Austinado Posted December 27, 2020 (edited) Hello dear mapper, here you can find a list of Playtesters that can provide a feedback for your maps by request! *** Please DONT MAKE ANY REQUEST IN THIS THREAD! All the information needed is below so you can contact each one of them individually *** - It would be better no comments in this thread at all, any doubts or requesting to be a Playtester you can go »»»»HERE««««. - If you not longer available to be a playtester anymore please give that information on the link above. - The list is not provided Alphabetically but by Randomness; - I will provide updating always when necessary. =======//======== PLAYTESTERS =======//======= Active/Partial Playtester: Active. Preferred difficulty: Everything but Nightmare. Number of maps in a set (Max/Min): 6 to 8 maps. Genres don't like: None. Preferred souce ports: GZDoom. Refused source ports: The rest of them lol. Demos or written comments: Written comments and video recording.. Contact (Personal forum thread/ Private message): Just Private Message me on DW Active/Partial Playtester: Active playtester (mostly). I guess it's partially active. Preferred difficulty: UV, but I don't fear dropping down if necessary. Number of maps in a set (Max/Min): 1-22 maps. Genres don't like: Slaughter, most of the time. Also terrywads and jokewads. Preferred souce ports: PRBoom+, Eternity, ZDoom and its offsprings, Crispy Doom. Refused source ports: Any obscure ports that takes too long to setup (including DOS-based ports) and Doomsday. Demos or written comments: Probably demos (and videos if my internet is good enough), but text-based comments are always a must. Sometimes voice may be included in demo. Contact (Personal forum thread/ Private message): Doomworld Private Messaging is fine, but I preferred Discord contact. My Discord username is TheNoob_Gamer#7375, open for anyone. Notes: I'm fine with maps featuring gameplay tweaks; and if you think your slaughterwad with exceptional gameplay and/or exceptional selling point, feel free to send it over. I tend to be pretty harsh but stay objective (and helpful) overall. Also I like freelook, so let me know if your map specifically requires traditional autoaiming. I might play your jokewad if it has passable gameplay. Active/Partial Playtester: Active - But I tend to test things that look interesting to me. Preferred difficulty: UV unless requested elsewise. Number of maps in a set (Max/Min): I prefer to receive one or two new maps at a time as they are finished. No limit what the total (planned) length of the set can be. Genres don't like: I wouldn't truly 'blacklist' any genres, I make a spot-determination if it looks interesting potentially. No terrimaps. Preferred souce ports: ZDooM 2.8.1 or GZDooM Refused source ports: Anything more advanced than GZDooM Demos or written comments: Twitch livestream testing with voice commentary. My account name on Twitch is francist218. I can export any Twitch stream to YouTube if desired. I may also offer a private YouTube video test if requested. I go under a different name on YouTube that I prefer to share only outside of Doomworld. Contact (Personal forum thread/ Private message): Private message on Doomworld is okay to start, but I prefer other social media;I am FrancisT18#9293 on Discord and francist218 on Twitch. Anyone is free to hook up or friend request me in either place, where I can give further information. Discord is preferred when possible. Notes: I can type out feedback in video if English voice is not well understood. Active/Partial Playtester: Partial (at the moment, due to needing to take care of other IRL/livestream business in 2021) Preferred difficulty: Depends on what the mapper sets out, but usually UV by default. Number of maps in a set (Max/Min): I don't usually like playtesting full megawads, so somewhere between 1-12 (unless the maps are short, in which case I can do a few more). Genres don't like: Full slaughtermaps WITHOUT difficulty settings. Preferred source ports: GZDoom, PRBoom+ (GZDoom first and foremost though) Refused source ports: Crispy Doom Demos or written comments: Written comments accompanied by a Twitch VOD usually. Contact (Personal forum thread/ Private message): My Twitter, Youtube, Twitch or Doomworld account. ( ( ( Notes: I'm currently vowing to do one playtesting stream per month. In the future this may change when a few things get sorted out, but don't expect me to be too massively active as a playtester for the time being. Active/Partial Playtester: Partial. Preferred difficulty: Ultraviolence. Number of maps in a set (Max/Min): 32/5. Genres don't like: Walking Simulators. Preferred souce ports: GZDoom, Eternity, Crispy Doom. Refused source ports: Any DOS only port. Demos or written comments: Comments. Contact (Personal forum thread/ Private message): Private message. Notes: OH HERRO DERE. Active/Partial Playtester: Partial. Preferred difficulty: ITYTD, UV. Number of maps in a set (Max/Min): 32/01. Genres : don't like: slaughtermaps. Preferred souce ports: Zdoom, PrBoom+ Refused source ports: Gzdoom. Demos or written comments: Written comments and recording demos. Contact (Personal forum thread/ Private message): Private Message , Discord. Notes: I'm Boom mapping enthusiast, I can find HOMs, texture mis(place/align)ments, suggest on how to fix, make look or play better your maps. Privacy until wad's release is guaranteed. Active/Partial Playtester: On hold Preferred difficulty: Any. Number of maps in a set (Max/Min): Any. Genres don't like: Puzzlewads. Preferred souce ports: GZDoom. Refused source ports: Anything not GZDoom, but I am happy to play on specific compat settings as required. Demos or written comments: Live streams with VODs being highlighted. Contact (Personal forum thread/ Private message): DMs also