Fletcher` Posted January 1, 2003 Hmmm, I wondor if they could do Hocus Pocus with the Doom3 engine. dsm said:HeXen 3 (or at least some HeXen game - I wouldn't know whether it'd be called HeXen 3) Yes Please. This would so rock. :) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted January 1, 2003 ravage said:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dsm said: HeXen 3 (or at least some HeXen game - I wouldn't know whether it'd be called HeXen 3) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yes Please. This would so rock. :) Yeah, provided that they make it better than HeXen 2 (Hint: Make the weapons powerful and not wimpy and have some of the original HeXen enemies in it) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Fletcher` Posted January 1, 2003 dsm said:Yeah, provided that they make it better than HeXen 2 (Hint: Make the weapons powerful and not wimpy and have some of the original HeXen enemies in it) Eh, I didn't find a problem with weapon power (ok so the necromancer's magic missiles are weak, and his set weap but everthing else kicks ass), and those imps kinda look like afrits. :P 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted January 1, 2003 ravage said:Eh, I didn't find a problem with weapon power (ok so the necromancer's magic missiles are weak, and his set weap but everthing else kicks ass), and those imps kinda look like afrits. :P The Paladin's fists were pathetic compared to HeXen, and his sword also took a while to kill some of the enemies that I'd have preferred to have been able to fell quicker. Oh yeah, and make it so that you can actually hit something with your weapons (again, the fists were next to useless against e.g. spiders). Also the multipart weapons were weak compared to HeXen's. In Hexen, the final weapons where so destructive that you could wipe out multible enemies with one shot if wielded the right way. What did we get in HeXen 2? Most, if not all, of the weapons were rather slow to kill enemies with because they were but a shadow of the force in the HeXen 1 ultimate weapons imo. I just want to see really powerful ultimate weapons in a new HeXen game that can match the destructiveness of the HeXen 1 weapons - like a magical sword (a la the Quietus) with which you can kill most regular enemies with one single blow. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Ichor Posted January 1, 2003 That Raven Staff of the necromancer's was the absolute worst because the shots spread out and each individual shot wasn't that powerful. It's nice when you're using the Tome of Power though. The Tempest Staff (Portal of Praevus) and Scarab Staff weren't too bad though. Still, they don't come close to the power of something like the Wraithverge. And as for that magical ultimate sword you mentioned, that's just the idea I had for the powered up Quietus, heheh. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted January 2, 2003 Ichor said:And as for that magical ultimate sword you mentioned, that's just the idea I had for the powered up Quietus, heheh. Hah! My idea for a powered up Quietus would be a weapon that unleashes a tidal wave of green flames that sweep across the ground burning anything in its path - now THAT would be sweet. Heh, it's funny that this topic should be returned to speculation of a new HeXen game, BBG and have begun to write down our ideas to what should be in a new HeXen game (just for the fun of it - maybe later we could go to a forum where the Raven guys hang out and present those ideas) :-) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Ichor Posted January 2, 2003 Hmm... Now there's an idea. The only problem is that it would strictly be for ground based enemies. Anything flying high in the air would be unaffected. It would be useful as an enemy attack, though. And as for new games, what about Castlevania (I liked IV the most) or something similar? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted January 2, 2003 Ichor said:Hmm... Now there's an idea. The only problem is that it would strictly be for ground based enemies. Anything flying high in the air would be unaffected. That's the point, any weapon needs a drawback of sorts - limiting the Quietus' powered state to ground units would prevent the weapon from being all-powerful against anything. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Ichor Posted January 3, 2003 I agree that the weapon shouldn't be an all powerful, one shot kills everything in the map (like the BUTCHER code), but I don't want that kind of limitation. Besides, the Fire Wave artifact does basically the same thing. Instead, it will utterly destroy any of the weak enemies, like Centaurs or Dark Bishops, but even the moderately tough enemies could withstand a couple of shots before dying. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
skadoomer Posted January 5, 2003 spank said:How about a real time movie? have you herd of The Nehahra Project for quake? it has a four hour movie that plays out the origional storyline of quake. Its a hefty download, but its an astounding piece of work. http://www.planetquake.com/nehahra go there now.....the pig commands you! 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted January 5, 2003 skadoomer said:have you herd of The Nehahra Project for quake? it has a four hour movie that plays out the origional storyline of quake. Its a hefty download, but its an astounding piece of work. http://www.planetquake.com/nehahra go there now.....the pig commands you! Seen it. Liked some of it, didn't like other things of it, but overall pretty cool. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Fletcher` Posted January 5, 2003 Ichor said:I agree that the weapon shouldn't be an all powerful, one shot kills everything in the map (like the BUTCHER code), but I don't want that kind of limitation. Besides, the Fire Wave artifact does basically the same thing. Instead, it will utterly destroy any of the weak enemies, like Centaurs or Dark Bishops, but even the moderately tough enemies could withstand a couple of shots before dying. Has anyone thought of remaking the Maulotar's hammer as a player weapon? For any of the games really. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted January 5, 2003 Ichor said:Besides, the Fire Wave artifact does basically the same thing. Instead, it will utterly destroy any of the weak enemies, like Centaurs or Dark Bishops, but even the moderately tough enemies could withstand a couple of shots before dying. Never came across a "fire wave" artifact in HeXen, but maybe you're talking about HeXen 2? The wave only destroying weaker enemies? That certainly depends on how you make it, plus, there's an opportunity to make a powerful melee attack that doesn't unleash the wave that you could use on stronger enemies. At any rate, just because the wave is on the ground doesn't mean that it has to be limited to just ground enemies - I just remembered that the Cleric's firestorm spell seems like a ground weapon, but it can hit flying enemies too, so if you really must be so much against the super weapon not being able to hit air enemies when powered up (I can't see what would be wrong in limiting it to ground enemies, because you can just select a different weapon to deal with airborne enemies), I can suggest that the wave further unleashes long "tongues" of green fire that lashes out at anything above the wave, or another attack that shoots out from the flames to shoot airborne enemies out of the skies.Has anyone thought of remaking the Maulotar's hammer as a player weapon? For any of the games really. See now that was a first class idea! Yeah, a sort of maulator's hammer, but maybe it should be more powerful - the Maulotar's hammer seems slightly pathetic in HeXen to my eyes. Maybe it's just me though. