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KFC and Cooler Master have partnered to make a "Gaming Console"


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This is the exact name of a thread I came across on Duke4.net forum.



Its called KFConsole and apparently, this is a not a joke and is a real thing. It's a computer that can game and also has a built in chicken chamber. Seriously, we recently had that KFC love drama and now this. Who is running KFC nowadays?


At least @Ajora would probably love this.

Edited by ReaperAA

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By the time I saw the announcement video months ago, I knew it wasn't an out-of-date April's Fools joke.

And this just confirms it even further.

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5 minutes ago, InDOOMnesia said:

By the time I saw the announcement video months ago, I knew it wasn't an out-of-date April's Fools joke.

And this just confirms it even further.


Oh really what? I thought this was new thing

Edited by ReaperAA

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9 minutes ago, ReaperAA said:


Oh really what? I thought this was new thing

It's been announced since June, but only from a short video by KFC Gaming's official YT channel, and no further news later on until recently. Most believed it was just a joke back then.

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Dear CEO of KFC: Please fire your marketing department. All of them. Load 'em up into a cannon, launch 'em into the sun and then just start over.

Edited by Biodegradable

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So, is the "chicken chamber" part actually real? How much heat does it attain, is it sealed so you won't get a bunch of grease and crumbs in your console's working parts?

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They called me mad when I told them it was real, BUT I SHOWED THEM! WHO'S LAUGHING NOW, EH?? MWAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!!


Ahem, er, anyway, judging by the specs, this thing is probably gonna be in the region of around £2000 easily, given that it's basically a high-end gaming rig.


What I REALLY wanna see though is the controller...

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what will be next?
McConsole with fries and a chiken burger?

Burgame Kingsole and a cokestick for one dollar?

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A console lives or dies by its game library. It's difficult to predict how successful this will be without knowing what games it's going to feature, as well as its price point. The visual design is very good. 

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At least they don't sound like they're 100% talking out of their ass, like when talking about technical terms like raytracing.




Then again I feel like raytracing has become kind of a buzzword.

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Now this could be interesting, but seriously what is even KFC anymore lol.


They're now getting involved in gaming? Now this, I would have never expected.

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20 minutes ago, seed said:

Now this could be interesting, but seriously what is even KFC anymore lol.


They're now getting involved in gaming? Now this, I would have never expected.


They've had a gaming Twitter account for quite some time now. It's extremely unfunny and lame. They were on scrubquotes a few times. 



Edited by Ajora

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Speaking of KFC, you people should all read Colonel Harland Sanders' Wikipedia article, he's an extremely colorful and interesting person, for better or worse. This is a man who once worked as a lawyer, and he ruined his reputation and killed his business because he once got into a disagreement with a client in court, a disagreement which escalated to an argument, which then escalated to a full on fistfight/brawl. Hot headed, that man was.

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Finally, Leeroy Jenkins can both have his chicken *AND* have it hot while he gets his dick knocked in the dirt when he rushes into the UBRS rookery.

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