fine. Notes: Playtesting streams are typically done once a week. Wads are played on a first come, first served basis and I maintain a list to keep track. Happy to focus feedback on specific concepts if requested (architecture, lighting, gameplay etc) and I try to couch feedback in level design theory as much as possible. Active/Partial Playtester: Active Preferred difficulty: Easy to mildly stressful Number of maps in a set (Max/Min): No map limit but I try to play about an hour maximum per video Genres don't like: None Preferred souce ports: GZDoom Refused source ports: None Demos|written comments| youtube| Twitch: Contact (Personal forum thread/ Private message): Submit requests at Notes: Am a rabbit Active/Partial Playtester: Active. Preferred difficulty: Ultra Violence... Number of maps in a set (Max/..Min): 15/1. Genres don't like: TNT / Eternal Doo.m .style stu.ff. Preferred souce ports: Prboom+, Ete.rnity.. Refused source ports: none..... Demos or written comments: .Wr.itt.en comments definitely, demos if it's not too hard to do saveless. Contact (Personal forum thread. Private message): Private Message. Notes: As a reference, the third e.pisode of Sunlust on HMP is right around my max skill level. Active/Partial Playtester: Active. Preferred difficulty: UV, and NM if it can be possibly beaten. Number of maps in a set (Max/Min):1~32. Genres don't like: None. Preferred souce ports: PrBoom+. Refused source ports: (G)ZDoom. Demos or written comments: Both, even videos. Contact (Personal forum thread/ Private message): Both Notes: I do pick on details that would make the map more fun to speedrun as I'm a speedrunner, but I don't force a mapper to do something. [Important] If you can't take honest opinions, or you don't want to reply and discuss after receiving the feedbacks, don't ask me to test your maps. Although the time I put into testing the map is far less than your time of making the map, still, respect my time. I offer my service for free, so I have to put this Terms of Services here. Active/Partial Playtester: Partial. Preferred difficulty: Whatever the mapper requests, but my default is UV. Number of maps in a set (Max/Min): Any. Preferred 1-11 but could also do a Megawad if the author/s are patient enough. Genres don't like: Slaughter, Puzzles that are too hard . Preferred souce ports: GZDoom. Refused source ports: Chocolate Doom, Eternity Engine. Demos or written comments: Written comments and Streams. Contact (Personal forum thread/ Private message): You can contact me either here, via Discord (Terminus#4882) or via my Twitch Channel . Notes: I mostly playtest upon requests. I plan on doing at least a bi-monthly testing stream, so please feel free to send over any map/set you'd like me to try out. If it won't be on a stream you will get an elaborated text file with notes and screenshots of any oddities and gameplay issues I may have found. Active/Partial Playtester: Active. Preferred difficulty: HMP/3. Number of maps in a set (Max/Min): No Maximum or minimum, but obviously give me more time to test if more. Genres don't like: Slaughtermaps. Preferred souce ports: GZDoom only. Demos or written comments: Screencaps and Written Comments. Contact: Contact by Private Message for testing. Notes: I'm the guy who will test your map with GZDoom, mods and with lower difficulties. I'll find visual glitches, comment on your flow, compliment your good sections, and tell you if I think the difficulty balance is good. I provide screencaps, rather than demos normally. GMT+0 (UK) time zone, so don't expect instant response from US. Active/Partial Playtester: Partial. Preferred difficulty: All except Nightmare. Number of maps in a set (Max/Min): Any number. Genres don't like: None, but highly dislike maps with framerate issues. Preferred souce ports: GZDoom and lesser ports. Refused source ports: Zandro/Zdaemon/anything obscure. Demos or written comments: Written comments only. Contact (Personal forum thread/ Private message): Message only.Notes: More active doing Doomwiki stuff but can playtest by request via message nowadays. If difficulty settings are implemented I will attempt to play the same map three times on ITYTD, HMP, and UV. Active/Partial Playtester: Partial. Preferred difficulty: Intermediate difficulty (I'm not good at Doom but I still like being challenged). Number of maps in a set (Max/Min): Preferably less than three hours. Genres don't like: Slaughter maps, puzzle maps. Preferred Genres: Resource-management heavy maps / exploration focus. Preferred souce ports: GZDoom. Refused source ports: Pretty much anything else. Demos or written comments: Will upload playsession to youtube and give thoughts afterward. Will try to provide audio commentary, but may not always have the chance. Contact (Personal forum thread/ Private message): Doomworld PM only please. Notes: Refuses to turn freelook off (it's very uncomfortable for me to play without it). Active/Partial Playtester: Partial. Preferred difficulty: Hurt Me Plenty to Ultra Violence. Number of maps in a set (Max/Min): Any. Genres don't like: None! I accept any genre of Wads! :) Preferred souce ports: Normally GZDoom but I also play on Chocolate Doom and Crispy Doom. Refused source ports: Anything other the ones above. Although if you have a wad that specifically runs on another source port not mentioned, I will see if I can run it and record it! Demos or written comments: I will be including written comments and feedback! :) I will capture the game footage for all wads I playtest and I will be uploading it to my Youtube channel with proper author/mapper credit (No voiced commentary, maybe soon). :) Contact (Personal forum thread/ Private message): You can contact me through DM in Doomworld! Notes: Laptop with an i7-8750, 16 GB DDR4 Ram, and a GTX 1060. It