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"New year, new URE" - URE:E2 - E2M2 up!

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Maybe this is kind of cheating..


..since this is the scene from before but at an angle..



..but I really like where this is going ^^


How about you?

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Last post while I'm awake (you'd tell me if I posted while I'm asleep, right?)


Another "scribble to map" (do we have a name for this yet?)



This one is very recent. I "drew" this on Sunday.



Textures aren't final. Also, lighting is very "uniform" still.


Close enough for now?


Close enough for now.



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4 hours ago, Zylinderkatze said:



Last post while I'm awake (you'd tell me if I posted while I'm asleep, right?)


Another "scribble to map" (do we have a name for this yet?)




I can't unsee this as a robot's head with a flat mouth, two eyes, and eyebrows above them.

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Minor update!


Some added (and some removed) details, reworked some textures (still not satisfied).. also, different angle.


So.. perfect conditions for a comparison?



I might dial back all that color blending.


At this point, all the "brown to silver"-transitions just feel like unnecessary noise. They don't really add to the mood, they mostly just feel like I was trying a little too hard xD


I'll take a new look at it "with fresh eyes" tomorrow.


For now: Goodnight!

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Okay.. for comparison's sake..


Here it is from a better(?) angle:



Maybe make all the walls brown and leave the pedestal silver?


Okay brain. Switch off now, you need sleep.



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Re: the brown to silver transitions.  I think they could be fine if there were an in-universe reason for there to be the transition there, but I'm not sure what that would be.  It's definitely a nifty use of the texture (I don't know if I've ever actually seen it used as a transition before).

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Maybe you can use it somewhere where the surrounding environment implies some sort of chemical or thermal condition that would've caused the color change in a particular length of wall.  It might not be there, but it's an idea to keep in your back pocket.

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12 hours ago, jerrysheppy said:

chemical or thermal condition


Actually now that you say it.. that does sound like a neat application! Though, like you said, yes.. not for this area.


I am likely going to just go two-tone here (a strip of silver along the ceiling and below it, brown) but without using the transition texture(s).


The mention of chemical / thermal got me thinking though- I might use it in the crash scene in E2M1 xD

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13 hours ago, ketmar said:

yeah, i love the effect too. please, find some in-world reason to keep it!


One of the concepts from my pile of.. well.. of concepts is actually a (malfuctioning) reactor. I think it would have pretty awesome application there.. even if that reactor might not go into this map.


But I barely just started with this map anyways, so who knows what else will happen to it.



Some background about what informs my decisions:


Since I am keeping the original Vanilla Map coordinates ("next objective" & "done" splat), this map (E2M2) is pretty far out of the way of everything else (upper left, on the intermission map screen, while E2M1 is in the upper right and E2M3 is somewhere in the middle). So this will be a location which warrants being secluded / remote from the other facilites of this "RRL labs" complex.


Meaning it'll be either something experimental (how imaginative xD) or abandoned. Or both.


Actually, both of those things would justify this being a (malfunctioning) reactor of sorts.


Hmmm. *spinning gears animation*

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And here's (probably) the final* version

*"For now"


No playful silver STARTAN along the ceiling after all. Just this light brown. 



Works for me! ^_^


Now on to actual content instead of adding layers of wallpaper xD

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On 6/24/2021 at 10:45 PM, Zylinderkatze said:

Now on to actual content instead of adding layers of wallpaper xD

..he said and then didn't update for several days.


He also didn't actually do much, in regards to Doom! O_o


And he seems to be talking about himself in third person consistently.


What a weirdo.


Seriously, though, a lot of other stuff going on here- I'll be back.. soon?

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Pick your poison!


No.. this post isn't actually poisonous. You can lick it.


I did a bit of dabbling today because I had an idea for a trap or three. So here's a picture.. or three!


A traditional first person view:


It's not all copy and past. Only.. uhm.. 80% :D


A stylish angled shot:


Again, a bunch will still change, this is just a foundation


Also, a map overview of the sections in those previous pictures:


You come in from the left (not connected yet) and want to go to the right..


..for reasons.


The section at the top isn't done yet, obviously. It'll be a bonus area I believe.


The section below is the stuff you've already seen. It connects to the area from the screenshot in this post. Behind that door.


But this gives me incentive to go on and also pins down the ideas I had for this area.


It's not (yet) the reactor area.


But it's getting more likely that this map will be the "abandoned reactor site" I mentioned before ^^


I'm going to quickly add some more things that I wanted to include as mental pointers.. but I won't post those because I won't finish them today.


(I think ^^)

Edited by Zylinderkatze

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On 7/1/2021 at 11:05 PM, Zylinderkatze said:

It'll be a bonus area I believe.


On 7/1/2021 at 11:05 PM, Zylinderkatze said:

It's not (yet) the reactor area.


Dude. Marcel. What the heck.


Why don't you combine the two?


It's decided!


That area will lead to a reactor that might be kind of be a dangerous area to step into.


But maybe you should anyways?


So many opportunities!

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No more waiting!


Well.. some more waiting, I suppose.


