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Are you an active DoomWorld Playtester?

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30 minutes ago, Friezus Christ said:

Hello, I was wondering where I could post my wad? Looking for feed back on the combat/item placement on my level in particular. Made a thread earlier in the week, but haven't heard back from anyone. Should I post the link to my map here? 


No, that'd be silly. Instead, check out this thread and message some of the folks listed if they're available for playtesting.

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I'm running a thread right now. I'd love some requests


Edited by Dubbagdarrel

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I am still active, but I also now test on Twitch livestream (in fact preferred over plain YouTube video, but I can export any stream to YouTube). My account name is francist218 there.

Edited by FrancisT18

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On 2/26/2021 at 8:57 AM, Friezus Christ said:

Hello, I was wondering where I could post my wad? Looking for feed back on the combat/item placement on my level in particular. Made a thread earlier in the week, but haven't heard back from anyone. Should I post the link to my map here? 


Im sorry to reply so late, you can find playtesters  = = HERE = = and make your requests to whoever you choose by Private Message. Or you can make a post in

WADs & Mods requesting playtesting for your WAD with all the information in your post.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I already applied on this thread, but since this seems to be updated much more frequently, I'll also put my name down here, just in case. If that isn't necessary and I should delete this reply, let me know.


I am partially active (can test several times a week, but not every day) and I will only provide written comments. I'll put my map and skill preferences and all that on my profile.

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(if this is the wrong place to post this message me and I'll delete this) Hello! I'd love you fine gents to have a look at my little map set if you have time available. Feels like I dropped a water droplet in the ocean, sometimes. Which is a good thing, it means there's all this wealth of content to go through on doomworld, but it also ends up with that feeling of screaming in the void sometimes. 

(definitely the right place to post this, though: )I also playtest maps ad hoc on the forum, I find it very relaxing and a good feeling to give back to the community, so feel free to add my name in the OP as a partial!


Edited by Helm

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  • 1 month later...
On 12/26/2020 at 2:48 PM, Austinado said:

so many words

This is a very cool, and helpful idea. I would like to add myself to the list of playtesters, I'll send the details here;


I'm usually active on playtesting, but I map a lot, so my mapping requests might be delayed sometimes. I am fine with a 32 map megawad, but depending on each maps length's, I might only be able to test a few maps. I'm fine with testing 1-20 minute maps in one day, but if it's longer, then I'll split the maps into sections, so I'll be able to test other's maps, and map myself. I'm fine with UV, but if it's too hard to beat very early in the map, I'll bump the difficulty down a notch. I perfer DOS, Crispy, or Pr-Boom/DSDA-Doom as a source port, but I really dislike GZDoom, as it's hard to run on my PC, and usually gives me very low FPS's. I wouldn't put down much genres, but Terry-Map's aren't what I'd test. A terry-reference, such as a still image that does nothing in the map, and doesn't impact gameplay I am fine with. Or, a death exit with a terry-image that kills you as the death exit is fine too. I usually test with demo recording, and written comments, but if it needs be I can stream/record a video of it. I'm fine with unfinished maps. Any maps that are requested and called "playable" in any sourceport that isn't advanced like in GZDoom, but has untagged sectors which glitch out the map in non-gzdoom source ports is something I am probably going to decline. I accept DW PM's, and accept friend request's/pm's on discord (Username and tag is Paf#6709 on discord.)
I'll be less active during Sunday-Thursday, because I have school, but any other days I'll be more active. 


Edited by Paf

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I could be one, but semi-active (Also I prefer playing on Hurt me Plenty, just saying) and I rather just play WADs I choose to or get requested. I would prefer only testing out WADs that have 1-3 maps maximum (I would only include what I like the most/funniest moments in the videos I would make, while contacting the WAD author directly to give my full feedback) Oh, and no I won't test slaughter maps.

Edited by Roebloz

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  • 2 weeks later...

Please also add me to this list:


Active/Partial Playtester: Partial

Preferred difficulty: Ultraviolence

Number of maps in a set (Max/Min): Any

Genres don't like: jokewads, willing to test slaughter maps but suck at them so may not be the best tester, less interested in stuff that requires freelook and jumping

Preferred souce ports: PrBoom+, Woof!, Crispy Doom, Chocolate Doom

Refused source ports: None

Demos or written comments: Both

Contact (Personal forum thread/ Private message): Private message me

Correcting number of maps in set

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Usually review wad map by map, with a lot of screenies and spending hours looking at textures, listeting midis and limit-testing difficulty

Active/Partial Playtester: Active

Preferred difficulty: uv/uv+pistol

Number of maps in a set (Max/Min): Any

Genres don't like: Any genre, except terrywads or pointless wads

Preferred souce ports: GZdoom, zandronum, actually any

Refused source ports: None

Demos or written comments: I'm a writter

Contact (Personal forum thread/ Private message): Pm or disc(gdrzx#6489)

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I will gladly play maps or small megawads. I am a new playtester but would like to improve myself. By being in this list I will maybe have some more maps I could play so I can get better. I will first record my playthrough (no voice over) and will than comment about what I liked and disliked. I am not the best player so I prefer playing HMP.


Active/Partial Playtester: Partial playtester

Preferred difficulty: HMP

Number of maps in a set (Max/Min): 5

Genres don't like: Slaughter maps

Preferred souce ports: GZdoom, zandronum, Zdoom

Refused source ports: Any that isn't in my prefered source ports

Demos or written comments: Written comment + youtube video

Contact (Personal forum thread/ Private message): Pm or discord (NilsQ#4796)

Edited by azerty

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  • 3 weeks later...

I would like to be a tester, too.


Active/Partial Playtester: Partial, as it's not clear right how much time I'll have available. At least some, though. :)

Preferred difficulty: I almost exclusively play UV-Max pistol start saveless, but I am flexible.