should able to run cpu-intensive wads wads :) Active/Partial Playtester: Active Preferred difficulty: Uh, Moderate? Ancient Aliens and Eviternity on UV pushed my skill level in places. I'll generally default to UV, but save a lot. Don't throw anything extreme my way. I won't enjoy it. Number of maps in a set (Max/Min): 5. I don't have a great deal of spare time and don't want to over-commit. Genres don't like: I don't want to playtest slaughtermaps. Prefer a mostly-vanilla monster roster and weapons. Not interested in multiplayer. Preferred source ports: GZDoom, but I'll play on PrBoom+ by request. Refused source ports: Eternity, Zandronum. Demos or written comments: Either/both, probably as the fancy takes me. Contact (Personal forum thread/ Private message): PM me on Doomworld. Notes: None. Active/Partial Playtester: Partial I guess, I wouldn't mind being more active if this gets traction. Preferred difficulty: UV. Number of maps in a set (Max/Min): I'd start out small so <10 I guess, but more if wad's good. Genres don't like: too doom1ish (ie no ssg + barons), too simple, more than minimal gameplay conversions. Preferred souce ports: gzdoom, prboom+. Refused source ports: all others. Demos or written comments: both. Contact (Personal forum thread/ Private message): here, Private Message, discord (eirc#666) Notes: I love slaughter and generally big (in size not so much length) and difficult maps, I try to max stuff and will use saves at my discretion (try to do em non combat but yea) Active/Partial Playtester: Partial (PM me whenever, I just can't treat this like a job but I'll do my best). Preferred difficulty: UV-fast (not saveless). Number of maps in a set (Max/Min): I'm not picky, but anything more than an episode or two will take quite a while and I'll have to prioritize any shorter requests that come in. Genres don't like: Slaughter, puzzle-focused, joke/Terry, open to anything else. Preferred souce ports Crispy, Eternity, and DSDA-Doom. Refused source ports: ZDoom or Boom ports. Demos or written comments: Written comments and YouTube videos Contact (Personal forum thread/ Private message): Private message or comment on a YT video I guess. Notes: If the start of your WAD absolutely sucks, I'm not playing the rest of it and I'm not reviewing it. Also, please specify whether you want me to treat this as an early closed beta to test whether you're on the right track, a bug test to make sure it's playable, a critical review, or something else. Active/Partial Playtester: Active. Preferred difficulty: Hurt Me Plenty but can go higher / lower if requested. Number of maps in a set (Max/Min): Any. Genres don't like: Slaughter Maps and Terry WADs Preferred souce ports: PrBoom+, DSDA-Doom, Eternity Engine, GZDoom if required. Refused source ports: DOS based ports. Demos or written comments: Video recording + written if requested. Contact (Personal forum thread/ Private message): Doomworld PM, Discord (Daxx#6242), Notes: I'm on the autism spectrum and one of my obsessions are Doom WADs. I can play-test pretty much every day if you don't mind me streaming it to twitch. Active/Partial Playtester: Partial. Preferred difficulty: Ultraviolence. Number of maps in a set (Max/Min): Any. Genres don't like: jokewads, willing to test slaughter maps but suck at them so may not be the best tester, less interested in stuff that requires freelook and jumping. Preferred souce ports: PrBoom+, Woof!, Crispy Doom, Chocolate Doom. Refused source ports: None. Demos or written comments: Both. Contact (Personal forum thread/ Private message): Private message me. Active/Partial Playtester: Active. Preferred difficulty: uv/uv+pistol. Number of maps in a set (Max/Min):Any. Genres don't like: Any genre, except terrywads or pointless wads. Preferred souce ports: GZdoom, zandronum, actually any. Refused source ports: None. Demos or written comments: I'm a writter. Contact (Personal forum thread/ Private message): Private Message or disc(gdrzx#6489) Active/Partial Playtester: Partial. Preferred difficulty: HMP . Number of maps in a set (Max/Min): 5. Genres don't like: Slaughter maps. Preferred souce ports: GZdoom, zandronum, Zdoom. Refused source ports: Any that isn't in my prefered source ports. Demos or written comments: Written comment + youtube video. Contact (Personal forum thread/ Private message): Private Message or discord (NilsQ#4796) Active/Partial Playtester: Partial, as it's not clear right how much time I'll have available. At least some, though. :) Preferred difficulty: I almost exclusively play UV-Max pistol start saveless, but I am flexible. Number of maps in a set (Max/Min):Depends. 10 "normal"-sized, I suppose. Genres don't like: I don't mind trying out any type of WAD, but please be up front with what it is so that I can assess it correctly. Preferred souce ports: GZdoom, PrBoom+. Refused source ports: I guess I don't refuse to use other ports, but I have no experience with them. Demos or written comments: I'd say writing, mostly, but as long as the level isn't long or requires saving I can submit a demo too. Contact (Personal forum thread/ Private message): Private Mesage me here or add me on Discord: Cinnamon#0289. Active/Partial Playtester: Active. Preferred difficulty: UV, but I'm also willing to playtest lower skills. Number of maps in a set (Max/Min):4-32. Genres don't like: Slaughter maps and really hard maps. Preferred souce ports: DsdaDoom. Refused source ports: I won't refuse a port but I strongly prefer DsdaDoom. Demos or written comments: Demos and live commentary. Contact (Personal forum thread/ Private message): Private Message me on Doomworld or DM me on Discord Toad#6133 Active/Partial Playtester: Active Preferred difficulty: UV or HMP. (Can also do lower ones if needed, but won't do Nightmare.) Number of maps in a