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"New year, new URE" - URE:E2 - E2M2 up!

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I have my answer!


Soo.. remember how on Thursday I was talking about approaches on how to escape the DrawSegs trap I angled myself into?


Turns out the idea of the dropship still sticking out of the wall in the main area.. won't be the way to go.


Here's the "quick" test of having it lodged in the wall (with only very minimal "broken wall" detail.. and moderate detail on the ship itself):


That's the crashed dropship on the right, there. Ignore the left side ^^;


The broken wall on the left is from 2010 and will (have to) stay. This is really only about the "boxy thing" on the right with what looks too much like red tail lights (maybe the driver is still stepping on the brakes? ^^). I put basically no debris around the wall on the right yet and only a few cracks in it to imply the breaking. If I was to continue on with this approach, there would be much more detailing necessary to make me satisfied with how it looks.




Computer says no.


I already exceeded the limits again ^^; So instead I'll have to put the whole ship on the inside of that new room after all.. and use the remaining "DrawSeg resources" in the main area to simulate the collapsed wall itself, instead. And even then it'll be close.



Further thoughts:

To be honest, I am moderately close to just changing that whole area. Which is why I am writing this "conclusion of sorts". The fact that it's all connected doesn't really have much of a benefit. All it does: When you find access to the defense turret area further down, you can see the broken outside wall that the ship crashed through. 


Seen here:


Why is it GSTONE1, anyways?


And that's the thing: knowing myself, I will want to add a bit more detail (going beyond just adjusting some textures).. and the whole area is already at its limit.


I also already know that the turret will be adjusted a lot, as well (meaning, I'll completely redo it xD)


As it stands now, the fact that a lot of this is currently within a theoretical line of sight from each other.. will only cause more headaches later.


I rather like the way you can see the initial broken wall, maybe even make the connection that the turret you're standing next to might be what shot down the ship.. but where Vanilla goes, this is going to be an unsolvable problem.


However, at least now I know.. and I can make arrangements, accordingly.


Seeing how I was already planning to change the turret, I might also just move it somewhere else, where it's not adding to the complexity of the main area. 



I mean.. just look at how laughable the turret looked, mainly because I already knew back then that I was running out of engine resources:


HAHAHAhaha.. haha.. ha.. wait.. you're serious?


Yeah.. I know that even back in 2010 I had planned to make it look like it was sitting on a turnable platform.. maybe even with some machinery / gears / etc.. but I had to throw those ideas out.


Well.. I'll sleep on my thoughts and see what I wake up with tomorrow :)




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20 hours ago, Zylinderkatze said:

Why is it GSTONE1, anyways?


Good question, me! It's not, anymore.. it's now.. STONE2!


That somehow works better with this outside area, in my eyes.


There is still going to be marble and GSTONE in the map later on.. but the starting area will look mostly like a normal structure without anything hinting at.. hellishness ^^; Also.. I am not sure if the wall will really stay this broken.. because if I make it look like this, there would have to be way more loose stones laying around.. they couldn't all have toppled outward..ly, if the crash happend inward..ly?


Also, the dropship / landing vessel is now more deeply lodged in the wall, thereby freeing up some resources:


Still unsure how much the texturing is going to change.. probably a lot xD


Also, I had to take one of those tiny VTOL-like downward-facing thrusters off- the one facing the viewer in this view. Which doesn't really help the fact that it still looks a lot like a shipping container. I still need wings or thrusters or rotors to make it look more like an actual thing that might take flight xD


Of course I can "cheat" and make it look as though any such things might've been blown or torn off during the crash.. but it's still being processed by my mind. Perhaps I'll leave the wings laying around in this area.. and the rest of the ship will end up behind the collapsed wall, like I pondered before. But this wasn't the main focus of what I did today, anyways xD


Either way, this first "moving around" of things has already had some positive effect:


Purple, yes, Red, yes, Orange, yes.. White? Not so much! :3


As you can also see in the lower right corner, the sections have been split up. Which already helps. But it's still very much in progress.


