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Who Can Test Your Maps? List of Active Playtesters

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Very nice and usefull for mappers. Now I know who to contact depending on what type of project I want tested.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, Austinado! I want to be part of this list too, because I am now streaming almost everyday, and I want to put one video/week just with playtesting.

My twitch channel: twitch.tv/elderdragonbrasil

Also, I am streaming my mapping one day per week too, and all my Doom videos are in english.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Guys, like is written on main topic, Please dont comment in this thread...for any requests for playtesting or something else related to this thread go ==== »» HERE ««====.


@DOEL I have sent you an pm.

Edited by Austinado

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  • 4 months later...



Active/Partial Playtester: Active

Preferred difficulty: HMP or UV

Number of maps in a set (Max/Min): 1 to 5, but I do like Megawads

Genres don't like: Slaughter maps, joke maps

Preferred souce ports: GZDoom or PrBoom+

Refused source ports: Zandronum, Dosbox, Doomday, 3dge

Demos or written comments: Comments mainly, but whatever works easiest.

Contact (Personal forum thread/ Private message): Feel free to contact me here on DoomWorld, ModDB at Kalensar, or ZDoom Forum under same name

Notes: I accept mappacks, TCs, sprite-only mods and gameplay mods. I only do low to mid computer power types. High End power is rejected.

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  • 5 weeks later...
3 hours ago, Mystic 256 said:

ooo how does one become a playtester

By looking at this forum section(wads and mods) and providing feedback for people - telling what's worthy of improvement or changes, what's done well and what you liked/disliked in map and ect. You can provide videos, demos(if map and port supports it), screenshots with feedback (like if something is broken or if you liked that particular place). Thing is that you can do it right now as there are plenty of stuff released everyday, there no special requirements to be playtester, besides  being respectful to mappers and willing to play and write or talk if you use videos as way to give feedback. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi guys, I've browsed around and sadly haven't been able to figure this out myself:


I have a few maps I've made that I'd like for someone to play and review. Do we not have a review thread or level submission thread anywhere? What's the process exactly? Is this even a thing? Thanks in advance.

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I think you should just make a topic like I did and ask people for feedback. I would like to help as well and can make a video of my play through.

Edited by azerty

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On 8/1/2021 at 11:22 AM, azerty said:


I think you should just make a topic like I did and ask people for feedback. I would like to help as well and can make a video of my play through.


Cool, good idea. Where is the thread you made?

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1 hour ago, hurtchow said:

Cool, good idea. Where is the thread you made?

Make a thread in WADs & MODs and title it as you want feedback for you maps.


Ideally put map format in title and the top post, and some brief information about your mapset in the top post. However, it seems people don't like to put map format in title, and I don't know why.

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  • 4 months later...

Hello guys (and gals), just to say that i did a good update on the playtesters list. 

Just need to reinforce  that if you want to be added to this list of playtesters or either get removed from the list please DO NOT COMMENT on this thread but use

»» THIS ONE ««  for that. 


I trully apologize for taking so long to answer your request or update the list.



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  • 4 months later...

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