set (Max/Min):As many as you like. But for a Megawad you'd have to give me some time since I won't rush through maps. Genres don't like: No Joke WADs. I'm bad at slaughter but I'll give it a try. Preferred souce ports: GZDoom Refused source ports: None. But keep in mind that I have no experience with other source ports. Demos or written comments: Written for the most part with in-depth criticism. If I can, I'll do a youtube video without commentary, but can't promise one. Contact (Personal forum thread/ Private message): Private Message here or @FlandreTV on Twitter. Active/Partial Playtester:Partial Active (sometimes busy with IRL, otherwise pretty free). Preferred difficulty: UV. Number of maps in a set (Max/Min):Any. Genres don't like: Total Conversions. Preferred souce ports: Prboom+ / dsdadoom. Refused source ports: I'm gen erally sticking only to those above, and have gzdoom installed out of other on es, so I might not be up to getting zandronum or smth else :v) Demos or written comments: Can record demo OR video OR write a comments. Can do a livestream playtest, can just do a private (or public if you like) YT video of playtest session. Contact (Personal forum thread/ Private message): Private Message here. Active/Partial Playtester: Active Preferred difficulty: Any Number of maps in a set (Max/Min): No limit Genres I don't like: time wasting low effort trollwads and computer generated wads Preferred source ports: dsda-doom, but will also play on other ports like GZ or Crispy if requested Refused source ports: Obscure / hard to setup ports. Demos|written comments| youtube| Twitch: written comments, will also record videos or demos if requested Contact (Personal forum thread/ Private message): PM me or ask me on Discord (thiccyosh #9776) Notes: I never refuse to playtest wads unless I have no time. Will also playtest wads with mods. Yes, I'll even play Brutal Doom with your map if you want to. Active/Partial Playtester: Active Preferred difficulty: UV with pistol starts for standard to hard maps (up to Ribbiks difficulty), HMR if harder Number of maps in a set (Max/Min):it doesn't matter. Genres don't like: anything works. Preferred souce ports: GZdoom, PrBoom+ and any source port available in Debian Linux (yep I will test your map in Linux for wider audience). Refused source ports: any source port non available in Debian Linux. Demos or written comments: writing with screenshots but I can record something if needed. Contact (Personal forum thread/ Private message): Private Message me here, I can read spanish too. Active/Partial Playtester: Partial. Preferred difficulty: UV (Primarily), HMP (Secondarily). Number of maps in a set (Max/Min): ~12 or less preferable. Feel free to just ask me to test specific maps instead of a whole project as well. Genres don't like: Terrywads, trollwads. Preferred souce ports: DSDA-Doom, Woof, Eternity (for Eternity exclusives only). Refused source ports: Others. Demos or written comments: Demos and/or written comments. Contact (Personal forum thread/ Private message): Doomworld PM, Discord. For Discord, you can PM me for it or find me in the DSDA server. Notes: Mostly going to critique aspects of the map(s) that affect gameplay. Active/Partial Playtester: Partial. Preferred difficulty: Hurt Me plenty (But I can test wads on any other difficulty). Number of maps in a set (Max/Min):No limit. Genres don't like: Slaughter maps, Jokewads, TerryWAD's. Preferred souce ports: Vanilla Doom, Chocolate Doom, Sprinkled-Doom, Crispy-Doom, From DOOM With Love, LZDoom and GZDoom. Refused source ports: None. Demos or written comments: Written comment and demo (Maybe a video too). Contact (Personal forum thread/ Private message): Private Message or Discord (Lol 6#3627). Active/Partial Playtester: Active. Preferred difficulty: HMP or UV. Number of maps in a set (Max/Min): 1 to 5, but I do like Megawads. Genres don't like: Slaughter maps, joke maps. Preferred souce ports: GZDoom or PrBoom+. Refused source ports: Zandronum, Dosbox, Doomday, 3dge. Demos or written comments: Comments mainly, but whatever works easiest. Contact (Personal forum thread/ Private message): Feel free to contact me here on DoomWorld, ModDB at Kalensar, or ZDoom Forum under same name. Notes: I accept mappacks, TCs, sprite-only mods and gameplay mods. I only do low to mid computer power types. High End power is rejected. Active/Partial Playtester: Partial. Preferred difficulty: UV. Number of maps in a set (Max/Min):A episode (9 levels), but would be willing to do up to 15 levels. (might make a exception up to 20 and below) Genres don't like: Slaughter wads. Preferred souce ports: GZdoom, PRBoom+. Refused source ports: Chocolate or DSDA. Demos or written comments: Written Comments, usually on a scaling of 1 to 10, (1 being horrible, 10 being spectacular). Contact (Personal forum thread/ Private message):Thedoctor989#9065 (preferred contact). Active/Partial Playtester: Partial, I have school. Preferred difficulty: ITYTD-->HMP (depends on map difficulty). Number of maps in a set (Max/Min): Minimum zero and maximum 32 (you can send me mods). Genres don't like: Nuts wannabes. Preferred souce ports: PrBoom-plus and Zandronum. Refused source ports: Anything else. Demos or written comments: Demos and written comments. Contact (Personal forum thread/ Private message): DM me in Doomworld. Notes:You can send me a slaughtermap but don't go nuts please. Active/Partial Playtester: Partial. Preferred difficulty: Hurt Me Plenty. Number of maps in a set (Max/Min):1-32 (It can be more, just note that I won't show everything on video). Genres don't like: Puzzle-focused maps (I can still test them, but they will likely not get a video of their own), slaughter maps (Just no.), gameplay mods (Like puzzle maps, I can test them, just not in a