Right now I am in the process of moving the turret..


..from where it was resting "on" the wall, at "(?)" to a new outcrop at "(!)"


I have a few ideas on how to do this but I'm not even fully sure if you'll be able to see it from the outside our only the inside.. probably both. The bonus: Since there is only one angle from which you can access it, I can better control the angles from which you can see it, which mens I have more options to use some Vanilla trickery ^^;


Oh! and as a bonus:


Oh no, someone broke my computer! D:


It's the computer at the other side of the wall that the ship had originally crashed into (in the 2010 version). This is not something I did today, though.. it's from when I update the detailing of that part of the map earlier this year. I just wanted to share because I think it turned out nice :) 


In case you're curious- before the detailing update, it looked like this:


Only slightly different, actually. Less exposed casing in 2010.


I'm probably going to stop for now, though. I need a break ^^;

Edited by Zylinderkatze

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Hey! Check out this brand new first look at the brand new version of the bran~ .. err.. the defense turret that shot down your landing ship!



That is a bit threatening.


As it stands right now, you actually won't see it from this angle (which is why I didn't really align the TEKWALL texture on that block on the left yet).


It'll still change a bunch, though.. I'm tempted to let you see it from this side because I'm kind of pleased with it ^^; Vanity is going to be the death of me.


However, since I'm stopping for today, I thought I'd share it :)



Also, if you will, compare it to the 2010 version (where I had to keep the detail excessively low because Vanilla was running out of Segs to Draw)..



Maybe just slightly less threatening.


Yes, you could get into the turret in 2010.


Yes, you will still be able to get into the new one in 2021 :)


But where before you only needed to find the switch to open the door at its back, I'm planning to make it so that in this new version you have to "rotate the turret back into a neutral stance" (facing away from the building) because I want to make it look like the entrance to it is (still) at the back and only accessible when the turret is facing away.


I already have plans on how to do that.. but I still have to try out if it works the way I want. This is Vanilla, after all ^^;


If not, the door will just be on the side of it xD


Goodnight for now!

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On 2/11/2021 at 10:52 PM, Zylinderkatze said:

Vanity is going to be the death of me.


Aaaactually, now that the starting area isn't a whole big lump of sectors anymore..


(split "barely noticable" pretty much in the middle of that screenshot)


..I could open up the area with the turret and make it.. "seeable".


And not only from one area..


(still a vastly underfluffed version of this area)


..but actually from the old "upstairs" room, too..


Pew Pew!


..and even from when you're right next to it:


Basically the shot from yesterday, only now actually accessible ^^;


I'll have to limit the amount of detail I add from here on out.. but that's often a good thing. I mean.. I do tend to get carried away otherwise xD



Usual disclaimer / proactive "apology":


This is still a very early version and a bunch of this will still change. Actually, some already has, in the few minutes since I took those screenshots ^^;


I still need to figure out what to do with the base of the turret (the thing plastered with DOORSTOP).. it looks okay generally (I wanted it to look a bit like a.. gear rim of sorts) but when you can see that it's over 384 units high, that makes it "a bit unrealistic" for what I aim to convey.


Well.. we'll see where this goes. Also, we'll see if I can still pull off the "make it look as though you can turn it", now that I opened up this many angles >_>


I'll put out new updates as they bubble to the surface.


Goodnight for now!

Edited by Zylinderkatze

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I made a switch!


Yeah.. no.. I know it's nothing special xD


Also, the ceiling and floor are so.. featureless.. O_o


It's the little things.™


I mean.. I haven't posted in a while so I thought I'd drop this here. There's more coming! I tagged the sectors that are going to (hopefully) offer all the interactivity I need to make the turret turnable ^^


I think I was a little "awestruck" by my own concept and reluctant to actually just.. start and try. 


Now let's see if I can make the player jump through the hoops (read: linedefs) in order to trigger those sectors so that the result looks.. turn't! xD


Okay I'm going back to work now ^^;;

Edited by Zylinderkatze

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11 hours ago, Zylinderkatze said:

There's more coming!


