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Doom Pictures Thread 2021


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8 hours ago, GratefulName said:


Doomguy's House Zone in my Christmas DOOM WAD is done! i'm very happy with the result.


I think the scene would look so much better if there were some brown rock areas on the textures, to match the mountains in the sky?

Edited by Vermil

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I'd also recommend Y offsetting the texture on the sky transfer line to make the sky something other than just cliff sides. -72 should do it. 

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5 hours ago, Vermil said:


I think the scene would look so much better if there were some brown rock areas on the textures, to match the mountains in the sky?

Not sure if i'm going to do that, i want full white rocks for the mountains.


5 hours ago, ukiro said:

I'd also recommend Y offsetting the texture on the sky transfer line to make the sky something other than just cliff sides. -72 should do it. 

I didn't knew that could be done, it looks way better now, thanks!

Edited by GratefulName

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Finishing MAP14 for my personal Hell Frontier project, might release it tomorrow or the day after.

Thought it's a cool moment (That is until I died due to taking screenshot of this cool moment).

Might put it on title pic and call it Scythe tribute

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On 7/4/2021 at 6:20 PM, Xeogred said:

Happy July 4th, lol



(Projectile Hell)

Sorry to bring back a post from five months ago, but is the weapon in the screenshot a part of Projectile Hell or is it from a gameplay mod? I've seen it as the Scattergun from Quakestyle ZX, but that's definitely not Quakestyle.

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1 hour ago, OkDoomer174 said:

Sorry to bring back a post from five months ago, but is the weapon in the screenshot a part of Projectile Hell or is it from a gameplay mod? I've seen it as the Scattergun from Quakestyle ZX, but that's definitely not Quakestyle.

Its from Eriance

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On 11/20/2021 at 6:05 PM, Bauul said:

Supremely ostentatious boss arenas are a hallmark of many memorable Doom wads, so I figured Elementalism should be no different.



Amazing it doesn't even look like Doom anymore.

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19 hours ago, nue said:

Its from Eriance

Eriance is a person and both of their published WADs are level packs. Neither of them feature that gun.

Edit: turns out it is from Projectile Hell!

Edited by OkDoomer174

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1 hour ago, OkDoomer174 said:

Eriance is a person and both of their published WADs are level packs. Neither of them feature that gun.

Edit: turns out it is from Projectile Hell!

From the first version of EriGuns published by Xaser. Sorry I shouldve been more specific

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atomic 10.png


So this is the result of myself trying to implement a room designed by my wife a while back that I have finally got around to doing. It is the latter stages of a map that was currently in progress. It is supposed to be the bottom level of a series of underground blood filled sewers that reside underneath the festering surface above.

Edited by cannonball

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1 hour ago, KineticBeverage said:

It's kinda dark but I mean you can kinda still see stuff, sorta


Reminds me of DiE MAP31

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Edited by Scorpius

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