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Favorite game soundtrack that nobody knows about?

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Sometime around 2016 or 2017, a friend gifted me one of those cheapest steam games out there as a joke (i remember his closer friends joking a lot about the game's quality, primarily how eerie/goofy the human faces looked in it). Being still mildly open minded and bored, i booted it up, and boy i didn't regret it. Not only was it the most fun Sh'mup/Bullet Hell game i've ever played, but it also had a soundtrack so good it's still one of my favorites to this day, and i just can't get sick of listening to it.

Here's my favorite track out of it's soundtrack:



So with that little story of mine out of the way, i wanted to ask how many of you also have played any really obscure or forgotten about games with absurdly good soundtracks that seemingly nobody knows about (or just aren't very popular at all), i'd love to check them out!

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These games are so obscure that I can't find the music on YouTube.  So below are some gameplay videos.


Jumpix (boss music at 10:35):





Terroid (unfortunately this video does not contain all of the game's music, and cuts off the main theme):










Below are some lesser-known games with videos of their music.


Cactus Bruce:







Snowy the Bear:





Cosmic Bugs:







Alien Outbreak 2:





Alien Sky:





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Hamsterball is a simple Marble Madness style game that has amazing music. 




Another really good soundtrack is The Simpsons Hit and Run Soundtrack.




I recommend everybody to check both of these soundtracks. They deserve more love in my opinion. 

Edited by Valhen
Added one more SHAR song.

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Got a whole bunch, so if you'd like more, then feel free to let me know and I'll think up some more.


But for now, I'll present Devilish/Bad Omen on the Sega Genesis, done by one Hitoshi Sakimoto.



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11 minutes ago, Dark Pulse said:

Got a whole bunch, so if you'd like more, then feel free to let me know and I'll think up some more.



Anything you find worth sharing, really. Often times i feel like i don't have anything to listen to but the same few albums i've been listening to for the past month so anything posted here is greatly appreciated. You guys seem to have great taste in music which helps a lot too, but no pressure ofc :)

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this isnt an obscure game, [i cant think of any obscure games] but the soundtrack is incredible! I wish Grant Kirkhope could make music for more games.

here are some of my favorites.








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It is incorrect to say no one knows about it but i feel the soundtrack for Quake: Scourge of armagon never gets it's due. Great symphonic metal.

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Allow me to introduce you to Cambria Sword, the shmup where you blow up prehistoric sea creatures with extreme prejudice while jamming out to banging metal tracks like:



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 I was hoping a thread like this would be made
I’m going to shill for brigador once again since it’s soundtrack is fantastic. 


Project warlock also has a great theme:


And finally, Black Mesa’s Xen soundtrack is  way too underrated:



Edit: Almost forgot about Silent hill 1 and 2(probably not underrated, but not talked about enough)



Edited by Silhou3tte
Forgot about Silent Hill 1 and 2

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Deus Ex Nihilum - one of the most ambitious mods for Deus Ex has a really good soundtrack. Not really the same as Alexander Brandon's ost but it's really good.


Rosenkreuzstilette is a PC Mega Man clone with some Castlevania flavor thrown in it. The OST is sick, though not originally composed for the game.


You love Castlevania? You'll love this game. The soundtrack was composed by Michiru Yamane (and a bunch of others), the same composer that did the Symphony of the Night music.


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I have absolutely no idea how to verify the level of obscurity, but the soundtrack to Waterworld on SNES is way better than it has any right to be. I've never even played the game but I listen to the soundtrack all the time.


Other notable games that I have no idea how many people know about but I like 'em:


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Well, Shatter is really just an Arkanoid/Breakout game with nice visuals and boss fights.

Released on PS3(I think) and later Steam.

But the soundtrack is pretty darn nice. I bought it off bandcamp... wow, almost ten years ago now. :p




Full playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2qVxkZOvsX4EVYJo8BHKSbUfuorAmV4f

(You may want to skip Amethyst Caverns, it's... kinda an outlier compared to the rest. But you may like it too, who knows.)

Edited by wrkq

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(the video opens to a playlist if youre interested in the rest of the thjigj)

cameltry's ost isn't particularly a masterpiece, but it's really nostalgic to me, so

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Command and Conquer Red Alert. Most people stop at Hell March (and it's a great song, don't get me wrong), but there are a ton of good tracks. 



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I love the music from all the ocean jurassic park games, msdos, nes, gameboy, amiga... all good but probably my fav of those is the snes soundtrack, it's really good and it's perfect for playing in the background while i try to concentrate on something

Jurassic park 2 Chaos Continues music is also really good as well, it also has one of the best music tracks in all of the snes library imo


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Need for madness must be one.


It's a 2003 java game that was on several flash/java game sites at the time.


here is the whole OST:


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Shadow Man. This game has a hell of an atmospheric soundtrack, some of them are disturbing to listen but it was worth it to play it. 

This one for example, it's heard in the main black tower area called the Asylum.



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Plok's OST is just about as good as Follin music gets, which is really, REALLY saying something.





Also on the SNES, there was a game based on The Lawnmower Man which had some pretty soundchip-bending sinister 90s techno. Can't get enough of it.





And while I've never played these games and don't know a thing about the context to these songs, every time I click on Ar Tonelico music in my recommended it blows me away. Every track is a rich, fully-developed musical odyssey. Here's one of my favorites.




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Lupin Sansei - Pandora no Isan is one game with neat music I have not seen anyone mention anywhere.


It's such a huge relief that I have finally been able to rediscover this game, it has been bothering me for over a decade, but I managed to find its name just now, in a NES start screen compilation. It only took me 12 years, but at long last, I know its name.



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I have no clue whether or not these games count as obscure (I'm not very up to date on how popular games are, really), but I'll write them down just in case:

U.N. Squadron (Area 88) for the SNES.

Jets 'n Guns on Steam, soundtrack by Machinae Supremacy though so I think it's not too unknown? It's great though.

Illusion of Time (Illusion of Gaia) for the SNES I think is pretty well-known, but has a killer soundtrack.

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