..like.. now!


Here's the updated current version of the turret in editor:


Now there's a veritable rocky base under it! Neat!


Interactive? Yus.


In game after a few line actions (using GzDoom for mouselook)


If you look closely, you can see that I am currently cheating, using SKY2 as an actual upper texture on the outside of the cannon sectors that I am raising (to hide them). That's because there (currently) is no sector rising with them that has F_SKY1 as its ceiling texture so the skybox logic doesn't apply.


I'll see what the sector density says.. if I can "afford" it, I'll make sure that I don't have to resort to using the sky as an actual texture.. because it obviously looks like a texture that way xD


Also, some vertical aligning isn't done yet, on the edge of the sector that rises in the end to make it look all rounded on that side ^^;


But this will have to do for now. I need some sleep!


Oh.. also- I added the sectors that will be revealed in turn to look like the "cannons facing away" but I still have to test them.


Only this much for now:


It's starting to bleed into the accessible parts of the map >_<


I'll have to do a bunch of finetuning to that area.. but I think I have most of the sectors that I need.. and I might be able to remove a few that aren't absolutely necessary, if I have to ^^;


Goodnight for now!

Edited by Zylinderkatze

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"Maybe I'll put a tech column there..?"


So that outside area is done, with detailing and all. There's just one problem though.


I guess that means I do have to reduce the details somehow ^^;


This sucks "only a lot" because the area isn't that detailed and I don't think I really know which bit(s) I could do without. I had hoped that I removed some stuff that would lessen the Drawsegs "overload".. but apparently not enough, yet.



"How detailed is it?"


Well.. since you asked:


Not a lot at all. No sarcasm for once. It's pretty plain.


I'm basically standing in the second outside area which I was also standing in for the previous screenshots. The sight line funnel with the "sector visible from sector" (Drawseg / Node complexity) problem goes straight through that window up there. The silver bars in that window are the black squares in the heatmap above. The details that cause all that "heat" are the sectors that make up the turret / cannon off to the left of this editor screenshot (seen in the previous post).


The sectors that kind of "multiply" the whole problem is that silver rim at the top. I might be able to do without it but it's kind of a callback to the same silver edge / rim you can see from the other side (seen in the first screenshot from this post from a few days ago) so I kind of want to leave it in. I already made the window smaller but as you can see, that wasn't enough. Maybe I'll make the window a lot smaller, still.. after all, no one will know how big it used to be ^^;


I mean.. only those people who are reading these posts.. >_>




Could you come see me in my killing room for a moment?

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"Solve a problem with a computer console"


It might as well be my life's motto.


It's a lot less hot now!


It's probably because of the shade.


And it even looks neat:




Okay I'm off to bed ^^;



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Oh! Look! I made it into the turret!


Everything (from details to textures to light levels) still subject to change..


When you get in:


Ohh.. so many computers! I wonder what this button does..


And from the inside:


(This angle is not actually reachable.. It's just for a better (over)view)


There's currently one level of interactivity here (a trigger on the edge of that computer console, which lowers some goodies into reach). I might instead make it into two individual switches, each lowering different ones.


As always: "We'll see" xD

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So far, so.. exceeding the limits


So.. I think I need to change a bit about the inside of the room leading up to / into the turret.



Minty green, but not fresh.


The open, silver-rimmed windows were a nice idea when the turret was still just scene dressing.. but now that you can actually get inside, there's.. too much to see.


It's a "fast lift" door (I made it stay open for this test).. so chances are very slim that you'll be this far away from it while it's open.. and you might never be "exposed" to this much openly visible detail.


But I don't want to take any chances.. so those windows will have to be adjusted ^^;


I'll probably just make the walkway leading up to it a solid one and only put a small window on either side.. or something. 

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I should change the title to "URE2021 is slowing down again" but that joke might get old ^^;


That said, "jokes getting old" is usually my expertise. I thrive when others wince xD


Basically, though, I just thought I'd post a "no update" update, to.. well- to update you.