video). Preferred souce ports: Zandronum, LZDoom, Chocolate Doom (I generally prefer Zandronum but if your map only works in vanilla for some reason, I'll use ChocoDoom.). Refused source ports: Eternity, Doomsday, Odamex. Demos or written comments: Here are some examples: - - - So yeah, it's basically like old 2009-styled gameplay videos. Contact (Personal forum thread/ Private message): DMs on DW, the Roebloz Plays Doom thread ( and of course through my email. ( Notes:When recording for the videos, I may not play through the whole map/maps either due to the difficulty of the WAD, or because of time constraints to do the editing. I will leave more general comments about the WAD in the post with the link to the video. -(Also unrelated, but would be cool to do some coop on stream. Not that I would be great or actually talking, but would be interesting.) Active/Partial Playtester: Active. Preferred difficulty: HMP to UV. Number of maps in a set (Max/Min):single to Mega. Genres don't like: Troll, Ribbiks like, Terry. Preferred souce ports: Any. Refused source ports:Doom/Doom2.exe. I will use Sourceports but not the original executables. Demos or written comments: Any, I even do streams or Youtube vids. Contact (Personal forum thread/ Private message): DM me on Twitter (@I_punch_Demons9) or DM here. You can also tag me in the forums. Notes: So I do my playtesting a bit differently, I go at it with the scope of review styles. I focus more on player experience and gameplay than nitpicking textures unless it is overt. I also try to find bugs in my playthroughs or how to "break" or circumvent maps. For example in Astroverse you can abuse teleporters to circumvent a Cyberdemon, this was patched. If anyone does respond to me, please let me know if the wad is to be tested privately or if you would like it streamed. Also, all wads will not be blindly played and I will vett for any offensive content (any -ism's or -phobes) before making content. I will reject all offensive content unless it has historical reverence, IE a wolfenstein theme'd wad. Active/Partial Playtester: Active. Preferred difficulty: Any (just don't throw me in some boxing ring with high tier baddies). Number of maps in a set (Max/Min): max 6/1 episode (or the equivalent of a ~1 hour playthrough). Genres don't like: Joke wads and Slaughtermaps. Preferred souce ports: GZDoom. Refused source ports: Not-GZDoom (for now). Demos or written comments: Written comments, might record videos (YT) on request. Contact (Personal forum thread/ Private message): Private message. Notes: I might sound harsh sometimes, also, if you have some specific testing request, fell free to ask . Active/Partial Playtester:Partial. Preferred difficulty: Ultra-Violence. Number of maps in a set (Max/Min):32/6. Genres don't like: Slaughtermaps. Preferred souce ports:GZDoom. Refused source ports: All others. Demos or written comments: Written Comments. Contact (Personal forum thread/ Private message): Private Message. Notes: I am a big fan of horror elements. Active/Partial Playtester: Partial. Preferred difficulty: 5 or 10 maybe. Number of maps in a set (Max/Min):hurt me plenty. Genres don't like: puzzle maps. Preferred souce ports: gzdoom, k8vavoom. Refused source ports: nothing. Demos or written comments: written most of the time. maybe a live stream. Contact (Personal forum thread/ Private message): in dms on doomworld twitter(@BmfgThe) or discord(The BMFG#8287). Notes: None. Active/Partial Playtester: Partial. Preferred difficulty: UV, but if a map is too difficult for me at the time, I'll go on a lower difficulty. Number of maps in a set (Max/Min):Any, but having too much maps (7+) will take longer than usual. Genres don't like: Magnum Opuses, Troll maps (pistoling 20 cyberdemons, a giant startan maze, ect, ect). Preferred souce ports: Crispy Doom, DSDA-Doom, Chocolate Doom, ZDaemon. Refused source ports: None, I can even play on DOSBox if requested. Demos or written comments: Both. Contact (Personal forum thread/ Private message): Private Message, or talk to me on Discord (Paf#6709). Notes: I don't really like playing long maps often because I quickly get worn out. Active/Partial Playtester: Active. Preferred difficulty: Ultra-violence (but will play on any.) Number of maps in a set (Max/Min): No hard set limits on number of maps, but prefer fewer. Genres don't like: Joke wads (not great at Slaughter Maps, but willing to playtest them). Preferred souce ports: DSDA (but willing to play in others if requested). Refused source ports: None. Demos or written comments:Videos for Youtube, but will also do written comments if requested. Contact (Personal forum thread/ Private message): Private messages is fine, but also be contacted on Discord Mr. Robutt#6263 or on twitter at @KingNoNothing Notes: Depending on number of maps and length of playtime, I will try to do two playthroughs of the levels I'm sent. Active/Partial Playtester: Partial. Preferred difficulty: UV. Number of maps in a set (Max/Min): any number. Genres don't like: i play everything, even TERRY. Preferred souce ports: GZDoom. Refused source ports: The rest. Demos or written comments: Video commentary with a terrible italianized english and a sort of written review. Contact (Personal forum thread/ Private message): Private message me whenever you want. Active/Partial Playtester: Active. Preferred difficulty: HMP or UV if it's not too brutal. Number of maps in a set (Max/Min): No limit. Genres don't like: Joke wads, extreme slaughter. My all time fave is Plutonia, nuff said. Preferred souce ports: GZDoom and DSDA. Refused source ports: All others cause I'm daft at complevels and stuff. Demos|written comments| youtube| Twitch: written comments and Demos through private DMs, so I can be as candid as possible with pointing out areas of