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Doom 3 Or Quake 4?

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id Tech 4 Poll  

63 members have voted

  1. 1. Which is better?

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Doom 3 is slow paced and more horror focused, while Quake 4 is fast paced and more action focused. They're still very similar though, from mechanics to the style.

Edited by The Strife Commando

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I replayed more Doom 3, but my last time playing Quake 4 Sp, and some of MP, it's was mostly more Fun, so, im with the Stroggs in this one.

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Q4 just felt dull after a while, mostly because of lacking level themes and an incentive to keep on going. Doom 3 retains the level structure and basic pacing of the classic games, so it suceeds in that regard over Quake.

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Doom 3 because it has a  better overall sp and far better mods (Phobos, In hell, The Last man standing) to name a few plus hundreds of sp maps ...

& different feel to the multiplayer 

Quake 4 on the other hand is good for one playthrough but not as immersive and I didn't find myself coming back multiplayer is a reskinned Quake 3 ... 

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Quake 4 is a "slightly" better Doom 3 in my eyes. As CivilianM91 mentioned, the weapons feel much better to use.

Edited by ReaperAA

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3 hours ago, sluggard said:

Doom 3 for me, I returned to it more times than Quake 4, the SP campaign flows a bit better.


I can just quote this :)

I've returned to Doom 3 more than to Quake 4.


Love the old Trailer that i watched back than on Gametrailers.com :"I hear the Voices when i sleep.".


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As much of a Quake fan as I am, and as much as I do adore Quake 4 I just can't really bother to pick it up as often as I do Doom 3. Recently replayed the game coop and really that's a big one I wish Quake 4 had given the squad mechanics already in place, plus in general any game is fun with a friend. It's also lacking in a lot of atmosphere or an overall theme, at times it almost feels like it's a bit too bland and draws on. Right after becoming a Strogg I felt like half of those levels could've been chopped up a bit but that's just me, it picks up right after that though.

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I'd have to go with Doom 3 overall, at least so far. I've recently started playing Quake 4 again because the last (and first) time I played, I gave up during the first turret section. But after playing so much Doom 3 I wanted another id tech 4 game so I got it up and running and it really is a lot of fun, and much more difficult. Prey is also excellent and I wish it was digitally available by legal means.

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Objectively both are good games and I enjoy both.


Personally I think Doom 3 is the better game, because it is more accomplished and coherent than Quake 4.


Quake 2 is my absolute favorite FPS of the 1990s era. So naturally I am more critical towards Quake 4 as it wants to be the direct successor. There is quite a number of things were Quake 4 doesn't do Quake 2 justice. Also the whole implementation of drivable vehicles is half-assed.

It still introduces some neat ideas and some of the monster redesigns are great, for example the Berserker.

Edited by Tetzlaff

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Doom 3 SP is much more enjoyable and novel than Quake 4 IMO. Quake 4's MP shits all over Doom 3 though, it was actually enjoyable.

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I haven't voted, since I like them both for the respective game they are offering . . .


On 1/16/2021 at 2:11 PM, LateNightPerson said:

Out of both of these, I only played Doom 3. I'd love to play Quake 4 one day but the disc copy that I once bought had its code already used by the previous owner lmao.


You could grab it on Steam, especially when it's on sale. I believe around five bucks then !?

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I'll go with Quake 4. Of course I'm a Quake guy, but both series' are great. Quake 4 has fast paced action with great weapons and enemies. Wish it had the non-linear level design of past Quakes though and that the running speed at the start wasn't low. Also, reloading in Quake? Why?


Another thing. The awesome Gatling gun from Quake 2 was replaced by a Nailgun, which doesn't make sense considering that Quake 4 is a sequel to Quake 2. The Strogg having Nailguns is odd. I know it's a reference and/or callback to Quake 1, but...

Edited by The Strife Commando

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1 hour ago, The Strife Commando said:

Another thing. The awesome Gatling gun from Quake 2 was replaced by a Nailgun, which doesn't make sense considering that Quake 4 is a sequel to Quake 2. The Strogg having Nailguns is odd. I know it's a reference and/or callback to Quake 1, but...


I agree, I as well really missed the devastating power of the Chaingun in Quake 4... But the Q4 Nailgun is a great new weapon nontheless. It's also not out of place, there was already a Nailgun in the Quake II mission pack Ground Zero, the ETF Rifle (Explosive-Tipped Flechette Rifle). The Q4 Lightning gun is another original Quake weapon that Raven translated really well into the Strogg universe.


