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"New year, new URE" - URE:E2 - E2M2 up!

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Okay since you didn't ask..


..here's a sneak preview (that might not make it into the map so it's safe to share :D)


You come into the first main area and "see" this..



So far, so normal. And dark. Which is also normal.


..but then you walk just a bit forward and find.. this?



That's not supposed to be here, is it?


I put way too much effort into modeling the inside of that small area behind the cracked wall (again: normal).


I will have to keep the rest of this area pretty simple, though, if I want to keep this map Vanilla-safe. There will be a lot of details :D

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Who put these here?


I don't think that these marble stones belong here.



So broken.. and you won't even see them well because it's dark :D


The wall on the right is still too cleanly broken.. I'll break it a little more so it feels more organic.


I'm pleased for now!

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Style transition extravaganza


Working at 45° angles in some parts of the map has me inspired to do some "interesting" transitions between old and new.



Stuff on the right isn't done yet.


Also, this is one of the brightest areas in the map, don't get too used to light levels over 150 ^^;

Edited by Zylinderkatze

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I think I'll take a break for today but I wanted to add that- in light of my "nothing seems to be working right" approach, I am also playing around with Vanilla ways to make doors open with a delay, lifts not lowering right (until you find the switch that actually lowers them when I want you to be able to progress) and stuff looking stuck or malfunctioning.


So far it feels pretty cool to me :D




You find this "door" at the beginning of the map. It looks shootable and it's the only way to progress..



Work in progress. I wanted to make it "defininitely look shootable".


It's not a "shoot to open" action (Action 46) though. Instead it's action 24, which raises a walkway for a dummy monster (that woke from the shot).. which then walks up to a door that is joined with the "door" (which you thought you shot to open it).. and finally opens it*.


This causes a delay of a few seconds (during which you have your hands full because that monster isn't the only one that woke up).


However I might make the shootable switch an actual switch in the wall instead of it being on the door that then opens. I am not satisfied with how this looks.


But yeah. Break now.


* That monster then gets stuck under the door it opened, so it just keeps closing and reopening :D

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12 minutes ago, Zylinderkatze said:

However I might make the shootable switch an actual switch in the wall instead of it being on the door that then opens. I am not satisfied with how this looks.


So much better!



The door itself is still going to change though.


Now I'm really gone though :D

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It happened again.


I did not stop. Instead I created some weird place that feels creepy.


Especially because there are no monsters in it D:



I want to go home D:


I'm off to bed! Goodnight :)

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Posted (edited)



On wood. Knock on wood.


I think I might actually be back in the flow, that "why not make the map fall apart" idea seems to have really gripped me :)


Came home today and the first thing I wanted to do (after eating and doing the Helldivers II daily) was to continue work on this map!


And because I like you (and showing off a little), here's that broken wall at 255 light level.



There's more holes in it than you can see from this angle.


Take a good long last look at it before I break it further because I want some loose stones lying around and a venerable hole in it, maybe even big enough for some lost souls to come floating through :3


The textures look faintly misaligned in the middle there but they actually are aligned, it's from scaling down the image.


Anyways.. this will look much different in a bit!

Edited by Zylinderkatze

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Tear down this wall!





Yeah that wall needed a hole.



And at least some more light, in some places.


The textures, light levels and even some of the alignment are still in progress. But I wanted to get to bed a little earlier today :D



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And obviously..


.. the hole isn't big enough (or maybe just too "structurally noisy") for the lost soul to navigate through. 


Also, there's a whole bunch of vertexes and lines in that area that are too close to one another (or at unfortunate angles to one another) and causing slime trails and such, in vanilla / chocolate. 


But it doesn't crash!

Edited by Zylinderkatze

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On 5/7/2024 at 9:08 AM, Zylinderkatze said:

But it doesn't crash!


I should've stopped while I was ahead!



I think it's high time I make a non-vanilla version of my maps, man

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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)
On 5/9/2024 at 10:32 PM, Zylinderkatze said:


I should've stopped while I was ahead!



I think it's high time I make a non-vanilla version of my maps, man


I fixed it!



That's still kinda hot, ngl.


