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Little things that lightly annoy you in Doom?


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- Finding a berserk pack (when it's useless at that time)

- Leaving berserk packs laying in a level, then finding and picking them all up just before exiting level in order not to lose 100% items count

- Finding a partial invisibility sphere, then thinking about how to make benefit from using it

- Energy cell pack giving you 100 cells while BFG shot costing 40, and 100 not being divisible by 40, having to deal with either 20 missing or wasted cells when picking up energy cell packs

- Picking up health or armor bonuses while having 200%

- Using a normal shotgun causing having odd number of shells

- Sectors which are part of normal level progression being marked as secrets for no reason


Please mention here only really "little", funny or even for example absurd nonsense things that could make you laugh when you think about it. This is not going to be yet another generic "what annoys you in Doom" thread we had couple of times in past already, so please do not repeat common things like "I hate motster xyz", but let's just go for little funny things.

Edited by Hisymak

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1 hour ago, Doom-X-Machina said:



1 hour ago, Yukarin said:

Revenant missiles doing a full damage roll


1 hour ago, dmslr said:



5 minutes ago, Silhou3tte said:

Pain Elementals spawning dozens of lost souls through infighting... and the fact that pain elementals exist.

All of these, but for me they're not little things; for me it's monsters (usually hitscanners) that drop stuff being placed on alcoves above you where you cannot pick up the goodies they drop when you kill them; at least not without cheating (i.e., to fly, noclip, etc.).

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When a mapper forces me to pick up the soulsphere and, only then, the berserk pack, so that I will not get that precious boost to 200% health. MAP05 of Doom II or E3M2 / E5M2 of Sigil, for example.

Edited by Diabolución

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4 hours ago, Yukarin said:

Revenant missiles doing a full damage roll


Definitely this.


And when the blockmap bug occurs against a Dumb Soul... that always grinds my gears.

Edited by seed

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Weapon auto switch on pickup (especially if it's a rocket launcher)


5 hours ago, Yukarin said:

Revenant missiles doing a full damage roll

This makes me untethered and my rage knows no bounds

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That single lost soul between a pain elemental and your chaingun that prevents stunlocking.. and as soon as you dispose of it? Here's another fresh one from the meatball.

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Getting beaned in the face by the lost soul that inevitably flies directly towards me at the speed of sound whenever I kill a pain elemental.

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Being forced to pick up (or doing it accidentally) a box of shells when you still have 97 shells (also a box of bullets, etc.).

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(Somewhat) large maps featuring tens, if not hundreds, of enemies, many of them being mid-tiers or high-tiers, to kill, but... no backpack whatsoever... Good luck micromanaging the ammo! This is the only thing I dislike about No Rest for the Living...



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6 hours ago, Yukarin said:

Revenant missiles doing a full damage roll

You mean... every time then?



As a wise man once said: They either do 80 to 10,000 dmg.


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Chaingunners placed juust above your field of view so you cannot see them when they give you a buzzcut. Especially annoying if the map goes for a dearth of health type of gameplay.

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In deathmatch, particularly in crowded servers:


- getting pushed around/off an edge/off a lift by incidental fire that sometimes isn’t even aimed at me.


- when every idiot in the server accidentally “protects” the BFG spammer by shooting anyone who tries to take them down, thus guaranteeing their victory


- bad sportsmanship/douchey behavior/too much blabbing mid-game

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Behold a sector effect that can annoy some people slightly or a lot.


Ice terrain aka frictionless ground.




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I don't care about revenants dealing max damage, or pain elementals screwing up the entire map with their endless clouds of lost souls. It's those pesky shotgunners that bother me.

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That the pistol is almost completely useless once you find another gun. It’s really just a last resort weapon, and in other games they do this too, but many others the handgun is a useful gun throughout the entire game. I tend to prefer that because pistols can be fun to use if they don’t have to be quickly discarded. If the pistol had been ever so slightly faster shooting between shots, it would’ve made a huge difference in my opinion. The only time I’ve used the pistol meaningfully is when I have nothing else to use or I’ve got one kill left before winning a DM, though I much prefer using the chainsaw for that because it seems nobody is ever quite ready for that most of the time. 

Edited by Gerolf

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Infinitely tall enemies, and the fact that hitscanners seem to be able to aim up and down indefinitely, while your autoaim range is limited to what you can see (assuming you are playing a vanilla-esque port).

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