improvement. You also wouldn't like my accent. Really. Contact (Personal forum thread/ Private message): a Private Message is fine. I don't bite! Notes: Prefer written fedback cause I love to flap my yap ;D Active/Partial Playtester: Partial. Preferred difficulty: I'm too young to die (Sometimes Hey, not too rough ). Number of maps in a set (Max/Min): No limit. Genres don't like: Slaughter maps, Jokewads, TerryWADs. Preferred souce ports: GZDoom, Woof! and PRBoom+. Refused source ports: Vanilla, Chocolate Doom. Demos or written comments: Written comment, streaming too on Twitch. Contact (Personal forum thread/ Private message): Private Message or Discord @ LuciferSam#7338 Active/Partial Playtester:Active. Preferred difficulty: I personally default to UV, unless otherwise specified. I've got no problem w/ HMP, too.. Number of maps in a set (Max/Min):Min: 1, Max 32, (although packs this large might take me some time, so make sure to consider that - DM packs would be a bit quicker than SP packs) Genres: multiplayer: - any deathmatch map / duel map - I'm open to playing CTF maps, also - but my knowledge in that area is lesser. SP: please no slaughter maps, or 'challenge' maps - anything else is fair game. I'm no Doom god, I'm alright at the game, but I'm not insanely good or anything, so VERY difficult map packs probably won't be my thing, unless I'm able to play them on an easier difficulty. Co-op: depending on if I can get a reliable co-op partner, I may also playtest the very occasional co-op focused level. Preferred souce ports: newest GZDOOM for SP, Zdaemon/Zandro for MP - I might even use LZDOOM's splitscreen option for MP, too - depends how my brother and I feel that day. Refused source ports: Anything else. Demos or written comments: Thorough write-ups, although depending on the SP pack, I might record a first-attempt playthrough. I may also record a multiplayer game on one of your maps w/ my brother, if I am able to. I would send an unlisted Youtube link to you on completion, if that was the case. These videos won't have commentary... yet. I intend on getting a mic set-up soon enough, so I can provide more in-depth info as I play. Contact (Personal forum thread/ Private message): You can reach me on Discord at: Arrowhead#5682, or you can hit me up on the Wadazine server - I'm usually there. Feel free to also message me by Doomworld DM, I've got no problem w/ that, either. I've also got no issue w/ Discord voice chat, if that's your thing! :) Active/Partial Playtester: Active - free time depending. Preferred difficulty: I normally play on UV, but happy to test lower difficulties. Number of maps in a set (Max/Min): Probably around 5 max. I tend to prefer shorter maps that take under 20 minutes to complete. Genres don't like: Joke wads, overly gimmicky stuff, hold fire to win slaughter maps. I also suck at platforming. Preferred souce ports: DSDA-Doom. My preferred style of play is no mouselook. Refused source ports: Anything that is a complete hassle to install/use. Demos or written comments: outube video/demo lump. I will typically do a blind FDA. If the map seems to be in my skill range I'll keep trying saveless, otherwise I'll save scum it. I currently just do a text write up, but may switch to doing recorded voice commentary in future. Contact (Personal forum thread/ Private message): ;DM me here. I'm also on Twitter with the same username. Notes: I enjoy challenging combat set pieces, but also like more casual adventure maps. I do enjoy secret hunting. Active/Partial Playtester: Active. Preferred difficulty: Ultra-Violence. Number of maps in a set (Max/Min): No limit. Genres don't like: Puzzle maps, stupid jokewads, generally confusing and overly complex maps. Preferred souce ports: Vanilla Doom, Chocolate Doom, Crispy Doom, PrBoom, GZDoom. Refused source ports: All other source ports. I'm not gonna download and try every source port. Demos or written comments: Written comments. Contact (Personal forum thread/ Private message): Discord: Cerberus#6190 Active/Partial Playtester: Partial. Preferred difficulty: Any. Number of maps in a set (Max/Min): Any. Genres don't like: any platforming that requires sr50. Preferred source ports: glboom+ dsdadoom. Refused source ports: (G)Zdoom, eternity engine, or whatever that doesn't count towards vanilla. Demos or written comments: Written comments. Contact (Personal forum thread/ Private message): Doomworld PM. Notes: I perfer harsh/difficult combat, along with clever combat puzzle/setpiece-y maps. Active/Partial Playtester: Active Preferred difficulty: Hurt Me Plenty and if i can Ultra-Violence Number of maps in a set (Max/Min): 3 Genres don't like: mazes. Preferred source ports: prboom+ and crispy doom (used to be on lzdoom) Refused source ports: GZDoom and ZDoom Based Ports and ZDoom Itself Demos|written comments|Youtube videos| Twitch: Written comments with demos Contact (Personal forum thread/ Private message): Doomworld PM Notes: I kinda like mazes sometimes but if they are too long and time wasting then i'm not playing it, sorry but i'm kind of a purist so i don't take maps that are made for zdoom based ports and zdoom Active/Partial Playtester:Active Preferred difficulty: Any Number of maps in a set (Max/Min): Any Genres don't like:whats not to like about DooM? Preferred source ports:GZDoom Refused source ports:never used any others. Demos|written comments| youtube| Twitch: Written comments Contact (Personal forum thread/ Private message): Doomworld PM Notes:Always willing to test new stuff.However I only play with Trailblazer and freelook/jumping/crouching.After using mods i can play vanilla anymore.SHOW ME WHAT YOU GOT!i WANNA SEE WHAT YOU GOT! Active/Partial Playtester:Active Preferred difficulty: Any Number of maps in a set (Max/Min): Any Genres don't like:Honestly i'm