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[Now on /idgames!] 3x3 - 3 flats, 3 textures, 3 monsters! community speedmapping(ish) project

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@Breezeep Nice work! I really enjoyed that map. Lovely brutalistic visuals, well-crafted layout with nice flow, and the barrels scattered throughout create the potential for very tactical gameplay. About my only criticism regards the one secret in the map - I like the thought behind it, and it's subtle enough that you can easily miss it unless you really pay attention to the environment, but it's too easily given away by the fact that it's not hidden in automap view. That's the only thing I think needs fixing.


3 minutes ago, elio.exe said:

A third map wouldn't be accepted, huh?


Unfortunately not, and I'm not changing that rule on this short a notice either.

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Fine, here is second map from me


Title: Plutocracy

Author: Muumi      

Sky: sky3

Music: Going down the fast way from Rott by Lee Jackson

Difficulty Settings: yes but lower skills not really tested

Description: 3 hour something speedmap, meant to by kinda like plutonia parody of some sort, first person to guess which enemies it has wins golden chaingunner. 








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I had a lot less time than expected due to christmas/new year stuff such as cleaning the entire house. The end product isn't very similar to what I had in mind.

While I normally can decide if I like what I made or not, in this case I really can't tell if like it. See for yourself.


Title: Two Thou-zoned Out

Author: AHS


Flats used: CEIL5_1, FLOOR1_6, CEIL4_2 (+F_SKY1)

Music: Shards by Lee Jackson (from Rise of The Triad)

Difficulity settings: Yes



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50 minutes ago, A.H. Sankhatayan said:

I had a lot less time than expected due to christmas/new year stuff such as cleaning the entire house. The end product isn't very similar to what I had in mind.

While I normally can decide if I like what I made or not, in this case I really can't tell if like it. See for yourself.


Title: Two Thou-zoned Out

Author: AHS


Flats used: CEIL5_1, FLOOR1_6, CEIL4_2 (+F_SKY1)

Music: Shards by Lee Jackson (from Rise of The Triad)

Difficulity settings: Yes



Cool light effects in this one!

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Updated my map:
- Implemented difficulty settings
- Added some extra monsters for multiplayer
- Fixed a few misaligned textures
- Added some extra cover in a couple of spots when playing on easy
- Made one secret less obvious, and another one more obvious
- Adjusted many line flags to improve the automap view
- Added some extra enemies in one part of the map, and a little extra ammo and health too


Download: Immundus_Stagnum_v2.zip (I kept the wad filename the same as before, without '_v2' in it.)

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2 minutes ago, elio.exe said:

I have a question, does map 31 have a secret exit to access map 32? (I haven't tried out any of the maps since I want to play the compilation as a whole)


I'll take the liberty of updating MAP31 such that its exit will lead directly to MAP32.

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Here's mine, had to cut it short as I was running out of time. 


Title: Blood_Crypt

Author: Mike_C


Flats used: DEM1_5, FLAT1_1, BLOOD1, (F_SKY1)

Music:  BFG Division by Csonicgo (from D4V mod)

Difficulity settings: Yes

Sky texture is from OTEX



Edited by Mike_C

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~~~ TIME IS UP! ~~~


MFG38 thanks all participants. Final map roster will be announced and updated in the OP momentarily.

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Alright, the final map roster has been decided upon and updated in the OP. I'll give all mappers who participated an extra 12 hours (as of the time of this post) to bugfix and otherwise update their maps as they see fit. Those whose maps don't have custom music yet - namely @NaturalTvventy and @revlis - may also add a custom music track if they wish, otherwise I'll assume the default music track of the respective map slots. Once I have the latest versions of everyone's maps, I'll get around to compiling the wad, and the full 29-level megawad should show up here within the first few days of 2021.


Stay tuned!

Edited by MFG38

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7 minutes ago, MFG38 said:

I'll give all mappers who participated an extra 12 hours (as of the time of this post) to bugfix and otherwise update their maps as they see fit.


Did just that. Changed the red key "trap" and made some minor visual changes. Basically touched up the map a bit.

3x3 speedmap - Dunn & Dunn.rar

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1 hour ago, MFG38 said:

and the full 29-level megawad should show up here within the first few days of 2021.

oh, just three maps short of a full megawad.

Crap, i should have participate :(

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Thanks for hosting this project. It's been several months since I played Doom and made a map for it.

I'm updating my map. I found a few things to change.

• Changed door open linedefs to be "fast" from "normal."
• Fixed blue torches to appear in the alcoves of embedded ruin along the wall.
• Altered geometry where a wall would appear invisible and fixed wall texture alignment in the gorge.
• Balanced deathmatch to be boring instead of unfun.


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New version adds some big pillars to the second fight to make it more visually interesting, and changes the exit to a secret exit in line with the map order.
It may also be set up in slade... strangely. Upon adding STARSKY1, it would refuse to launch as it couldn't find the SKY3 texture (despite it not even being used???). My solution was to create a texture archive using doom2.wad as a base, since it was the first thing I found that fixed it and the program honestly terrifies me too much to find anything better.

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One final update to my map:
- Made one mandatory leap easier to pull off without straferun
- Adjusted the position of some trees so they obscure the view less
- Gave the player a little more room to maneuver outside


Download: Immundus_Stagnum_v3.zip (wad filename is same as before, without '_v3' in it.)

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4 hours ago, MFG38 said:

The compilation process is beginning!


By the way, not sure what the plan for this is, but I would suggest first releasing a release candidate, eg. "3x3_rc1.wad" so that the wad can be playtested and any map breaking issues that may have managed to slip in, can be fixed before the final version is uploaded to /idgames. In the best scenario, this could just mean having to rename the wad file if no major issues are found. I'm hoping that this suggestion doesn't go too much against the spirit of the project, and that it's worth-while to do so, in order to present a more solid megawad to the people wanting to play through it once it's finished.

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2 hours ago, Worst said:

By the way, not sure what the plan for this is, but I would suggest first releasing a release candidate, eg. "3x3_rc1.wad" so that the wad can be playtested and any map breaking issues that may have managed to slip in, can be fixed before the final version is uploaded to /idgames.


That was my plan from the get-go, worry not.

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Happy New Year, ladies and gentlemen! Go celebrate the turn of the year with the freshly unleashed RC1 of 3x3:



I've also updated the OP with some basic info + screenshots.


Once again, thanks to everyone who contributed towards this project for making it a success! I still can't believe that this project ended up a measly 3 maps short of being a full 32-level megawad in only a week. I know my 2021 is already off to a good start - I hope yours is too! c:

Edited by MFG38

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