Number of maps in a set (Max/Min): Depends. 10 "normal"-sized, I suppose.

Genres don't like: I don't mind trying out any type of WAD, but please be up front with what it is so that I can assess it correctly.

Preferred souce ports: GZdoom, PrBoom+.

Refused source ports: I guess I don't refuse to use other ports, but I have no experience with them.

Demos or written comments: I'd say writing, mostly, but as long as the level isn't long or requires saving I can submit a demo too.

Contact (Personal forum thread/ Private message): PM me here or add me on Discord: Cinnamon#0289.

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Not applying to be a playtester, just wanted to make a suggestion: I know that there were a few dedicated playtesting threads around at some point, would it be worth it to link those in the main thread as well? Provided that they haven't gone completely inactive, of course.

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9 minutes ago, Obsidian said:

Not applying to be a playtester, just wanted to make a suggestion: I know that there were a few dedicated playtesting threads around at some point, would it be worth it to link those in the main thread as well? Provided that they haven't gone completely inactive, of course.

While this is actually a pretty good idea, I fear that there aren't many threads still ongoing currently.

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Hey everyone.
I will have to leave this list. Starting next week I will not be able to play Doom anymore ; let alone playtest other people's wads ; and I don't wanna make people wait for my answers. I'm really sorry about it, however there's not much I can do ; I'll probably re-join it one day when/if I'm able to get more free time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Active/Partial Playtester: Inactive

Preferred difficulty: UV, but I'm also willing to playtest lower skills

Number of maps in a set (Max/Min): 4-32

Genres I don't like: Slaughter maps and really hard maps

Preferred source port: DsdaDoom

Refused source ports: I won't refuse a port but I strongly prefer DsdaDoom

Demos or written comments: Demos and live commentary

Contact (Personal forum thread/ Private message): PM me on Doomworld or DM me on Discord Toad#6133

Notes: None

Edited by Toad

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  • 2 weeks later...

I know this is weird because I just signed up to the forum. But I'm visiting this site since many years (7 years I believe?) and finally decided to sign up. 

Thanks to my current job situation I got a lot of time to playtest, so I'd like to offer myself as "sacrifice" as well.


Active/Partial Playtester: Active

Preferred Difficulty: UV or HMP. (Can also do lower ones if needed, but won't do Nightmare.)

Numbers of Maps in a Set: As many as you like. But for a Megawad you'd have to give me some time since I won't rush through maps.

Genres I don't like: No Joke WADs. I'm bad at slaughter but I'll give it a try.

Preferred Source Port: GZDoom

Refused Source Ports: None. But keep in mind that I have no experience with other source ports.

Demos or written comments: Written for the most part with in-depth criticism. If I can, I'll do a youtube video without commentary, but can't promise one.

Contact: Private Message here or @FlandreTV on Twitter.

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I see you've not removed me from the list when I opted out, and I keep getting people DMing me for playtesting even though I literally can't do anything, could you remove my name please :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Up to join the ranks.

Active/Partial Playtester: Partial Active (sometimes busy with IRL, otherwise pretty free)

Preferred Difficulty: UV

Numbers of Maps in a Set: Any

Genres I don't like: Total Conversions

Preferred Source Port: Prboom+ / dsdadoom

Refused Source Ports: I'm generally sticking only to those above, and have gzdoom installed out of other ones, so I might not be up to getting zandronum or smth else :v)

Demos or written comments: Can record demo OR video OR write a comments. Can do a livestream playtest, can just do a private (or public if you like) YT video of playtest session

Contact: Private Message here

Edited by Tezur0

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'll just toss my hat into this ring and perhaps I might get added.

Active/Partial Playtester: Active, however depends if my everyday life gives me the free time or not.

Preferred Difficulty: Any.

Numbers of Maps in a Set: 1-32 maps (but giving me that many levels will take time of course, also depends on the length).

Genres I don't like: Jokewads that only waste my time.

Preferred Source Port: Dsda-doom, but if specifically requested then also other ports like GZ or Crispy.

Refused Source Ports: Obscure ports.

Demos or written comments: Mostly comments, but will also record demos if needed.

Contact: PM or ask me on Discord.


Notes: Everything I listed other than Active/Partial playtester, Genres , Refused ports and Contact is any if requested. Yes, I'll even play Brutal Doom with your map if you want to.

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I'm up for testing.

  • Active/Partial Playtester: active
  • Preferred difficulty: UV with pistol starts for standard to hard maps (up to @Ribbiks difficulty), HMR if harder
  • Number of maps in a set (Max/Min): it doesn't matter.
  • Genres don't like: anything works.
  • Preferred souce ports: GZdoom, PrBoom+ and any source port available in Debian Linux (yep I will test your map in Linux for wider audience).
  • Refused source ports: any source port non available in Debian Linux.
  • Demos or written comments: writing with screenshots but I can record something if needed.
  • Contact (Personal forum thread/ Private message): PM me here, I can read spanish too.
Edited by Karsios

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Yep, i playtest on occasion. I only have 3 rules though:

1. No slaughter maps

2. Gzdoom is my main test port

3. Wads must be under a Episode length (9 maps)


i may play on request, but usually whatever catches my interest is what i play

Edited by Morpheus666

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I'm a partial playtester. I'd rather give commentary by text, but videos can work.


I'd also rather use PrBoom+ and Zandronum. I don't like Zandronum as much as PrBoom+, though, so, I'd rather play Boom-compatible/vanilla wads.


I don't like ANY other ports.


I'd even rather playing single-map wads. I can play multiple maps, but that depends, kinda. If you DM me, I might just reply when I finish a map and another. DM me here in Doomworld.

Edited by RetroAkaMe

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