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Most overdone/played-out Doom arguments?


Most overdone/played-out Doom arguments?  

278 members have voted

  1. 1. Which arguments are you the MOST tired of?

    • Arguments about Brutal Doom
    • Arguments about slaughtermaps
    • Arguments about which source port is the best
    • Arguments about GZDoom / Graf in general
    • Arguments about whether or not Doom is 3D
    • Arguments about which stock maps are best/worst
    • Arguments not related to Doom shitting up Doom sites/boards
    • Arguments about what is or isn't "truly Doomy" (mostly pertaining to custom maps/wads)
    • Arguments about difficulty settings in general / Ultra-Violence being "true Doom"
    • Arguments about whether or not “Doom is Dying!!”

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"Arguments about what is or isn't "truly Doomy" For me, it's not only aplicable to custom maps, gameplay wads, it's extend even to the new games (Eternal saying Hi). They like to take down merits of those custom games, maps, new games only because it's not a full extension, convertion or remasterization of Doom II.

Also by extension, the difficulty, it's adversed that custom games or newer games will not be the same difficulty as old games, so yeah , we know you can beat DOOM 2 Nigthmare without dying, but it's not comparable to Doom 2016 Nigthmare.

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cw: hot takes

voted for all of them because they all suck, I think 'worst iwad map' does my head in the most though. It's not quite as bad now as it was but there definitely used to be a new thread for that like every 2 weeks a couple of years ago. Shut. Up.


As for the rest:



Brutal Doom arguments were obnoxious but from my perspective they're a bit of a thing of the past now, used to see them all the time years ago, not so much now.

I've flipped sides of the slaughtermap argument, still not really my cup of tea personally but not sure why we still need to get all upset over them so often.

Source ports, literally who cares what engine some random people on the internet prefer to play doom with.

GZDoom see above, as for Graf, I think basically everyone usually involved in those arguments are tired of it.

Doom is/isn't 3D. When we're starting to debate the definition of a dimension, it's time to stop. (P.S. it is 3D)

Non-related Doom stuff is just the Everything Else forum. I don't really look at it anymore.

What does truly Doomy even mean at this point.

Difficulty setting arguments are just gatekeeping bullshit. Most maps are designed around UV, some aren't. You're allowed to play on a lower difficulty and anyone who gives you shit for that can fuck off.

Doom is dying, I don't really see this much apart from that one recent thread. Probably because it's about as far from accurate as you can get.



Edited by Eris Falling

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17 minutes ago, Eris Falling said:

 voted for all of them because they all suck, I think 'worst iwad map' does my head in the most though. 

If you see a Gantlet vs Gauntlet argument, I guess that you'd vote that as well :D

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Another argument that I cringe to see, would definitely be brutal doom stuff. That mod left a mark yes. I do have my opinions but, the argument is old.


Enough is enough.

Edited by leodoom85

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To me, it'd have to be the plague of 'Worst/Most Overrated/Hated' threads and their innumerable variants. Like, I get that some people (myself included) enjoy venting online about some trivial annoyance and maybe getting some low-effort likes for their trouble, but the sheer quantity of such threads makes me roll my eyes. There really are better uses of front-page space than the hundred septillionth 'Most Hated Monster in Doom' topic.

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As a spinoff of "best/worst iwad maps," there's the whole "Doom 1 is a better game than Doom 2 because it has more realistic design" and all the discussion that spawns from that. Just in case we want to have that argument again, the people who say Doom 1 is a better game are wrong.


5 hours ago, Alfonzo said:

I propose that all 2021 arguments nominated in the poll be manipulated by tactical sock-puppetry into heated debates about what Christian name best describes doomguy's face in the hud until this becomes the #1 issue communitywide.


I reckon he's either an Ernest or a John. Could also be a Michael but I doubt the immaculate stoicism and jawline would have been able to take form after repeat utterances of the word 'Mike'.


The name on his birth certificate is Doomguy Michael Blaze, with Blaze being an Americanized form of Blazkowicz. My sock puppets and I will die on this hill.

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10 minutes ago, Not Jabba said:

As a spinoff of "best/worst iwad maps," there's the whole "Doom 1 is a better game than Doom 2 because it has more realistic design" and all the discussion that spawns from that. Just in case we want to have that argument again, the people who say Doom 1 is a better game are wrong.

THIS A MILLION TIMES. Its alright if you think Doom 1 is the better game, but please, lets keep the discussions out.

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1 minute ago, Diabolución said:

Your post has reminded me of the tired argument that Sandy Petersen’s maps are subpar or rubbish.

THIS TOO! Honestly, how can play people say that when Tom Hall's rooms in Doom 1 are a thing?

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Brutal Doom arguments are boring.  