Slow progress, my personal "Doom-mapping inspiration" might be down with the flu or something. I mean.. I'm not particularly inspired to do much on this map at the moment, hence my quiet. But it's still on my mind and I did adjust some texture and flat placement in one area (not yet shown anywhere) after I remembered what I wanted to do with it (less TEKWALL4, more "clean tech" SUPPORT2 & COMPBLUE.. for now).


But! I do have stuff to show :)


The "just finished" passage (that connects to the room on the very left of the map view in this post):


As always, subject to change.


And here is my "I guess I'll put the reactor here?" note, in map form:


Very crude, very much not going to stay this way.


It's just a "this is the reactor room.. remember to use the texture transition effect for an implicated heat / burn wear on the walls" reminder to myself ^^


But I'm a sleepy cat so I shall rest.


Thanks for your attention! :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

No level update?


No. Again, I think the heat is getting to me and my ability (or motivation) to map. Boo.


But! I've finally sat down to pin down the way I am imagining / envisioning one side of the room where you get the blue key!



That's something.


It's not much, perhaps, on paper (literally), but it is a great source of inspiration for me to see before me what, before, I could only see in my mind.


If that makes sense. 


It helps me with proportions and generally knowing where to put paths & passages in relation to one another which then informs my decision of how much room I'll actually need so that it doesn't look or feel crammed (unless I want it to feel that way ^^).



I did do some detail work on the map on Friday but it wasn't worth posting in my opinion. So I didn't xD


I'm still around, though. Just not all that active right now- I'll come back!


And no, those won't be my last words on this forum.


Neither will those. xD


Or those.




Edited by Zylinderkatze

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On 7/22/2021 at 9:16 AM, jerrysheppy said:

still cranking away


It's a slow crank, but a crank nevertheless. Thank you for the encouragement!


Here's that drawing, but now in Editor :)



None of those passages or doors go anywhere yet ^^;


..it's something!


I experimented with some illegal subs~ ..textures. And a bunch of it looks good to me for the time being. 


Also, it calls back to a bunch of the themes from the previous area(s) ..but maybe a little too much. As in: "To the point where it doesn't look distinct enough". I'll see if that makes the map feel too "samey" or if it just makes it feel thematically connected in a good way.


In a way, mapping without adjusting the light levels kind of has its own benefit: If it looks good with uniform lighting, adjusting the lighting is likely (hopefully) only going to make it look even better.


If you know what you're doing.


Which I am not claiming I do.


More later!



PS: Still not really feeling like mapping for hours on end yet.. but it does come and go so I'll just wait until it comes back to me and until then dabble a bit like this.

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I forgot that images can be selectively quoted too.. xD


What will they think of, next?



The "silver and blue" remark from the original drawing will be more thoroughly implemented.. once this is actually done >_>


14 hours ago, Zylinderkatze said:



This version is only a gap stop, to not give away too much of what will happen in this area when you visit it ^^;


Also, the interactivity isn't done yet. v_v


There'll be "floor raise to lowest neighbor ceiling" being used in a combination of "as intended" and "as an instant change" (all from the same linedef / sector tag).


Nothing novel but I have a bunch of fun ideas for a reveal that I wanted to try out here x3


I hope it'll all work out the way it's working in my head.


Hardly anything works the way it does in my head.


Might be my head's fault ^^;

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  • 2 weeks later...

Don't know the last time I posted but I still plan on making music for this. The summer has been pretty brutal for work but it should wind down soon. I feel like these maps need music that isn't too moody or fancy; maybe some basic prog rock with fun time signatures.

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On 8/6/2021 at 4:07 AM, Bucket said:

fun time signatures.


Fun time signatures are fun!


Yes please.


This even made me come back for a quick acknowledgement! 



Also, speaking of Prog:


..ress is slow, still, for me. Some ideas are laying dormant in the map and I need another fit of inspiration.


Thinking to maybe skip E2M2 for now and "cheat" on it with E2M8 or *9..


More on that later.

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Update Crawl.




This room (from a previous post) was supposed to be mirrored but where's the fun in that.


So instead of another silver blue pillar, I give you:


A silver.. grey.. carport*? >_>


Again, the usual: not done, no adjusted light levels, etc. But it's close(ish) to another idea that came to me yesterday.. and which brought me back into UDB ^^


Franky, in my idea the ceiling was lower and that thing therefore felt more.. claustrohobic; So chances are, eventually that part will look more like that initial idea. I think it was wider, too, in my mind. Which would mean I'd have to make the whole room a little longer. It doesn't feel right yet.


Also I am not so sure (anymore) about that 8-unit-high walkway thing extending into the room from the right (that's where you come in from). I wanted to use it as a visual guide into that room, kind of.. but the inside of the "carport" has the same height so that's a tripping hazard xD


This, too, will find a satisfying resolution, I'm sure.


But not right now ^^



* not actually a carport

Edited by Zylinderkatze

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  • 2 weeks later...





Yes. I was bitten by the "inspiration bug" yesterday and that one lost "1/5th" segment of the original E2M8 came back to me and is eager to be recreated so I will likely do that.. very soon. Like- probably today!


I'll post pictures as soon as I have something to show c:

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Zylinderkatze without pictures… it's suspicious! either it's not you, or you have such sights to show us

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