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New Doom 2 WAD work in progress - Map01 done

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Hey howdy ho Doom fans!


I thought i'd get productive in lockdown and started building a Doom 2 WAD called Undertaken.


Map01 is done. The first in what I hope is a complete map pack, but we'll see - i have to juggle work/life.


Port - GZDOOM (freelook allowed, no jumping/crouching allowed)

Tested - GZDOOM g3.2.5, Hardware (OpenGL)

IWAD - DOOM2.wad

Map - Map01

Name - "Into The Bleak"

Difficulty - Same difficulty whether you play "I'm too young to Die" or "Nightmare!" - I might balance it later but for now it's just rip and tear :)

Secrets - 3 (i think!)







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When the Enemies spawned at the Beginning i thought it will be a Map to hard for me^^
But it was a fun Map and very fair.

Also good Layout and Architecture, had a little Quake Vibe.

I think i found all the Secrets (Chainsaw, Rocket Launcher and Chaingun).


Played without free Look, had no Problem.

Took me about 12 Minutes.


Keep on, nice Work :) 

Edited by Azuris

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Decent layout and your progression's pretty good, albeit a little predictable and oddly symmetrical. Combat's a bit run-of-the-mill so I got a little bored by the end of it. I reckon you could've spent more time on the design-side of things to make everything look a bit more interesting as it's a little dull visually. Jazzing up your texture work and creating some landmarks would really help give the map a sense of place, I reckon. You've got potential for sure though, dude. :^)



Edited by Biodegradable

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@Biodegradable thanks for the honesty! It's a little ammo heavy, so i'll sort that out. It is only map 1 of the pack i'm working on so the start is slow and combat is very tame. I don't want to throw all my eggs in one basket.

The idea was to keep the level compact enough that every room was a return room and more uglies popped up when you did. The next few levels I have planned are wider and "prettier".

Once again, thanks for the play through - it's actually pretty cool to see and hear someone take the time to give it a go!


p.s. you weren't supposed to jump! Naughty :) Maybe the next level will have that in mind lol




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