This week has been hectic and busy and I had almost no spare time so there isn't much map progress since the last post:

  • I did change the walkway and the windows and it actually looks better now, aside from having less open sightlines.
  • I know how I want to hint at the machinery that turns the turret (it'll be in a sideroom, off to the left from the last screenshot)
  • I found a bug in a secret where a lift wouldn't lower (the "raised lift" height was too low for the item in it)
  • I found another bug where a "trap door" (not a trapdoor) wouldn't open because the sector in front of it had the same tag

Little things, nothing to show yet. Sorry!



That's your update for today.

Edited by Zylinderkatze

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no, you won't fool me! the more you're "doing almost nothing", the more shiny new progress we'll see later.

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On 2/25/2021 at 3:15 PM, ketmar said:

shiny new progress


Actually, I am kind of slower this year than I was last year xD


Maybe I'm getting old?


Wait no, that's not possible.


I already am old xD





Here's some shiny new progress from this weekend:



This is the "view back" from the room with the switch.



This is the view from when you get into the secret area..



..and the view from inside (when you turn around)


There is still a lot to do, doubtlessly. In the "secret area" above, the light is a little too.. uniform. There is some variation but it's mostly light level 175. Also, that secret area is just the inside of the machinery that moves the turret.. so it's another 1-2-secret: You only get in here to "turn" the turret in order to get into the turret which is the actual secret ^^;



Unrelated, an older area I am currently "re-lighting" ^^;


I'm not 100% sure where to go with that above area. Also, I guess it doesn't make much sense out of context but I wanted to share it anyways xD


For comparison, this is what it looked like before:



Not exactly the same angle.. sorry ^^;


As you can see, I didn't do much to it yet, aside from more of a light gradient.. and I don't know whether I'll even leave it like that (the gradient) because the steps are too even-spaced.


It's basically my current construction site so it's subject to change. A lot of change.


And I am subject to sleep.



Edited by Zylinderkatze

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Good morning?


I woke up with this stuck in my head so I had to draw it ^^



Well.. "draw" is a very loose term in this context.


It felt like it'll be an area that keeps surprising you (when I explored it in my "still half asleep" state this morning). You come in at the top (see "entry") and only see the passage before you and then darkness.. then as you approach the lift you see that the area is open around to the left (from the perspective of still standing up there, looking out) and only once you use the lift you realize it's also open to the other side.


Also, then the "?" bit might open, once you're at the ground floor, for even more fun surprises! The size of the dotted square around it is not the actual size.. in fact the whole wall might open.. or perhaps just a window for enemies to shoot through (and vice versa). It's more of an indicator for me, that there's room for.. fun?


As I am mulling this over in my head right now, mentioning "darkness": I might add a few trigger lines that gradually switch on more lights in that lower area as you approach the lift. But that's only a thought right now.


The main progress direction is through the door (on the right side of the drawing).


It'll be a while until this becomes (digital) reality though.

Edited by Zylinderkatze

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now i know your Secret Plan: you're doing URE2021 slow so it will be finished after 2021 cacowards, to get two cacowards in a row.

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But I wanna play! >_<


So I just wanted to check a small section of what I had adjusted in a different part of the map and ended up playing a broad section of the map through.. found a few more bugs.. Apparently when that lift wouldn't lower a few days ago it was not because of a lack of internal height of the sector of the raised lift.. but instead the "too many triggers close together" (even though one was a "W" action and the other an "S", the enging didn't like it).


Also a few missing textures (well.. two ^^) and.. this:



A very ugly in-between


It looks like the trigger to adjust the light level (to brightest adjacent) was too close to another one and didn't fire.. also, the one that raises the "crescent" (to make the turret appear round again and cover the PLAT1 stuff) didn't trigger.. probably for the same reason ^^;


There's still a bunch of construction sites.. but that's what I get for my approach of doing several update & edit passes throughout the map instead of focusing on one area until it's done. I kind of go back and forth between those approaches. Sometimes I don't leave an area until I'm done with it (that's what usually happens with new areas) and sometimes I just adjust a few things while I pass it by.


