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The thread that belongs to oblivion


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I don't think I'm useless, I have made many many WADs and was involved in Doom-1. but I do think that I get on people nerves on here sometimes because I make alot of posts with out thinking or reading the post title the wrong way. I just like to have fun and make people laugh on here humor is one of my greatest passions. I mostly bomb though lol

Edited by Dubbagdarrel

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Yeah more or less


You could say I'm the equivalent of that guy who comes over to your house and plays your WADs, makes you watch while not letting you play any of mine, eats all your Doritos, spray paints a pentagram on your front door, and clogs your toilet while eating more Doritos. 


When I finally leave your mom (a moderator) says that "weird guy" isn't allowed back over.

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If you spend your time playing people’s stuff and enjoying it (and telling them that!) then you are one of the most valuable members of the community :)

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Absolutely. My content is not great, it is pretty simple and silly and for some reason people don't feel like interacting with me a lot. Let's say I don't fit anywhere, not "awesome" enough.

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1 hour ago, Bridgeburner56 said:

Don't be a dick. The supply of dicks currently is greater than the demand and not worth anything on today's market.

About that....yeah. Being a dick doesn't help at all. It's important to stay humble. 

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Useless in the sense of not contributing anything yet? Yeah...


But at the same time I'm just enjoying myself to what this lovely community has provided and chilling like an OG villain ig

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8 hours ago, Bridgeburner56 said:

If you have positive interactions with the community then you are a valued member. It doesn't matter what those interactions are. It could be testing someone's map, talking about a classic wad, making your own content or chatting about the latest book you've read and what you made for dinner. There are a myriad of ways to contribute to any community, the important thing is how you conduct yourself. 
And there's nothing wrong with dipping out for a while because you have IRL shit to deal with or just don't feel like interacting with people. No one (or at least, no one who is worth listening to) will think less of you for going on a hiatus, regardless of how long that hiatus may be.

 Don't be a dick. The supply of dicks currently is greater than the demand and not worth anything on today's market.

This. The internet is already shitty enough as it is. 

Having a positive attitude is what really matters imo. Just by being nice, respecting different points of view, trying to help people or encouraging other projects you are already doing something huge. Sometimes I don't have enough time to playtest or make reviews on wads, but just by liking and\or commenting you are already making the difference.

I remember you commenting on my mod @dmslr. This alone was sufficient to keep me focused and motivated (as it is with constructive criticism). Without you and all the other people our projects would not be the same. So thank you a lot and never underestimate your value on the community!

Edited by Noiser

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Tbf yea, I created this account with the hope of increasing my activity but it ended abandoned for months due to lack of time and couldn't really play much Doom. I have little experience with WADs and the like so I don't feel I can contribute a bunch. But I'm getting there, I guess.

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When you're worried about how people feel about you at all times is when you'll truly be forgotten, or worse yet, go down in infamy rather than in notoriety. Silence your inner critic and your assumption-making machinery and just have fun. By golly, if you wanna contribute, do so, but do it for the right reasons and always remember why you're here: to enjoy yourself.

Edited by SiMpLeToNiUm

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Cliche as it may sound, no (non-toxic) member of the community is without worth. Just the knowledge that so many varied and interesting people share my passion for Doom is comforting in and of itself. Despite my relatively low activity, just opening up Doomworld every day and seeing the buzz of conversation lifts my spirits, makes me feel like a small part of something greater.


@dmslr, if it wasn't for passionate players like yourself, no one would bother creating anything in the first place. Frankly, the community needs more people, not fewer. When (or if) I eventually release my own wad, I would be honoured if you took the time out of your day to play it :) Nothing inspires creativity like a bit of positive attention, I'm sure most creators will agree.

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I struggled with self worth before returning to this community, hearing from other people that I've done good things helped me to feel better about myself as a mapper and a person. Even if you don't produce any creative work, you're helping creators a lot more than you realize by supporting their endeavors and enjoying their work.

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if you do want to get into map making i definitely recommend it, making wads and having other people review them is really great.

but most importantly, just have fun, and dont be annoying.......as long as you dont annoy other people you will be a good member in my opinion


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Hell no, you don't have to be a pillar if the community to contribute & be a part of it. Just keep participating at your own pace, and you'll do fine. I've only made ~5 posts on these boards, I wouldn't consider myself a full member, but I feel like a few people here have read & listened to what I've posted and that's meaningful to me.

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You absolutely do not need to be an active mapper and modder to contribute.