The problem with the Q4 Nailgun is that it works too similar to the Hyperblaster: both are rapid-fire weapons with traveling projectiles.

Edited by Tetzlaff

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Quake 4 is a pretty decent one-time playthrough. I find it has practically no replay value at all, being it is so heavily reliant on its story containing surprises.


Doom 3 on the other hand is extremely replayable, have done so a few dozen times. Never gets old.

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Doom 3. Although the game has some pacing issues (e.g. the slog that is Alpha Labs), too many redundant enemies and an unbalanced arsenal, it is a more enjoyable and consistent experience than Quake IV.


Quake IV has a much better arsenal and the bestiary feels more rounded, but it introduces hard-hitting enemies too early (when you are still slow and fragile), the AI squadmates are a bit annoying (especially when they need to be protected), many of the levels are intensely forgettable or downright boring (e.g. the vehicle segments) and the whole experience feels less like a proper Quake II sequel and more like a Doom 3 total conversion. The game does become more enjoyable once you get stroggified, thanks to the faster movement speed and increased health, but unfortunately that happens rather late in the game. While I like the design of the new enemies and the redesign of the returning ones, I do miss the original Enforcer - I do not care for its Pinky-like replacement - and I am not a big fan of the Space Marines' new look either. 

Edited by Rudolph

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I picked Doom3 over Quake4 as the overall single player experience is better, although there are some fun battles close to the end of Quake4.

However Quake4's Deathmatch is way better imo, more like Quake3's, and Q3 still has it beat in that aspect.


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Going to have to go with Quake 4 on this one, where you get lots of cool weapons like the Quake 1 super nailgun reimagined as a stroggified gatling repeater. You have a hitscan Assault rifle & even a goddamn Hyperblaster! Rocket Launcher also has a cool design and you get a railgun, lighting gun & dark matter weapon! Doom 3 is scarier but I was having much more fun with Quake 4!

Edited by Samuel Slayer

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  • 2 weeks later...

Definitely Doom 3. When I first played Quake 4, I thought it was a paid mod for Doom 3, it's that similar. Doom 3 was pretty revolutionary with the bumpmapping/specular lighting. The immersion factor really goes to a whole another level, not just visually, but also in the gameplay (reading emails, audio logs). The UAC really comes alive as a lived-in, real scientific facility in a future you could imagine might actually happen (without the demons at least). I know these days classic arcadey action is more popular again, but for 2004 Doom 3 gave the same level of immersion in a real world that the original Doom gave in 1993. The horror experience is also extremely well done, which made Doom 3 a very memorable FPS for me. I still think the graphics look incredibly good, even now that they're quite old. Oh yeah and the title theme is kickass.


Quake 4 feels like the Quake 2 sequel nobody really needed or asked for, particularly when it already had 2 expansions. And like I said, it felt far too similar to Doom 3. It looked and played a certain way just because they reused the engine, not necessarily because that style fit in with the style of Quake II. All-in-all it was a pretty average, generic military shooter campaign set in the Quake 2 world with Doom 3's engine. It's okay but nothing special.

Edited by QuaketallicA

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Quake 4 easily has the best combat (and bosses) of the Quake games and the story is legitimately engaging for a bro shooter. While Doom 3 is also a good game, it lacks variety and the weapons and enemies are less interesting to shoot and fight, respectively. Having revisited Quake 4 a couple years back, I was impressed how well it held up with a few visual enhancements added to it.

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I think for me Doom 3 had more things that annoyed me, though I think it was a fun game and had a lot going for it. One thing nobody ever seems to mention about Doom 3, is the cool machinery with all the moving parts and such. I didn't care for being forced to run through the outside areas with airtanks that had little to no oxygen in them... and some other stuff was silly like switching between flashlight and weapon and the lack of windows in a Mars base. Overall both games are pretty good and I guess I'd choose Quake 4 just by a slight margin. That scene where you land in the drop pod. lol

Edited by Doom_Dude

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29 minutes ago, Doom_Dude said:

the lack of windows in a Mars base


But there are windows... for example in the very first Mars City level or in Delta Labs. But large part of the bases are build underground and inside caves, and it's explained in the game why this is the case.

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3 hours ago, Tetzlaff said:


But there are windows... for example in the very first Mars City level or in Delta Labs. But large part of the bases are build underground and inside caves, and it's explained in the game why this is the case.


Yeah, I agree with what you say but I think there should have been more windows. It's been years since I played Doom 3, so maybe my memory is shaky, but the windows seemed very few and far between.

Edited by Doom_Dude

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