Lost a lot of detail in the area. But not so much that I hate it ^^;


Also, I started expanding a different part of the map nearby. It's a place you get to once some power was restored, so the lights are on!



So bright! (comparatively)


I might make it so that you can look into the area (from the outside) and the light is off, then while you walk towards the area where you.. let's say.. "fix the power", you pass lines that switch it on (for when you return here).. not sure yet. Still in progress.


But there is definitely going to be a bunch of "wait this looked different, earlier" stuff going on here, not just with the light :3

Edited by Zylinderkatze

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Even more broken stuff?


I like where this is going.. but this might be too much broken stuff, all within a short amount of time (too close to one another).



FIREBLU, the texture for me and you!


Also, this is departing from what it was like in my dream (as far as I remember, it having been years and years ago, after all).. this area did feel disgusting and demon-infested and bloody (not pictured).. but more in the "demon idols and dead bodies" way. But that can still come :D


Besides, the dream was just the inspiration. I don't always have to adhere to it 100%.. especially not if there aren't a full 100% left of the former dream, in my memory ^^;


I may or may not stop mapping for today.. so goodbye for now, in case I don't post again today.

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Arena overhaul.


I had a different entrance to an outside "arena" of sorts, put in place as a.. well.. placeholder.


But then I looked at my notes..



There's more, this is just an excerpt.


..and I decided to adjust it a bit.



I tried to mimic the angle from the preview in the scribble (and failed).


It's a small thing but this is actually one thing I am happy that I adjusted.



Outside arena?


Okay okay I'll show the other angle too, when you exit through that small passage and look back:



"From the outside, looking in"


And this is what I made it look like:



Ah so it's a little higher, hm?


I realized that the height inside the passage didn't fit with the perceived height of the top of that passage so I made it a little higher from the outside.


Also, I still haven't really solved the "this looks obviously fake" problem with the wall on the right meeting up with the fake lower wall of the passage. The one I anticipated when I made the scribble and marked with a big question mark xD


But that's for tomorrow's ZK to solve.


Goodnight for now!

Edited by Zylinderkatze

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It happened again :0


Took a look at the arena, had an idea, roughly modeled out a big chunk of it.



Suspiciously empty.


Now I am really going to go to bed though.

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..I should really make my maps less dark.



It's not that dark. Okay.. yes it is.


Especially when I spend so much time making it look okay in full brightness :D



You can't see it but there's a secret area here!


I'll stop mapping for today and go to bed early.


Also this is an older part of E2M6.


I'm not showing you the new parts >:3



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Posted (edited)

Oh E1M6 outside area.. you've changed.


Quite a bit, actually!


From this..

On 5/19/2024 at 9:13 PM, Zylinderkatze said:



..to this!



So much blood :0


That marble faced blood spewing slab over there on the right used to be kind of a fountain (of blood) in the wall but this feels more "appropriately corrupting and intrusive", in line with the rest of the map's theme.


Also, there will be more blood.


Like.. pools of blood.


Knee deep pools of blood.



Edited by Zylinderkatze

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All of a sudden no pictures seem to be loading for me in this thread, even back to the first page.  Other threads on Doomworld are showing images just fine for me.  Anyone else have this problem?

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7 minutes ago, jerrysheppy said:

Anyone else have this problem?


I'm using "https://imgbb.com" to host the pictures because it's easy and free (not sponsored).. maybe they are somehow causing the problem? 


The images are showing up for me but sometimes they aren't loading. I'm probably not a priority of thiers since I am on the free plan.


I hope it'll work out for you and you'll get to see the pictures! :0

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No mapping yesterday, Hung out with a friend.


I just checked my E2M6 screenshots and I figured I'd try and calm the waves a bit: it's a lot of dark screenshots but there will be brighter areas as well and you'll be able to brighten up some of the darker ones later on.


I personally don't like it when an area (or whole map) is too dark when I play it, so I should not make dark maps either, right? ^^;


I'll try to find a healthy balance. 


I might map (later) today, I'm feeling semi-creative!

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And here I am..




And of course I end up detailing a bonus area instead of finishing the actual map :D





I am having way too much fun with the DOOM1 organic textures.