"I like Brutal DOOM."


(A collective WHAT)


"Yeah, I think it's cool."


(Elitist babble and some sentitive types bringing up some old comments Sgt Mark made as if that has anything to do with the content of the mod)


Rinse and repeat.

Edited by Rare Hatchiama
Realized I didn't capitalize DOOM.

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Out of all of those (and I dislike every one of them!) the argument about whether Doom is 3D is to my mind the most utterly pointless, because whatever the conclusion is doesn't make any difference to anything.


You could argue the same about "What IWAD map is best", but there is at least some merit in artistic discussion - it's not unusual for art to be reevaluated over time - but the 3D argument is purely technical. And I'd be very happy if I never had to think about it ever again. 

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6 minutes ago, Bauul said:

Out of all of those (and I dislike every one of them!) the argument about whether Doom is 3D is to my mind the most utterly pointless, because whatever the conclusion is doesn't make any difference to anything.

Its obviously 2.5D. (And its true because its on that page.)



6 minutes ago, Bauul said:

You could argue the same about "What IWAD map is best", but there is at least some merit in artistic discussion - it's not unusual for art to be reevaluated over time - but the 3D argument is purely technical. And I'd be very happy if I never had to think about it ever again. 

The best IWAD map is Barrels O Fun because Barrels.

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I feel like the site's search engine is just a joke since it's easier to create a new thread than to look for something specific which was widely discussed 100 times before.

Edited by Dimon12321

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I think the search is very useful personally, but whether or not someone starts a new thread or bumps an old one makes no difference to me, really. Since the forum software was updated a few years back, it could be argued that starting a new thread is more considerate so as to not send out pointless notifications to people who posted in the thread years ago, but even then it’s no problem one way or the other imo 

Edited by Doomkid

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I voted "stock maps" which in my mind also includes all the threads á la "What color underwear do you think the Baron is wearing under his fur-pants?". Those are the absolute worst... (edit; those kinds of threads aren't all that argumentative, but still)

Edited by Uncle 80

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For the most part I don't really care because well, first I'm not a super active member of the community, I'm more interested in just playing the game. Second, though, and most important, we have to remember that the people who bring up these points again may not be aware that these discussions already happen in the past, even if in hindsight that's obvious, given that the community has been around for so long.


Of course, anyone can look it up and read old threads about these things before bringing something up, but that leads my next point, which is opinions change. Reading an old thread about something gives absolutely no insight on where people stand now, and that, at least to me, is always a valid reason to ask again a question that has been asked in the past.


I understand the annoyance, and despite what I have just said, I too get annoyed about certain things. Even though I haven't really seen it that much, I find the whole "Doom is dying" thing very tiresome. Also the whole "Doom was meant to be played with the keyboard only" thing, which was not an option to vote on, and something I was fully unaware of until I had been playing the game for a couple years and watched a YouTube video talking about it.

Edited by QuotePilgrim

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Anything that involves claiming theres a "right" or "wrong" way to experience DOOM. The best way to experience DOOM is the way you enjoy it the most. 

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Source ports. It’s like a pissing contest. Just get down and suck in that piss if what source port you use vs others use means that much to you already. It reminds me of little kids in grade school arguing over made up bullshit and the one with the loudest voice always wants the final say. Grow up. 

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9 hours ago, Phobus said:

I picked the "stock maps" option, as I think we all know Slaughter is shit, so we don't need to have the argument ;)

I was going to go on a very long rant about every reason why that claim is wrong, but then I realized you were joking.


Anyways, I think that us as a community need to remove the "doom is dying" and "what is the best/worst" threads so that we can finally have intelligent discussion on things like how gimmicks should be done in maps, or how to create advanced Sunlustesque architecture and make brilliant lighting effects, or what Final Doom would be like if it had new monsters or weapons. These are all threads where advanced intelligent conversations can actually occur instead of rants, flamewars and whatnot, and this can be an actual reality, but it would be hard to actually make it so that these hypothetical threads were more popular.

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The "Doom is/is Not 3D" is by a long shot the worst. The sheer scale of bullshit this discussion brings is ridiculous, involving even devs from other games, game journos and youtube personalities that have shit nothing to do with Doom.
And most importantly, is the most useless of all, that has absolutely no impact on the future or past of the community.

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1 hour ago, Rare Hatchiama said:

Fuck people who don't capitalize DOOM.

I only capitalize the D, so should I be f**ked?


2 hours ago, Xyzzy01 said:

Should I link this again?

While I agree with this "whether UD or D2 maps are better than the other" is pointless... I saw there's a post in the same page from the 30 YO me... and I somehow felt strange that I would reply to such a bad post, which bugs me now :P

Edited by GarrettChan

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