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where is doom sprites in doom 3


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4 hours ago, thepa1n20 said:

where is doom sprites in doom 3 anywhere in the level and can not find it at all


I'm at Work and can't look it up and it has passed a Decate since i browsed through the Files.

But try open the pk3 Files with a Programm like Winrar and use the Search with some Keyworts.

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I remember a texture in Doom 3's pk4 files of a gibbed original Doom sprite.

Edited by Avoozl

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1 hour ago, thepa1n20 said:

doom sprites it a serect easter egg and i can't not find it anywhere in the level of monotrail facility 


There is a BFG9000 sprite as a easter egg. See here.


Both Monorail: Facility Transport and Monorail Skybridge Facility: Transport do not have the easter egg you are referencing.


You have to make yourself more clear. If you do not understand English, use a translator.

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i do know english ok so doom sprites it a serect easter egg and i can't not find it anywhere in the level because it on the youtube called doom serect 3

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2 hours ago, thepa1n20 said:

i can't not find it anywhere in the level


So you are endlessly always finding it, everywhere in the level?  That must be tiresome.

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3 minutes ago, thepa1n20 said:

how can i get the noclip for xbox series x/xbox one where to find the doom sprites in monotrail facility 

You don't. Developer commands like noclip are extremely typically PC only, as is the case here.

Edited by Edward850

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2 minutes ago, thepa1n20 said:

ok but where is noclip


Not on the Xbox. Only the PC version of Doom 3 supports the noclip cheat.

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You have to open the console using the tilde key (" ~ "), then type "noclip". But, IIRC, you have to first enable the console through the options menu (I can't remember off the top of my head where in options it is, but it shouldn't be difficult to find). 

Edited by RonnieJamesDiner

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On PC, I don't remember if anything changed after the official patch but it's not just "~" it's:



Also, I'm not completely sure that the Doom sprite image was meant to be any sort of easter egg, it was likely used as a placeholder for an effect.

Edited by Mr.Rocket

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14 hours ago, thepa1n20 said:

i do know english ok

It does not come across that way. You've posited vague questions that needed 20 questions just to get at what you were asking in the first place. It'd be greatly helpful if you took the time to completely state what you want.

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No, it can't. It only works on the pc version, which means that you play the game on the pc. No xbox involved

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1 hour ago, Mr.Rocket said:

On PC, I don't remember if anything changed after the official patch but it's not just "~" it's:



Ahh, I completely forgot about that. It's been a while :P

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Gsus bruh if you know English, then:

5 hours ago, thepa1n20 said:

ok but where is noclip



5 hours ago, JudgeDeadd said:

Not on the Xbox. Only the PC version of Doom 3 supports the noclip cheat.


3 hours ago, thepa1n20 said:

ok but where is noclip on pc



2 hours ago, RonnieJamesDiner said:

You have to open the console using the tilde key (" ~ "), then type "noclip". But, IIRC, you have to first enable the console through the options menu (I can't remember off the top of my head where in options it is, but it shouldn't be difficult to find). 


1 hour ago, thepa1n20 said:

ok i will it work with xbox 


How hard is it to understand that:

  • no, Noclip is not on Xbox
  • Noclip only works on PC with the tilde key

So for you to then ask:

56 minutes ago, thepa1n20 said:

ok on the pc can it work xbox with i connect the xbox to the pc


Demonstrates that you don't understand English.


No, Noclip also WILL NOT work if you connect your Xbox to your PC (Provided such a thing is even possible)


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18 minutes ago, thepa1n20 said:

if it on remote play


That's not how that works. You're still physically streaming the game from the Xbox, it doesn't magically become a PC game, otherwise it wouldn't be called remote play. 

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