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Fletcher` Posted January 5, 2003 dsm said:[fire wave stuff] Um, he's talking about the Fire Wave he coded into CG3. (Carnage Galore 3- for hexen) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted January 5, 2003 ravage said:Um, he's talking about the Fire Wave he coded into CG3. (Carnage Galore 3- for hexen) Oh? But that's not in the official games, so I can't see why that would prevent a fire wave'ish weapon from making it into a HeXen game. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Fletcher` Posted January 5, 2003 True that. Hmm, this gives me another idea. What if you could select different modes for weapons (different kind of attack, works differently yet balanced) IE. Maulator hammer 5-shot, or fire wave. Meelee is automatic. Powered up firestorm, or firebomb. Or something like that. Mabye we should make a new thread about this in R&P. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Ichor Posted January 5, 2003 The Firestorm in Hexen isn't a ground attack. It seems like one because you're usually using on ground enemies, but it can be shot in the air like the other attacks. The Firestorm in Hexen 2 Portal of Praevus is more like the ground weapon you seem to remember. The actual shot can be aimed in any direction, but the trail of flames is always on the ground. The Fire Wave is actually in the original Hexen...well, sort of. The artifact it replaces is the Dark Servant, but there's a Charm Spell now, so it wasn't needed anyway. It was one of the Maulotaur's attacks, but instead of cutting through things, each individual flame in the trail would explode on contact, which can cause extensive damage. The Fire Wave is more like the ground attack of the Mummy Lord in Hexen 2. To me, the Maulotaur hammer is basically a much bigger version of the Hammer of Retribution, so it would be simple to make the graphics for it. The attacks are almost as easy to do. First, increase the melee damage. Then change it so that five of those fiery shots come out instead of just one spinning hammer. The only problem is that those fireballs don't do that much damage, even combined it's less than the one spinning hammer and it's exploding hit. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Fletcher` Posted January 5, 2003 I wish I had The Portal of Praevus. ... 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Ichor Posted January 5, 2003 It took a very long time, but I managed to finally find one just a couple of weeks ago at a computer show. However NewHexen will allow you to play the original maps with the fifth class (Demoness) and all of the weapons. The only difference is that you won't be able to play any of the new maps. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted January 5, 2003 ravage said:Mabye we should make a new thread about this in R&P. A good idea. Personally, I don't mind discussing a "HeXen 3" in this forum, but you gotta admit that it is a bit off-topic, so starting a new thread in R&P is a very good idea. Bah, I want so badly to start a thread about all my ideas for a retelling of Doom 2, but there are already a lot of threads like that out there and they're all too old. Doggone it. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
ghost Posted January 9, 2003 i wanna see the doom 3 engine used to make THE THING. the ps2 version wasn't that hot, it needed more random spawnie thingies. the baddies are a great opportunity for some lovely gruesome animation. the trust/fear factor kicked arse too. would make a good co-op game. especially if human controlled players could get infected and then have to kill the other humans to survive. thinking on it, there aren't nearly enough games where you get to play the bad guys... 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
nxn Posted January 9, 2003 Alice definatly, Half Life2, JJ3 heh. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Hicks Posted January 10, 2003 Aliens Versus Predator 3! Catacombs (lol) and of course silent hill 4 :D 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
nxn Posted January 10, 2003 Wait has it been decided yet if the new ID project after Doom3 will use a modified doom3 engine or a completly new one? I do recall Carmack saying he'd like to take advantage of the NV cards now. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Tyockell Posted January 10, 2003 I second the choice of half-life 2 that would be sweet. Maybe wit a way bigger variety of enemys though. The silent hill 4 would be cool but personally i dident enjoy them that much they sure as hell dident scare me the enemies just wernt frightening, and dident like the weapons selection to much. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
[noob]plonker Posted January 26, 2003 me wants a ww2 game like mohaa or rtcw ( but slower) whith all the debarcment senes .... that would own and also if there would b a "tactical ops" or " counter-strike" like mod for d00m 3 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted January 26, 2003 [noob]plonker said: and also if there would b a "tactical ops" or " counter-strike" like mod for d00m 3 Sounds boring and uninspiring, plus, it's been done a thousand times before in a shitload of other engines since the original CS. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
chilvence Posted January 27, 2003 How about SOF3? Sureley people arent tired of the gore formula :) Think about it: Realistic physics for flying intestines! Maybe you could get a digestive tract wrapped around your arm... WHO KNOWS? To be really honest though, I wish something new would come. Theres only so many clones can be made before people get tired. Something with a wide scope like Shenmue would be nice. Genre mixes always win me over :) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted January 27, 2003 chilvence said:How about SOF3? Sureley people arent tired of the gore formula :) There's sure to be copyright issues about SOF, but making a SOF inspired mod is a decent idea as long as it is somewhat original. Heh, how about a sort of futuristic gang war mod set in the era around Doom? This one could use SOF style gore. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
chilvence Posted January 27, 2003 Heh, I was just refering to Ravens love of id engines. Theyre sure to give the old bird another whirl sooner or later :) Id love to see some kind of futuristic H&D inspired mod, as long as it focused on freedom of movement. And vehicles. Remember the road to Peenemunde? Ahhhhhhhh.... 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
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