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Are you an active DoomWorld Playtester?

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On 3/20/2022 at 1:58 PM, Tactical Burger 69 said:

Active/Partial Playtester: Active

Preferred difficulty: HMP/UV

Number of maps in a set (Max/Min): Any

Genres don't like: slaughter, puzzle and platforming

Preferred source ports: GZDoom and PRboom+

Refused source ports: anything obscure

Demos or written comments: Youtube streams/videos

Contact (Personal forum thread/ Private message): Doomworld PM or Discord: Tactical burger 69#9094 

(could you add me to the list please)


its done.

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On 8/17/2022 at 10:21 PM, Shanoa said:

Hey there, I'd like to put my name down as a possible playtester.


Active/Partial Playtester:Active

Preferred difficulty: Any

Number of maps in a set (Max/Min): Any

Genres don't like:Honestly i'm ok with almost anything although I am fairly inexperienced with slaughtermaps. No jokewads though.

Preferred source ports:DSDA Doom, Prboom+, LZDoom

Usable sourceports: See above

Refused source ports: I'd rather not have to test GZDoom intensive stuff.

Demos or written comments: I prefer written comments with screenshots included if/where needed. Although if you want a demo I can try too.

Contact (Personal forum thread/ Private message): Send me a PM on Doomworld.


Notes: Should you choose me, map secrecy is assured. Do not be shy to let me know if my feedbacks aren't detailed enough. 

its done.

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I am, and I get nowhere enough (polite and respectful) requests for playtesting. As many can testify, I'm very thorough in feedback, and would love to get more stuff sent my way! Only update I guess is that I also test DSDA and provide demos now if requested. Prefer written fedback cause I love to flap my yap ;D

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7 minutes ago, Thelokk said:

I am, and I get nowhere enough (polite and respectful) requests for playtesting. As many can testify, I'm very thorough in feedback, and would love to get more stuff sent my way! Only update I guess is that I also test DSDA and provide demos now if requested. Prefer written fedback cause I love to flap my yap ;D


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2 hours ago, Austinado said:


you forgot:

Demos|written comments| youtube| Twitch: 

Written comments or YouTube or both

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I haven't been active in the past year-ish due to personal reasons, but do keep me on the list as I plan on returning very very soon. :)

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Hello, I would like to enter.


Active/Partial Playtester: Active

Preferred difficulty: UV, will play on lower difficulties if requested

Number of maps in a set (Max/Min): Any

Genres don't like: Maps with a really heavy focus on platforming

Preferred souce ports: DSDA-Doom, Eternity

Refused source ports: GZDoom

Demos|written comments| youtube| Twitch: Demos

Contact (Personal forum thread/ Private message): Private message

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7 hours ago, Austinado said:

Hello Everyone o/


- 2022 is almost over and i am updating the Playtesters list here in Doomworld.

- So, just to be sure if you guys wants to still be on the list, or if there is any changes to be done on your info profile on Playtesters list:


** Please give your answers only on this thread and simple answers are fine like: "Im out" or "Keep me as it is", and if you have update info " i would like to update/change my info with.." **







@Uni Musuotankarep






















@Flandre Scarlet






@Tactical Burger 69








@Fort Escapades



@King Know-Nothing











*** For those who would like to join the Playtesters List, please fill up This little Playtester form: ***


Active/Partial Playtester:

Preferred difficulty: 

Number of maps in a set (Max/Min):

Genres don't like: 

Preferred souce ports: 

Refused source ports: 

Demos|written comments| youtube| Twitch: 

Contact (Personal forum thread/ Private message): 




im still on the list. keep me

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I have a question for you about the Active/Partial Playtester thing.


Can there be a reserved play tester(s) slot for people that want to play test but can't get around to it as fast as the active play testers? 


The only reason i ask is because i do play peoples wads (new and old mappers) and i do leave comments since i'm having issues with my video editing program at this time.


If there is a reserved play tester slot i will be more then happy to fill a form out and summit it


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25 minutes ago, xScavengerWolfx said:

I have a question for you about the Active/Partial Playtester thing.


Can there be a reserved play tester(s) slot for people that want to play test but can't get around to it as fast as the active play testers? 


The only reason i ask is because i do play peoples wads (new and old mappers) and i do leave comments since i'm having issues with my video editing program at this time.


If there is a reserved play tester slot i will be more then happy to fill a form out and summit it



In this thread, active means you are regular...partial means you take your time whenever you can. I guess, you mean you are more of a partial playtester i guess. If you want, you can make a personnal thread (i had one myself before) and there you can state that you take your own time to do things.

Edited by Austinado

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Here you go! Thanks for maintaining this list, it’s great for new and old mappers alike :)



Active/Partial Playtester: Active

Preferred difficulty: Easy to mildly stressful

Number of maps in a set (Max/Min): No map limit but I try to play about an hour maximum per video

Genres don't like: None

Preferred souce ports: GZDoom

Refused source ports: None

Demos|written comments| youtube| Twitch: http://youtube.com/@DavidXNewton

Contact (Personal forum thread/ Private message): Submit requests at https://doom.teamouse.net/request

Notes: Am a rabbit

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16 hours ago, King Know-Nothing said:

Keep me in. 


I would like to change the info for preferred source port to DSDA, but will test in any requested.


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Active/Partial Playtester: Partial

Preferred difficulty: Hurt Me Plenty

Number of maps in a set (Max/Min): Minimum = 1, Maximum is hard to say. Usually I try to go through all maps but if the project is very long or difficult, I may cut it shorter.

Genres don't like: HORROR!* and trollwads.

*DooM itself doesn't scare me but if its meant to freak the player out and/or use jump scares, it's an instant hard pass from me.

Preferred souce ports: WooF, Chocolate + GZDooM

Refused source ports: None

Demos|written comments| youtube| Twitch: Generally I'll just comment about the WAD.

Contact (Personal forum thread/ Private message): Ehh, if you need me directly for anything than PM is fine.

Notes: I like to play with LaTailroGirl + Stylish Hell (though only if the map is GZDooM compat and if I've done more than 1 run).

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Well, not super active, but can play wads from time to time.
Ports: Choco\Dos, Eternity, Gzdoom, Dsda.
Like: Custom textures, aesthetically pleasing maps.
Hate: Boring stereotypical D1\2 wads ie, another vanilla textured techbase, green marble hell, that kind of stuff. Slaughter wads with hundreds of monsters.
Holla in private, or in discord pm whenever you find me there.

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