ok with almost anything although I am fairly inexperienced with slaughtermaps. No jokewads though. Preferred source ports:DSDA Doom, Prboom+, LZDoom Refused source ports: I'd rather not have to test GZDoom intensive stuff. Demos|written comments| youtube| Twitch: I prefer written comments with screenshots included if/where needed. Although if you want a demo I can try too. Contact (Personal forum thread/ Private message): Send me a PM on Doomworld. Notes: Should you choose me, map secrecy is assured. Do not be shy to let me know if my feedbacks aren't detailed enough. Active/Partial Playtester: Willing to be active Preferred difficulty: Any Number of maps in a set (Max/Min): Any Genres don't like: No Harsh Platforming that Requires skills like SR50 but Rocket jumps and Archvile Jumps are fine Preferred source ports: GZDoom/Prboom-RT Refused source ports: None Demos|written comments| youtube| Twitch: Doomworld PM/Discord (Tatsu91 #0656) Notes: I Tend to prefer Maps that are visually Diverse or very old school look mostly. Combat level i do not mind any difficulty as long as its engaging even if i am not the best player. Active/Partial Playtester: Active Preferred difficulty: HMP-UV / "Moderate"-ish challenge maps. Nothing heaps tougher than Scythe 2's final ep or Stardate series, please. I'm only human after all. Number of maps in a set (Max/Min): Depends total length wise. I'm willing to put up with up to 10-15 maps in a set, no longer than 8 hours in total Genres don't like: Puzzle, "Moon" logic, (very) obscure exploration. Ammo starvation/Tyson gameplay. Don't mind platforming as long as it's not death pits an hour into the map. Preferred souce ports: Dsda, prboom+, Crispy, ZDoom in fringe cases Refused source ports: GZDoom, Eternity Demos|written comments| youtube| Twitch: Demos, live screen sharing via Discord Contact: PM either here or on Discord; UncleTito#8372 Active/Partial Playtester: Active Preferred difficulty: beginner/intermediate/maaaaaaaybe advanced (oh, right, i play ultraviolence!) Number of maps in a set (Max/Min): 1-8 Genres don't like: slaughter maps... puzzle wads too, and, stating the obvious here, terry/over the top joke wads. Preferred souce ports: 99% gzdoom but i could use boom if youd like Refused source ports: anything niche Demos|written comments| youtube| Twitch: commentated videos uploaded to my youtube channel, and a little comment posted on the thread w/ the video Contact (Personal forum thread/ Private message): dm me on doomworld! nothing else please : D Notes: i use freelook and unless by very special request i dont plan on turning it off... dont worry, i wont mock you for any boring ceilings of course!!! Active/Partial Playtester: Partial Preferred difficulty: Any Number of maps in a set (Max/Min): Any Genres don't like: hard arse Rubbiks like map Preferred source ports: PrBoom+, DSDA doom, Woof, Eternity Engine, ZDoom Refused source ports: Crispy/ Chocolate Doom, GZDoom Demos|written comments| youtube| Twitch:Written comments or YouTube or both Contact: Doomworld PM Notes: I would be more focus on visual department, and I'll be very harsh on criticizing. Active/Partial Playtester: Partial Preferred difficulty: Hurt Me Plenty Number of maps in a set (Max/Min): Max 9 - Min 3 Genres don't like: Slaughter Preferred souce ports: Zdoom, GZDoom Refused source ports: Anything other than the two mentioned above Demos|written comments| youtube| Twitch: YouTube - TheSlipgateStudios Contact (Personal forum thread/ Private message): Discord - TheSlipgateStudios(Robert)#5828 Notes: I could only spare testing time during weekends Active/Partial Playtester: Active Preferred difficulty: UV, will play on lower difficulties if requested Number of maps in a set (Max/Min): Any Genres don't like: Maps with a really heavy focus on platforming Preferred souce ports: DSDA-Doom, Eternity Refused source ports: GZDoom Demos|written comments| youtube| Twitch: Demos Contact (Personal forum thread/ Private message): Private message Active/Partial Playtester: Partial Preferred difficulty: Hurt Me Plenty Number of maps in a set (Max/Min): Minimum = 1, Maximum is hard to say. Usually I try to go through all maps but if the project is very long or difficult, I may cut it shorter. Genres don't like: HORROR!* and trollwads. *DooM itself doesn't scare me but if its meant to freak the player out and/or use jump scares, it's an instant hard pass from me. Preferred souce ports: WooF, Chocolate + GZDooM Refused source ports: None Demos|written comments| youtube| Twitch: Generally I'll just comment about the WAD. Contact (Personal forum thread/ Private message): Ehh, if you need me directly for anything than PM is fine. Notes: I like to play with LaTailroGirl + Stylish Hell (though only if the map is GZDooM compat and if I've done more than 1 run). Active/Partial Playtester: Partial Preferred difficulty: UV Number of maps in a set (Max/Min): Min 1, max about 10. (Can be any number in the set, its the number of maps i have the patience to play) Genres don't like: Exesive slaughter, Or bland maps with stock textures. Preferred souce ports: Eternity, GZdoom, DSDA, Choco Refused source ports: Forks like Woof, crispy etc (Main ports is enough) Demos|written comments| youtube| Twitch: Yt channel without comments\ Written review. Contact: (Personal forum thread/ Private message): Can be forum thread, or pm Notes: Since i map myslef, will mostly look at technical details. Active/Partial Playtester: Active. Preferred difficulty: UV. Number of maps in a set (Max/Min): Any, but I likely will not be able to dive deeply into > 10 maps at a time. I like to take my time looking for problems. Genres don't like: / Preferred souce ports: dsda-doom, gzdoom. Refused source ports: I don't like the chunkiness of crispy doom / chocolate doom / woof, but I don't think there's anything those are needed for that dsda doesn't cover. Demos|written comments| youtube| Twitch: Demos / written comments. Contact (Personal forum thread/ Private message): DW Private Message, Discord Ennello#3968, Notes: While I'm usually available, I can't guarantee that I'll be able to review a project at any given time, but I suppose that is the case with most playtesters here. I'll try to break your map, you have been warned :)) Active/Partial Playtester: Active. Preferred difficulty: HMP, another one if requested. Number of maps in a set (Max/Min): 8/1. Genres don't like: Terry/Jokewads, Slaughter maps, Deathmatch maps. Preferred souce ports: GZDoom. Refused source ports: Any other for now. Demos|written comments| youtube| Twitch: Written comment and, if requested, a video on YouTube w/o commentary. Contact (Personal forum thread/ Private message): Private Message. Notes: I test maps on weekends only. Edited July 3, 2023 by Austinado Updated List 98 Quote Share this post Link to post
MAN_WITH_GUN Posted December 27, 2020 So much good info @Austinado, thanks alot. 6 Quote Share this post Link to post
TheNoob_Gamer Posted December 27, 2020 Nice to see this thread getting pinned! 8 Quote Share this post Link to post
CBM Posted December 28, 2020 Very nice and usefull for mappers. Now I know who to contact depending on what type of project I want tested. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
elderdragonbrasil Posted January 11, 2021 Hi, Austinado! I want to be part of this list too, because I am now streaming almost everyday, and I want to put one video/week just with playtesting. My twitch channel: Also, I am streaming my mapping one day per week too, and all my Doom videos are in english. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post
DOEL Posted January 23, 2021 I'd like to throw my hat into the ring. I can play test both single and multiplayer. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Austinado Posted January 23, 2021 (edited) Guys, like is written on main topic, Please dont comment in this thread...for any requests for playtesting or something else related to this thread go ==== »» HERE ««====. @DOEL I have sent you an pm. Edited January 23, 2021 by Austinado 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
kalensar Posted June 10, 2021 Kalensar Active/Partial Playtester: Active Preferred difficulty: HMP or UV Number of maps in a set (Max/Min): 1 to 5, but I do like Megawads Genres don't like: Slaughter maps, joke maps Preferred souce ports: GZDoom or PrBoom+ Refused source ports: Zandronum, Dosbox, Doomday, 3dge Demos or written comments: Comments mainly, but whatever works easiest. Contact (Personal forum thread/ Private message): Feel free to contact me here on DoomWorld, ModDB at Kalensar, or ZDoom Forum under same name Notes: I accept mappacks, TCs, sprite-only mods and gameplay mods. I only do low to mid computer power types. High End power is rejected. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Mystic 256 Posted July 10, 2021 ooo how does one become a playtester 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Misty Posted July 10, 2021 3 hours ago, Mystic 256 said: ooo how does one become a playtester By looking at this forum section(wads and mods) and providing feedback for people - telling what's worthy of improvement or changes, what's done well and what you liked/disliked in map and ect. You can provide videos, demos(if map and port supports it), screenshots with feedback (like if something is broken or if you liked that particular place). Thing is that you can do it right now as there are plenty of stuff released everyday, there no special requirements to be playtester, besides being respectful to mappers and willing to play and write or talk if you use videos as way to give feedback. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
hurtchow Posted July 31, 2021 Hi guys, I've browsed around and sadly haven't been able to figure this out myself: I have a few maps I've made that I'd like for someone to play and review. Do we not have a review thread or level submission thread anywhere? What's the process exactly? Is this even a thing? Thanks in advance. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
azerty Posted August 1, 2021 (edited) @hurtchow I think you should just make a topic like I did and ask people for feedback. I would like to help as well and can make a video of my play through. Edited August 1, 2021 by azerty 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
hurtchow Posted August 3, 2021 On 8/1/2021 at 11:22 AM, azerty said: @hurtchow I think you should just make a topic like I did and ask people for feedback. I would like to help as well and can make a video of my play through. Cool, good idea. Where is the thread you made? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
GarrettChan Posted August 3, 2021 1 hour ago, hurtchow said: Cool, good idea. Where is the thread you made? Make a thread in WADs & MODs and title it as you want feedback for you maps. Ideally put map format in title and the top post, and some brief information about your mapset in the top post. However, it seems people don't like to put map format in title, and I don't know why. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Austinado Posted December 26, 2021 Hello guys (and gals), just to say that i did a good update on the playtesters list. Just need to reinforce that if you want to be added to this list of playtesters or either get removed from the list please DO NOT COMMENT on this thread but use »» THIS ONE «« for that. I trully apologize for taking so long to answer your request or update the list. Cheers, Austinado. 9 Quote Share this post Link to post
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