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The thread that belongs to oblivion


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I always wanted to discuss the concept of underliked users. For example, in this topic there is this decent, if not good, post published on 15/Jan/2021 17:39:42 UTC, but it has got exactly cero patatero likes, presumably because its poster is the “wrong” poster, so to speak. Had that post been published by the “right” poster so to speak, again, it would have got several likes, perhaps dozens.


But well, I will not open a thread under any circumstances. Neither will I post anymore outside of the Classic Doom section. They are my habits and they shall be respected and whatnot (this regarding my habits is tongue-in-cheek, just in case). I am not a freak, but a frikazo.


I apologise for any possible grammar error, it’s 05:51.

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Edit: ehhh delete this post, don't feel like what I said was relevant enough to what OP addressed.

Edited by STILES

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Some users who misunderstood @dmslr and seem to have self-worth issues should lay off that way of thinking because it would get you nowhere and would only make you miserable.

Edited by Solmyr

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  On 1/23/2021 at 5:41 PM, Solmyr said:

OP and other users who have self-worth issues should lay off that way of thinking because it would get you nowhere and would only make you miserable.


I don't know why some users keep misunderstanding my point. I'm not depressed about my "uselessness" here. When I started the topic, I was pretty chill and was thinking that I had been enjoying things made by other members for free and I should share something myself. But I'm freaking lazy and not capable of creating a shit. This "guilt" isn't affecting anything irl nor here. Maybe I shouldn't share my feeling about it with you. Let's abandon the topic.

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@dmslr Oh, then i withdraw the part of my statement about you. That choice of words and that sad emoji doesn't convey what you actually feel about your "worthlessness", "freeloader" falls more along in line about how you may actually feel. 

You shouldn't feel obligated to "repay" the comunity for all the shit that you enjoyed over the years, if you want to make something to share with the community do it for yourself and for fun.

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In a word, no.  i'm quite an asocial person (this doesn't mean i don't like interacting with others, as in here), and as i don't define or evaluate other people according to their relation to me, i don't define myself according to my relation to others.  Everyone's on their own trip, so to speak, in my view.  And interaction happens along the way of those trips.

Edited by dei_eldren

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I don't really think hard about what my "worth" is in this community at this point but I do feel like I've played a weirdly small number and variety of wads in the many years I've been active in the Doom community.  There's a long list of iconic wads, some going back decades, whose names come up over and over and which I've somehow never even touched after all this time; and of the ones I have downloaded and played, I've rarely gotten far into them.  Part of that is time, of course, but still there have been times people will say that my maps remind them of X and I have never actually played what they're mentioning, even though everybody else probably has.


Then again, I still haven't played through either Plutonia or E4 on any difficulty so I've definitely got work to do there too.

Edited by StupidBunny

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I don't feel like one. Even if I don't contribute that much with the wads I make or just talking on forums, what matters the most is that I can talk with this community and enjoy their projects.

Edited by DevilMyEyes

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  • 2 weeks later...

You can say that 2% of the community is "useful". But, by other hand, without another 98% of it there is no point to create anything if no one exist to play, review and make feedback for it. So. It's a question about double edged sword.


I am, for example, lazy, not skilled enough and spending time on other things, so cannot get deeper into the Doom modding. But, by other hand, writing some manuals, translating things, making short WAD reviews (at the moment made about 13 on PWAD's).

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There are indeed many ways to contribute to a community.  However, I don't think a total lurker is really part of the community. Indeed, I don't see how it helps the creators to play a wad without leaving a little feedback for example.



Also I think that the "worthless" feeling comes from a bad ratio between the number of contributions and the time spent on Doom. For example, anyone who spends a few hours a month or a week on Doom has a legitimate reason to contribute a little bit. On the other hand, if Doom is one of your main passions, it's a shame to remain a mere spectator of the community. Of course, it's not a question of forcing yourself to like certain activities but above all to show that you're there. If you only play, without doing anything else, you will be an invisible member. It's not for nothing that content creators have more visibility. If Doom is one of your main hobbies, it's a pity in my opinion but it depends on the point of view. If Doom is one of the greatest games today , it's because people created plenty wads , ports...


As a mapper, I made some ambitious maps. However, considering all my free time, I wonder why I still haven't started any real projects.


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  On 2/10/2021 at 7:57 AM, Roofi said:

As a mapper, I made some ambitious maps. However, considering all my free time, I wonder why I still haven't started any real projects.



Admittedly, I haven't played many of your maps, but based on your crazy (read as: super fun!) MAYhem 2020 submission and your magnificent "Ventose" submission for DS3, I would absolutely love to see you tackle some personal projects!

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  On 2/10/2021 at 7:57 AM, Roofi said:

However, I don't think a total lurker is really part of the community. Indeed, I don't see how it helps the creators to play a wad without leaving a little feedback for example.



Well, in that case, might as well stop playing every game whose fanbase you've not really engaged with or directly contributed to some degree. Applicable to other mediums, not just games.


It's still a bit gatekeepy. And the fact that they still get download counts rolling is quite a bit better than nothing at all. People don't have to do anything they don't want to, and they don't have to "prove" anything to anyone but themselves.

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