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What games do you want to see made with the Doom 3 engine?


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The mention of Tomb Raider (which I hated) brought a weird suggestion to mind. How about a 2D platformer? I actually really miss right-scrolling run-and-jump games.

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Assmaster said:

The mention of Tomb Raider (which I hated) brought a weird suggestion to mind. How about a 2D platformer? I actually really miss right-scrolling run-and-jump games.

A 2D platform on the Doom3 engine...
Drugs are bad for you!

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Shaviro said:

A 2D platform on the Doom3 engine...
Drugs are bad for you!

Seconded - that would be a serious underexploition of the Doom 3 engine capabilities.

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dsm said:

Tomb Raider, bah!
That game was only made famous because it sported a big-busted gal as the hero. To me it's just a typical puzzle action-adventure 3d game.

All I know is that I've enjoyed playing all the TombRaider games more than just about any other game. Each sequel is subtly different, but they all stick to what the series does best in general. As a comparison, all three Dooms had exactly the same gameplay through all the sequels, as well, so that's not really a valid argument.

Yes, TombRaider is famous for the "gal", but that doesn't stop it from being a good game. At the risk of being banned, if came to choosing Doom3 or the next TombRaider game, well, I'd just have to bask in the Doom-happiness of the other forum members...

Point is, I'd be seriously tempted to do a "DoomRaider" mod. I could just picture Lara flying through the air at one of those spider demons. <sigh>

What about Doom Pacman? It would be really funny to see the litle yellow guy chomp one of those big pellets, and then chase after a fleeing hell knight.

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EsH said:

All I know is that I've enjoyed playing all the TombRaider games more than just about any other game. Each sequel is subtly different, but they all stick to what the series does best in general. As a comparison, all three Dooms had exactly the same gameplay through all the sequels, as well, so that's not really a valid argument.

Yes but There was really only that *one* official sequel to Doom and it at least had one new weapon and a few new enemies. Plus it was really only made to keep the fans occupied while id worked on Quake. The other "sequels" to Doom were made by third-party companies and id had little involvement in those.

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dsm said:

Yes but There was really only that *one* official sequel to Doom and it at least had one new weapon and a few new weapons. Plus it was really only made to keep the fans occupied while id worked on Quake. The other "sequels" to Doom were made by third-party companies and id had little involvement in those.

You meant "a few new enemies", didn't you?
..and I think ESH meant the "3 quakes". hmmm...

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Assmaster said:

The mention of Tomb Raider (which I hated) brought a weird suggestion to mind. How about a 2D platformer? I actually really miss right-scrolling run-and-jump games.

Long Live Sonic! The Sonic games rank inside my top 2 games ever.

/me goes to play Sonic 3 and Knuckles

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Hell yes. Hexen 3 on the Doom 3 engine. I just came on myself.

/me high-fives dsm

Otherwise... did anyone ever play NiGHTS: Into Dreams on the Saturn? I'd like to see a sequel to that. Not sure if the Doom 3 engine would really suit that game, though.

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Sephiroth said:

maybe a squel to mcgee's alice

He's working on a Wizard of Oz game now. Maybe that'll use the Doom 3 engine...

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Ichor said:

Maybe someone could make a halfway decent Blood sequel, or even a remake of the original.

Yay! I agree 200%.
There´s no better semi-homoristic horror game than blood.
Blood 1 that is, the sequel Blood II the chosen was not that good.
The story was ok, but the lithtech engine isn´t powerful enough to do the great story justice.

That dynamic lighing should fit just nicely in the Blood universe.

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Ghostpilot said:

but the lithtech engine isn´t powerful enough to do the great story justice.

Replace 'isn't' with 'wasn't' - the current incarnation of Lithtech is pretty advanced from what I've heard.

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I was thinking maybe silent hill 1 redone, minus the cheesy dialogues and scripting. I thought the environment was possibly the most intriguing part of the game and it would be interesting to see it done with a doom3 engine.

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Ok, I'm positive I made a post in this thread earlier. Anyway.....
Yes, the current Lithtech engines are very capable. Jupiter and Talon are two of the engines made by lithtech. Talon powered AVP2 and Jupiter powers NOLF2. Jupiter is a nice looking engine, can do nice levels and has decent character models IMO.

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Ct_red_pants said:

It's almost certainly been said already, but Thief. Although, Thief 3 is being made with the Deus Ex 2 engine...

...which is actually a modified Unreal engine.

And a Blood game would truly rock solid.

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50/50 actually. They started on the Unreal engine, and for a large part, it still is. Although, Many parts of the engine have been re-written from scratch over time. Warren spector has said that the rendering engine is completely new. So is the physics and other things if I remember correctly.

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Sephiroth said:

maybe a squel to mcgee's alice

NOW THAT Would kick ass , alice was a twisted game i loved it to high hell , seeing that game on the doom 3 engin would just be amazing , altho i thought they where working on a wizard of oz version now ? just like alice , but diffrent story and everything.

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DemonDemon said:

Any System Shock game or even a new one. :D That would make me a happy dead man. :) I'd say more, but I have nothing more to say. ^^;

Yes, I'd really like to see a remake of both System Shock games. That would be the only thing capable of rivalling Doom3 in terms of atmosphere, imo.

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a totally surrealistic 4 dimensional game using the protals and shaders. "kind of an ode to dali" to quote the guy incharge of prey

Oops, just thought of this now:

Doom: Hell on eath - massive industrial earth environments full of tons of monsters, designed from the bottom up for cooperative play (in SP uses AI)

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Todd Hollenshead said:

Well, Doom III is really setting the bar that other companies are going to follow right now, both with the technological path that John Carmack has blazed and with a lot of the different paradigms in ways of thinking that the engine is based on. That's probably the direction that we'll look at for Wolfenstein at the moment.

The Doom III engine with a WW2 setting, that's what I'd like to see. I would love to play a game that combines the graphics quality of Doom III with the multiplayer experience of RTCW.

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Wobbo said:

Doom: Hell on eath - massive industrial earth environments full of tons of monsters, designed from the bottom up for cooperative play (in SP uses AI)

Aaahh yes, that would be perfect!!

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Doom 3 is Single player at its finest.
The retelling of Doom 2 is going to be coop at its finest (with cool sp thrown in as second priority) - /me likes and me hopes

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Something new to do with guns extreme gore and demons....mmmmm violence.

waiting for negetive feedback...nnnnnOW

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dsm said:

Doom 3 is Single player at its finest.
The retelling of Doom 2 is going to be coop at its finest (with cool sp thrown in as second priority) - /me likes and me hopes


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