I helped Devilution by giving lots of feedback and testing till the schism, co-founded TNT Revilution after that and gave the weary new team the encouragement and enthusiasm they needed to start again and put in the effort instead of sinking into depression and despair (The schism affected us all that badly), and after that, I came up with the new direction Revilution was going to go, with the story, episode theming, and even concept art for the final boss. I also got us a FULL MEGAWAD's worth of original music, from Eris Falling, Viscra Maelstrom, Bucket and The UltimateDoomer666. Without me, Revilution never would have been a thing, even though in the final wad, there is little of my fingerprints left in it (Map 12 and 20 are the biggest remainders of the guidelines I set to keep people on track with a shared vision, before I was snapped up by Re-Logic to work on Terraria, thus pulling me away from all Doom projects)


Ive given lots of help and feedback to other works all over the forums over the years, like Doom Expanded, Doom 64 in Doom 2, an .ogg soundtrack for Nevander's Doom 64 Retribution using Aubrey's store versions as a base, and helping Sverre Kvernmo with Plasmaplant. I was also about to help with Kyka's Mea Culpa before I got dragged away from Doom; I may infact have one of the only copies of its updated beta.


I have never made a map and my only modding work was an altblood.wad to recolour enemies blood to proper colours, and an indepth soundtrack replacement for the PSX TC that added Aubrey's extended versions to the game, which was made null and void by the TC changing how the soundtrack worked a week before I was planning on publishing it, and to some im 'just a regular user that has no say in things', but I have proven without a doubt that anyone can greatly contribute to Doomworld and its many Doom projects, regardless of mapping ability.

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There are many ways you can contribute to the community, it's not limited to just making your own stuff, simply playing the games or chatting about them is more than enough. I helped plenty of people with editing and source port troubleshooting, I also released plenty of mods of my own, but I don't consider that to be anything special, I've mostly done it just because I like making that stuff or just because I like helping people, and I intend to keep it this way, don't sweat it


If you don't feel like it you can always take a break and play something else, no pressure.

Edited by sluggard

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I think the question is wrong-headed.  Doom should be a hobby, and you shouldn't measure your own worth by how much you think you contribute to the community.


Do what interests you, and do it until you're done.  If you become a "worthwhile" community member along the way, that's just bonus points on top of the enjoyment you get out of the hobby.

Edited by AlexMax

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I won't lie, but this thread has reminded me of one of that one argument I was a part of here a while ago and apparently it's still in my subconscious. I've been trying to contribute a lot and I always wonder how bad I hurt how others viewed me here when I post or do anything related to Doom since then. When I release a video, mod, or even stream, there's just something wrong and a part of my mind just tells me I shouldn't be doing that because I'd be bothering this community because I might hurt it more than I could ever possibly contribute. Maybe I'm overreacting and overthinking this but I really appreciate this community and the games this is all about.

I apologize to everyone I affected. It's hard for me to admit this, but I feel like I've been a net negative for the community sometimes.

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12 hours ago, dmslr said:

I don't make maps, mods, TCs, midis, custom sprites, textures, don't host useful sites for doomers, don't write articles for doomwiki, don't develop source ports or other soft.

I just use the things that made by someone else.😔 


Edit: I want you to know: I'm not calling the regular members worthless. It's just me wishing something contributed on my part.

i feel worthless sometimes and I MAKE ALL THOSE THINGS! however, just particiapating in the community is enough to be a valued member just by playing wads and mods along with posting stuff and even lurcking. you keep this community alive :D

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If you do what you like to do enough, you're gonna be worth something to somebody. You get more out of things the more you put into them, but there's no reason to set a very high bar for something you like doing.


We need people to make stuff so that people can play stuff.

We need people to play stuff so that people can say stuff.

We need people to say stuff so that people can make stuff.


So as long as you do one of those, you're doing fine.

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There are worthless members of the Doom community.  They are the people who get b& for forum spamming and starting stupid shit with everyone instead of handling things like adults.  As long as you're not doing that then we're all happy you're here.

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14 hours ago, Van Daemon said:

Absolutely. My content is not great, it is pretty simple and silly and for some reason people don't feel like interacting with me a lot. Let's say I don't fit anywhere, not "awesome" enough.

Thing is, some people feel like interacting with someone will bother/annoy that person they messaged. That's why those people feel better when not communicating, which I admit, have that issue sometimes. The insecurities suck.

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21 hours ago, Z0k said:

Yes, pretty much im worthless

When peeps say that tech bases are the weakest part of Doom 64, I tell them to go play your stuff! :D

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I don't think I've ever contributed anything more than my own dumbass opinions. I try to be helpful and friendly on this forum. But I don't think it's necessary to do any more than that; not everyone who enjoys reading novels needs to be bursting with their own ideas for a book. Same thing with playing Doom.

Edited by NoXion

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I definitely observe more than create anything these days, but that doesn't matter as long as I enjoy what I'm doing, right?

It's usually 98% questions and answers which builds general knowledge about things.. ~ kind of sounded like Morgan Freeman there, but whatever, heh.


Anyway, the fact that you went to the trouble of asking and got several replies which are mostly all positive, is a pretty good thing if you ask me.

And without knowing what the outcome may have been, you've created something here already and you got to know how people feel about it.

Most people here seem to have a warm heart and say, it's ok! ;)


And it is ok. You don't have to be a developer to be a part of any community. Asking, Answering, and general feedback contributes to it all, which then can also lead to idea's. That said, you're already being part of the community.

So, no worries man. ;) 


Edited by Mr.Rocket

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