Also, I now need to find a believable way to keep you from walking further, because this is not a "hidden stairs" thing, instead it's kind of the opposite. Because the marble stone bricks there are just for show, they are supposed to fake the back of the scenery from the main area ^^;


Maybe I'll just put some "twitching impaled" dude there to block your path..


..or I'll scrap it again :D

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1 hour ago, Zylinderkatze said:

..or I'll scrap it again :D


Okay so seeing the effort I am putting in, I will not scrap this again :D





And continuing from there:



What do you mean "too much detail"?


I'm not sure whether this will stay either, but I started playing around with a broken pipe and now this area looks pretty neat!


I hadn't really planned to put toxic sludge here. Hmm.

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I guess this is where I decide whether I want to make this whole area actually optional.


I am still very much tempted to make it optional.



Poison AND radiation? Oh my.


However, I am putting quite a bit of effort into this area :D 


Not that that's a bad thing.



Glowing reviews incoming!


The thing is- part of the whole map idea is that you try to re-establish power to some parts of the map.


And this starts to look like you might be nearing some reactor or such.


But maybe this is just the back of it.

Edited by Zylinderkatze

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I don't even know how you are leaving this map to advance to the next. I might want to look into that before too long :D


It might also help me work out what you "have to" do in this map (aside from killing stuff and not dying).


I mean- getting the power working again is only a means to an end, not the actual solution for this thing.


While I have you


I would like to say that I feel better and more comfortable by now, about the whole "from scratch" thing. Like.. making completely new maps instead of reworking existing ones.


Let's see how long that feeling lasts :D



Oh and here's a picture as a reward for reading:



Finished the description of this thing :3

Edited by Zylinderkatze

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Posted (edited)

Ideas ideas!


I looked at the map (as in.. the OG Doom1 intermission screen for the DOS / Vanilla / Chocolate version of DOOM) and the "you are here" starting locations left me no other choice but to come up with a "battle plan" of sorts. If you played URE2020 in an engine that shows the intermission screen, you'll remember how much fun I am having with adhering to the original starting locations ^^;


Meaning: I know now how to transition from E2M6 to E2M7.. and even what E2M7 will look like!


I will try my best to not have you get on another boat of any sort. But perhaps there will be a different mode of transportation. Maybe a high speed train or such. Traveling in style! Only maybe not quite as far as you would like.


And obviously without actually showing the journey.


I mean- I do have a "vanilla" idea or two on how to maybe fake something.. but.. who knows if that will actually work out.


Oh! and as a treat(?), since there isn't a screenshot this time, you'll get my planned map title for E2M6.


Are you excited? Can I get a drumroll? No? Okay.


In good old 90's fashion, it will be called ENTROPY.

Edited by Zylinderkatze

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Posted (edited)
On 5/27/2024 at 5:57 PM, Zylinderkatze said:

a different mode of transportation



What's this?


A train for ants?


Just when you thought I wasn't doing anything because I didn't post in a while, I give you: my WIP "how you will leave E2M6" :D


More news when there are more news!

Edited by Zylinderkatze

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Same map, different location.


So in light of the whole "map is without power, make your own way"-idea.. I have run into a little problem.



I don't see a problem?


That door is closed (at the moment) and I kind of want to keep it that way. As in, it doesn't open with a "door" action.


However, there are inconsistencies (oh no, in Doom? D:) ..as in, there is a door earlier that opens kind of normal. Two, even. The one that opens delayed and then another one that I haven't mentioned yet that requires you to walk up to a (lit up) computer console.


The latter one I might be able to explain with some sort of auxiliary power supply.


That's only the first half of the problem. The main problem is, that I want that wall to "disappear" when you shoot it.


Which is kind of new to this map. I mean you shoot the first door to cause it to open.. and that's a progress-blocking non-secret you have to figure out yourself.. albeit being very obvious..


My question is.. is this obvious enough?


I have a tendency (like many others) to mark shootable things with a texture that looks broken or previously shot.. but is this too obscure?


I know, I know.. coming from me, asking if something is "too obscure" is a little ironic :D


Any thoughts?

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