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Favorite game soundtrack that nobody knows about?

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I got some,


Heroes of Might and Magic 3 has some wonderful atmospheric music, especially the town ones



Not all of them are just orchestral




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I got a weird one for ya



The soundtrack for the game based off the Ultimate Spider-Man comics is actually pretty rad.


I'm not even sure how I'd describe what style it is exactly, but it's like this three way exchange between urban techno, more traditionally heroic music, and scary monster movie stuff.

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I played this game a while ago. It's crappy and stupidly unfair but the soundtrack has a little charm.



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I also want to share another gem from the obscure games i played during my childhood



The EBF series used to be THE SHIT when it came to flash JRPGs but unless you've played those games back in the early 2000s you won't ever hear about the soundtrack, despite having aged like fine wine. Due to limitations of the time the music is quite compressed, but imo it adds a lot to the charm of those songs and gives me a nostalgia trip to when i used to play games on Armor Games and Newgrounds as a kid and all of the music was noticeably compressed like this.

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This thread is missing some Sega Genesis music.
This is totally unacceptable:







Edited by Noiser

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24 minutes ago, Noiser said:

*great music on awesome games*

*standing ovation*

''a man of culture, indeed!''

*claps untils his hands bleeds... and continue on clapping''



As for me, i L-O-V-E-! LISA: The Painful Soundtrack and the game as a whole. Painful experience for sure.


Edited by P41R47

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32 minutes ago, Noiser said:

This is thread is missing some Sega Genesis music.

Batman and Robin and Devilish don't qualify as Genesis music? Well here's another favorite:


Edited by Lippeth

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6 minutes ago, Lippeth said:

Batman and Robin, Command and Conquer and Devilish don't qualify as Genesis music?

My bad, I didn't saw it XD

Edited by Noiser

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I noticed I confused Command and Conquer: Red Alert with Red Zone, so that's my bad as well. Anyway...Here's that too. You're right, there's so many good soundtracks for that system.


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Hard Corps is one of my absolute favorites! Along with Ecco the Dolphin, Zero Wing, Earthworm Jim 1&2, Road Rash 1&2, Golden axe 1&2, Streets of Rage 1&2...All classics


A lesser known classic for me is Advanced Busterhawk Gleylancer. I'll stop spamming after this.


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Good to see some Tim Follin in here! I thought of it as I laid down to sleep last night and came back to at least 2-3 posts that mentioned it. Will second any Tim Follin soundtrack, anywhere, anytime.


Now how about some ska? From the Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra?


Definitely would pick the tunes at 5:08, 33:52, 47:21, and 1:00:21, but the whole thing is full of gems.

Edited by Dark Pulse

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Rimworld's soundtrack, not super obscure but the game is criminally underrated and the soundtrack is excellent


And the soundtrack from the DLC is even better


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It wouldn't feel right highlighting any one specific track as the whole soundtrack is a banger from start to finish. 

Edited by [McD]James

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I've noticed there's also a lack of soundtracks of recent obscure games. The following two are AMAZING games (imo GOTY contenders for the year they were released, had they got enough popularity) with even better soundtracks (the latter has a mix of both 8-bit and 16-bit style music):





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Hells yeah CrossCode getting some love in this thread. Tempted to start a third 100% playthrough and get nothing constructive one for the next few weeks. :P

I guess my own recommendations drift back to older games, but I gotta link a few of my favorites since the topic's been breached.


First off, Radix: Beyond the Void. Hella great game and it's a shame it's not commonly listed in the great pantheon of DOS shooters, 'cause it's just as good. Soundtrack kicks ass, naturally (else I'd not be posting here :P ):




Next up is Rollin', another obscure DOS game with a kickass module soundtrack. The quality in the video's not great, but you can grab the original modules here and listen to 'em with XMPlay or whatnot. The first track in the video is Roll-Music5, and it's one of my favorite songs of all time (I've lost count of how many times I've covered the damn thing :P ):




Finally, Devil May Cry 2 is rightfully regarded as the worst in the series, but it's got an incredibly underrated OST. Kinda hard to just pick one, but I'd rather not spam six trillion links and it's part of a youtube playlist if this is your kinda thing: 


On the topic of DMC2, the funny thing is that pretty much the entire soundtrack is friggin' awesome except for Dante's first battle theme ("Fire Away")... i.e. the first action track you hear in the entire game, so they screwed up even the one good thing about the game by putting its worst foot forward. :P

Edited by Xaser
ok i'm actually done with the post now you cursed text editor; may all your children be born with two left hands

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I know that Dark Messiah of Might and Magic isn't that unknown (especially compared to some other games on this thread) but last time I've heard someone talk about this game was in a video from MrIcarus.

Ost is pretty dope


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Skyroads for me is one of the very few games with a soundtrack I will regularly play. Some amazing and even oddly haunting tracks in there. It's not all solid, but even the duds usually have a few interesting parts.




The murky, unsettled chord progression reminds me of Thom Yorke's solo music a bit somehow.




Only a few really excellent tracks, but Vampire Bloodlines (very happy Rik Schafer is returning for the sequel). I listen to the Hollywood theme a lot.





World of Goo's got great music.


Battlezone 98 has good stuff ranging from ambient to suitably epic for the setting.



The whole shebang:


Stalker is well known around here, but I feel like Mooze's soundtrack for the original release is not mentioned enough. It's beautiful in a downbeat kind of way.

7th Guest has some great cheesy lounge tunes.


Ah, I need to get back to work!

Edited by holaareola

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15 minutes ago, kwc said:

<<Sub-Terrania soundtrack>>

Game was near impossible for a 6-year-old me, but the music is amazing.

Ah, I see this is by the same people that made Red Zone someone posted above. Music in both is great, I've been playing it from this thread today.


I looked up the composer on Mobygames, and he went on to big things: "Assassin’s Creed games, Borderlands series, Darksiders II, Hitman series, State of Decay" and scored some films too. Cool!

Edited by holaareola

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Looks like I'm not the only one that has a few :p 


Definitely not a favourite game, but outstanding soundtrack.


No longer a favourite game, but also a standout soundtrack


And now for something a little more current:

All of the Ys games (particularly the redone ones) have fantastic soundtracks.  This and Oath in Felghana (the Ys 3 remake) have the best soundtracks in the series (in my not-so-humble opinion).  This is the opening track, which represents the quality more than the genre scope.  The entire soundtrack spans pretty much most of the rock spectrum (Falcom clearly likes heavy metal).

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