I'm pleased with most of the progress. 


Not so much with the secret machinery area from yesterday though. It doesn't feel like the kind of "inner workings" that I want it to feel like.


Also: I keep getting mildly irritated by the "broken" display of some of the textures I'm working with. Mainly the 8 unit Y-axis TEKWALL5 thing.


You know.. this:


tekwall5-editor.png > tekwall5-game.png

"In Editor" vs "In Game"


I keep forgetting to adjust this by shifting the textures up by 8 units.


But I enjoy playing around with this delightfully messy texture way too much xD

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Remember how I said..

On 3/1/2021 at 10:19 PM, Zylinderkatze said:

Not so much with the secret machinery area from yesterday though.


Today I had the idea to better show that there's some actual inner workings "moving around" ..and that you're interacting with them.


I give you: Turning wheels!



The DOORSTOP things in that hole in the wall "turn".

Don't believe me? Check the video:D


It's an early layout. Also- not shown in this clip- when you interact with the switch (on the right of the screen, in that recess) it doesn't only affect one of the key elements of the actual turret for show.. it also raises another sector between the two cogwheels (but facing away from the player) to hint that the switch caused a connection between those two turning wheels.


(It's facing away from the player / obscured from view because the animated texture on it would have to run the other way.. which isn't supported by Vanilla ^^;)


I'll show that when there's more to show.


Oh! and I know now why that sector wasn't raised in that last screenshot (the "ugly in-between").. I had actually forgot to move one of the sector triggers xD

Edited by Zylinderkatze
Updated the video link

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"Here today, Doom tomorrow"


I'm already going to drop out for today, though. I only fiddled with a few sectors and build that cogwheel outcrop thing from my last post.. but my energy levels are low (I should probably construct additional pylons).


More tomorrow!


Possibly. ^^;

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11 minutes ago, Zylinderkatze said:


This here, this is art. Reading your updates is such fun, since I never know what interesting idea will come up next. Keep up the good work man! :)

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i... don't even know what to say. i'm... really afraid of joking here, because each time i'm joking about something, you're going to make it real.

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I confess I've not read the entire thread so perhaps you've already thought of this, or ruled it out, but seeing all the problems you're encountering with vanilla limits I have to ask - are custom and/or composite textures out of the project's scope? For example, the rear on the truck could likely lose several lines/sectors by using a composite texture alone. :)

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10 hours ago, Dragonfly said:

out of the project's scope


Hey @Dragonfly! Cool to see you here. And thanks for the input, actually!


I have to admit I had times when I was wishing / hoping for some custom textures (or even just some DOOM2 textures) but as it stands right now, I am "hell-bent" on making everything vanilla af (as the kids would say..?). Every time I run into a "nope, limits" case, I see it as a reason to rethink / adjust the layout. Oftentimes resulting in overall improvements :)


It's not so much that I am shying away from replacing or adding textures altogether (case in point: the sky texture, for vertical tiling reasons) but I want to keep it to an absolute minimum, so I'll try everything else first. It's not 100% ruled out- but maybe ninety-X%.


But I'll keep the idea of custom textures / patches a little more in the foreground of my conscious mind- before I reach any point of full despair.

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On 3/2/2021 at 10:32 PM, Omniarch said:

Reading your updates is such fun

Thank you! :3 I aim to make it fun. It's a way for me to keep myself entertained and engaged, to think that it might serve someone else as inspiration or entertainment.. and it's comments like this that give me the power to carry on ^_^


That said, though, I wasn't feeling particularly "doomy" today so aside from jotting down a few ideas, I didn't touch the actual map.


21 hours ago, ketmar said:

each time i'm joking about something, you're going to make it real

Aww.. come on. Go ahead and joke all you want. You know your ideas are in good hands }:D



Also, I realized that (even though it looks kind of cool that both wheels are turning and then something connects them) it doesn't really make sense in the "you switch something on and the wheels start turning" context.


