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Doom Pictures Thread 2021


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1 hour ago, vanilla_d00m said:

Just found out about this, doom wiki says its a commercial megawad.  


It's a severely underrated mapset! Hope you enjoy it, I really did. Although that folder name seems a bit strange...

The story behind Perdition's Gate is that it was initially made by Tom and Bob Mustaine for inclusion in Final Doom, but when they missed id Software's deadline, they worked with Wraith Corp (a splinter of TeamTNT) to finish the MegaWAD, and WizardWorks (of D-ZONE infamy) was given the rights to sell it. It's somewhat misleading to call it Final Doom: Perdition's Gate, I think, because a lot of the ideas that make it what it is came after it was no longer part of Final Doom.

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So here are two maps that I made (or still making in the case of Gothic one) for deathmatch & this is the first time I delved into deathmatch map making.

Quite proud of it.


- E1M7 - Gamma Base - The Ultimate TWANGO [Complete]

- Map 08 - [Name not yet given] - Gothic21 [WIP]

















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Some stereoscopics I made from Rekkr in GZDoom. I make these for other 3D games, but Doom stereo shots are interesting because the 2D sprites have a cardboard cut-out aesthetic which I think adds contrast to the effect.


To make these, I run this to remove hud and slow down my player movement:


r_drawplayersprites 0;crosshair 0;show_messages 0;turbo 10;screenblocks 12



I start in a position I want to take a shot at, screenshot, move a little to the left, and take another screenshot. The further the distance, the deeper and more intense the 3D effect. Too close together and it will be flat. Too far apart and it will be impossible to focus.


When done, I run this to reset everything:


r_drawplayersprites 1;crosshair 1;show_messages 1;turbo 100;screenblocks 10



You will need to run "freeze" to pause actor movement. Otherwise, the two images won't match up. I don't know of a way to freeze animated textures like walls and whatnot, so, if anyone knows how to do that, I would love to know.




Edited by wad of doom

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13 hours ago, wad of doom said:

I don't know of a way to freeze animated textures like walls and whatnot, so, if anyone knows how to do that, I would love to know. 

Unfortunately, animations were decoupled from the game ticker a long time ago so as to be able to handle animated graphics in the menu (as used in Heretic and Hexen) where the game is paused. As a result there's no way to pause animations anymore. What you could do is disable them entirely (loading a custom ANIMATED lump could do it, in a pinch), that would work for your screenshotting purposes I suppose but obviously would not be desirable when actually playing for playing's sake.

Edited by Gez

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5 hours ago, Gez said:

Unfortunately, animations were decoupled from the game ticker a long time ago so as to be able to handle animated graphics in the menu (as used in Heretic and Hexen) where the game is paused. As a result there's no way to pause animations anymore. What you could do is disable them entirely (loading a custom ANIMATED lump could do it, in a pinch), that would work for your screenshotting purposes I suppose but obviously would not be desirable when actually playing for playing's sake.

So they did all that just for animated menus? This a GZDoom thing or was that done in the core Doom engine way back in the old days?

Edited by wad of doom

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1 minute ago, wad of doom said:

So they did all that just for animated menus? This a GZDoom thing or was that done in the core Doom engine way back in the old days?

It's a GZDoom thing. Vanilla Doom handles menu animations a different way, and so the in game world animations are synced to the level clock (and thus pause when you pause the game).

Edited by Edward850

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Experiments with MBF sky transfers.




In case anyone is curious as to how I achieved this, it's essentially using two different sky textures and sectors at varying heights to create the sort of "sky bleed" effect you see here. It doesn't look too fancy in a static screenshot - it's the kind of effect that looks best in movement. An unfortunate caveat is that the effect only works in the software renderer, or at least GZDoom's hardware renderer utterly breaks it. Not sure if GlBoom+ would render it properly.


Anyway, this is going to be utilized to great effect in the void "chapter" of my NaNoWADMo speedmap megawad.

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I've been thinking I should try to do a doom 1 megawad just for getting some practice in mapping... and to try to make a megawad.... now that I am unemployed again, I have the time... so I have sloooowly begun... by making this very first room... it is 100% vanilla and uses the vanilla doom map format .... plus otex v1.1:


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On 10/16/2021 at 9:59 PM, Bridgeburner56 said:

Back to work on some things for Elementalism


I'm assuming lot's of beer and metal music was behind making that ;) 

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i like the underwater ambiance in dbp36, and this shunken ship is cool as heck!



i also adore this beach city in dbp27

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@Remilia Scarlet I always loved your techbases and I am glad to know that soon my collection will be replenished with another one.


4 hours ago, Remilia Scarlet said:

The crate in the gif is a 3d polyobject, not a 3d model.

Wow, I see this for the first time :0

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4 minutes ago, StormCatcher.77 said:

@Remilia Scarlet I always loved your techbases and I am glad to know that soon my collection will be replenished with another one.


Wow, I see this for the first time :0

It's a feature of K8Vavoom.  They're very similar to normal polyobjects, with just a few very slight differences to how you build them.  I haven't done anything too complex with them yet, but here's a few other examples I've done:




You can ride on them, slope them, rotate them, move them in all directions, have them crush/damage things, change their textures, link them together (easier to move multuple, and also if one gets blocked, the whole chain stops and waits), and collision detection isn't just a box like a model.

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22 minutes ago, Remilia Scarlet said:

You can ride on them, slope them, rotate them, move them in all directions, have them crush/damage things, change their textures, link them together (easier to move multuple, and also if one gets blocked, the whole chain stops and waits), and collision detection isn't just a box like a model.


Dead sexy. That one where the blocks come apart and move into the wall is incredible.

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Throne of Doom


Not final versions of course, whatever.



On 10/18/2021 at 1:32 PM, holaareola said:



Which source port gives you such retro colours?

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