, eh?

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Where is the biweekly (usually alternating Tuesdays) thread where "Nu-Doom isn't just Ultimate Doom again therefore is shit", get tired of seeing that one every damn place I go.


"it's just not Doom", no, it's just not YOUR DOOM.

Edited by mrthejoshmon

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At the risk of violating my self-imposed rule of posting a maximum of three answers per topic, unless it is a project in which I am really interested...


On 12/22/2020 at 6:43 PM, Nine Inch Heels said:

"Me and 10,000 other people like this thing over the other thing, therefore other thing is less good." is an argument from authority


I think you have mixed up the argument from authority with the argument from popularity. As for the rest of your answer, blind leading the blind, I guess.


Speaking about logical fallacies, this scarcely documented one is another very used on online discussions. This special pleading, as it seems it shares its name with a different fallacy. This is about statements in the style of: “You will never understand [x] because only very few people like me have the perspective to do so”.


https://www2.palomar.edu/users/bthompson/Special Pleading.html


On 12/23/2020 at 10:55 PM, scalliano said:

the community started making maps better than id.


Does anyone else remember that bloke? That one really obsessed with the “pros” as far as mapping goes. If I remember correctly, he used to state fundamentally that all user-made maps of Doom are worthless, save for these few ones created by people such as John Romero, Jean-Paul LeBreton, Russell Meakim...




Ok, said once, if at all...

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