Also, I think it would make more sense if the "recipient" of the power / drive conversion was an axle and not another cogwheel. But making it look like an axle (going off to the side, horizontally) is turning.. without a vertically scrolling texture to fake the turning.. is impossible.


So.. new approach: The second wheel (on the right) will not be turning initially. It'll consist of 2 sectors, the first one having the DOORSTOP texture without animation.. and then when you press the button, a second sector raises that's only very maginally wider and has the animated texture. That way it should hopefully look as though- through the player's interaction- the second wheel started turning as well.


Kinda like this:


Does that make sense? ^^


This all, again, doesn't really make 100% sense.. because the second wheel will continue to turn, even though it's only meant to imply that this is what turns the turret back into the resting position. But maybe there's a slip-clutch somewhere? xD


I might be thinking about this too much ^^;


I'll see if I can make it work.. but.. not today.


Today is rest day! :)

Edited by Zylinderkatze

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello woe, is me- your boy ZK.


Sooo.. all this time I was convinced that I had no actual problem with the TEKWALL5 cutoff / misalignment bug in vanilla. I thought I had found a way to make it work, against all odds.


But then I realized that something I was trying with the same texture in E1M9 (while going through the URE 2020 levels for the "last" time).. wasn't working. I went back into E2M1 in vanilla and..




So no, I hadn't actually "magically solved" anything xD


It's cut off and if I push it up it's still cut off, basically in the same way that it is in the lower left side of this in-game screenshot. The round ring.. thing I was using as visual cues for a swivel join in one place (and as the cannon barrels here).. is unusable in vanilla.


So now I have 2 options, I suppose:

- Use a texture fix

- Use a different DOOM1 texture


A texture fix (replacing TEKWALL5 with an "unbroken" version) would kind of go against my goal to keep this "as vanilla as possible" (as I said before I mainly just replace the sky for easy vertical tiling of the skybox).


Using a different texture will be.. a challenge, I think.. because I don't know if there will be a texture that fits my requirements quite as well as this hate-to-love, love-to-hate little rascal.


Any ideas? Suggestions?

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12 minutes ago, Zylinderkatze said:

Any ideas? Suggestions?

Have you considered TEKWALL2? There seems to be a fairly similar feature in the bottom right of the texture, which would make for a decent muzzle. Or do all the TEKWALL textures have this issue?


Edit: you could also try using the upper-left portion of EXITDOOR, or even the middle part

Edited by Omniarch

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53 minutes ago, Omniarch said:

Have you considered TEKWALL2? There seems to be a fairly similar feature in the bottom right of the texture, which would make for a decent muzzle. Or do all the TEKWALL textures have this issue?


Edit: you could also try using the upper-left portion of EXITDOOR, or even the middle part




TEKWALL2 does use a smaller version of the same circle, I think.. but yeah.. it's a lot smaller, maybe like.. 1/4 of the size. So that's too small for me ^^;


But I did a quick experiment with EXITDOOR!


Two versions


Left one is also using SLADRIP for the black inner part to make it look "hollow" (however you can see its animation in game which is a bit odd)

Right one is only using EXITDOOR and looks a bit too.. suggestive to me ^^;


I think I can work with this- great idea, @Omniarch!

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7 minutes ago, Zylinderkatze said:

TEKWALL2 does use a smaller version of the same circle, I think.. but yeah.. it's a lot smaller, maybe like.. 1/4 of the size. So that's too small for me ^^;

I was actually referring to this bit here:



A square muzzle is a bit odd to be sure, but I think it fits with the barrel quite well.

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56 minutes ago, Omniarch said:

I was actually referring to this bit here


Thank you for clarifying.. yes, that actually does look like it can work.. hold on.


I did a quick mock-up (seen here on the right): 


And that actually looks pretty neat!


I like it. I'll probably use that. 




Thanks again :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

Current speed: Glacial.


I am currently more focused on packing up the "2020" predecessor but once that's all wrapped up, I'm back on this with full..ish force!

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