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Doom Pictures Thread 2021


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1 hour ago, cannonball said:

A little more progress for a UD project. Not much else to say apart from it is fairly spacious so far.


DS4E4M8-2.png   DS4E4M8-3.png

hey... I know that sky. @ZeMystic made it for a cancelled project of ours. Cool to see it put to good use!

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On 10/5/2021 at 2:17 PM, cannonball said:

A little more progress for a UD project. Not much else to say apart from it is fairly spacious so far.   

Hey, thats a sexy skybox

In all seriousness, those structures look dope, can't wait to see more!

Edited by ZeMystic

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8 hours ago, cannonball said:

A little more progress for a UD project. Not much else to say apart from it is fairly spacious so far.


DS4E4M8-2.png   DS4E4M8-3.png

I was always a big fan of your Return to Hadron series, and it's great to see that you are still making some really cool stuff with Doom 1!

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hey everyone! I'm happy to join doomworld today, surprised I hadn't joined awhile ago lol anyways here's a cacodemon I made in VR.

does he look too happy? he still needs work, maybe bigger teeth might look better. 

cacko (1).png


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On jeudi 7 octobre 2021 at 5:56 AM, Tyler-J said:

does he look too happy?

He looks kinda smug. "Yeah, look at me, baby! I'm a badass!" :D

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15 hours ago, MidnightMage said:

@Worriedidiot I really like the screenshots here, albeit the 2nd one only having Archviles is a little concerning ;)

Almost looks like a gimmick room where you have to take a specific path to walk past all the Archviles without entering their line of sight.

Edited by Kinsie

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Sneakpeek at a thing I've made for a project.





Fictional design which is inspired in particular by the Finnish Kp/31 (Aimo Lahti) and the Soviet Russian PPD-40 (Vasily Degtyarev), but in general takes a number of cues from various subguns of the interwar period and the early Second World War.


Ergo, the period where the concept of such guns had been well established, but it wasn't yet realized that you could make what's in comparison a pipegun with a wire coat hanger for a stock, which does basically the same thing for a fraction of the cost.



The full spriteset in truecolor and with all the parts will be available eventually.

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23 hours ago, Snikle said:

10K lines, now let's see if we can double it


Just a word of advice: 10,000 visible lines is, at least in my experience, the broad cut-off point where you start to see FPS drops caused by the sheer quantity of geometry.  20,000 leads to sluggish performance even on modern PCs, regardless of the source port you use.  If you want to try to maintain performance, I'd aim to keep below the 10K mark.  I know optimizations is never fun, but it's a good habit to get into.

Edited by Bauul

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