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Doomworld shower thoughts thread

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30 minutes ago, Deathclaw886 said:

i am actually the great great great great great nephew of Charles Lindbergh 

and here he is.


Hi Uncle Charles.

Wow, that's pretty amazing

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The fact that I have dreamt with something closest to eldritch horror, means that I will soon or later dream with something beyond the human mind and gain infinite knowledge from foreign realms?

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1 minute ago, Deathclaw886 said:

Perfect Dark is better and more memorable than Goldeneye.........


No. The multiplayer was better because they added more game modes and bots, but that was it.


The single player was far less enjoyable, and I think a large contributor to that was they tried to cram far too much into an N64 game, so the framerate was constantly shifting between being almost bearable, and completely unplayable. Plus I never cared for the alien aspect of it, most of the missions seemed overly ambitious, overly complicated, overly detailed, and it ended up losing quite a bit of the straightforwardness that GoldenEye had. I would take TimeSplitters 2 and 3 over Perfect Dark any day.


In fact, as far as memorable levels in Perfect Dark, the only ones that really stuck with me where the DataDyne building (which was really fun), Chicago (which was just irritating as hell, overly difficult, and the combat droids sucked), the Villa sucked because of the timer on rescuing the hostage and the snipers on the roof tops; and the overall level design was confusing as well. Hell, I just looked at a list of all the missions in Perfect Dark, and I can't really recall enjoying any of them. I guess the Pelagic 2 was kind of fun.


Goldeneye had the dam, the facility, the surface 1 and 2, the bunker 1 and 2, the archive, the silo, the frigate, statue park, the depot, the train, the jungle, the water caverns, the command center, the antennae cradle, the Aztec complex, and the Egyptian temple. Pretty much every single level in Goldeneye is memorable, and they were all well designed. Perfect Dark tried too hard to do too much with the hardware available, and it ended up being a very lackluster game.


Aside from the multiplayer being fun as hell, I can't really say anything good about Perfect Dark.

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Just now, Jello said:



Goldeneye had the dam, the facility, the surface 1 and 2, the bunker 1 and 2, the archive, the silo, the frigate, statue park, the depot, the train, the jungle, the water caverns, the command center, the antennae cradle, the Aztec complex, and the Egyptian temple. Pretty much every single level in Goldeneye is memorable


i actually dont remember the layout of those, and ive played all of them!

2 minutes ago, Jello said:

No. The multiplayer was better because they added more game modes and bots, but that was it.



i mainly play perfect dark for the single player to be honest, it is very fun with cheats, especially when you give yourself all of the weapons [blowing up terminals and glass in the datadyne building with remote mines is very fun]

4 minutes ago, Jello said:

 Plus I never cared for the alien aspect of it, most of the missions seemed overly ambitious, overly complicated, overly detailed, and it ended up losing quite a bit of the straightforwardness that GoldenEye had.



i like how perfect dark made you think, i liked the detailed objective based missions [that were more complex than Goldeneyes.]



overall, i prefer everything about PD over everything about Goldeneye any day, and if im the only person on earth who thinks this then so be it.

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2 hours ago, Good-Old said:

An M3 sounding like a Mustang is weird, but a Mustang with M3 sound is even weirder.


Not to me at all, and it's way more monstrous than the TVR sound from the final product.


Ironically, with that mod the Cayman S sounds like a jet engine from the 4th gear onwards instead of it, but I like that haha.

Edited by seed

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17 hours ago, Archanhell said:

The fact that I have dreamt with something closest to eldritch horror, means that I will soon or later dream with something beyond the human mind and gain infinite knowledge from foreign realms?

Either that or you'll wake absolutely insane👍

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5 hours ago, AtticTelephone said:

I miss not being in the 2020’s.

The fuck? 2020 was the last year of the 2010's and 2021 marks the beginning of the 2020's.

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Why are there so many damn streaming services?!?


Honestly it’s starting to get so bad I almost feel like we need to bring video rental shops back just so we can have everything in one place again XD

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21 minutes ago, DooM Bear said:

Why are there so many damn streaming services?!?


Honestly it’s starting to get so bad I almost feel like we need to bring video rental shops back just so we can have everything in one place again XD

Skips publisher fees from another mega corp, makes sure you never own the product and need to pay again if you ever want to view again. 

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Doom is ported to so many Devices, if our Civilization is gone and Aliens or follow up Civilization finds our Remainings, the Possibility that they find Doom and can run it is bigger than other Software.

Edited by Azuris

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3 hours ago, Deathclaw886 said:

actually, i think 2019 was the end of the 2010's


Yep, 2000 was also not part of the 1990s :)

But i can understand the Confusion, we count Centuries weirdly because our Time period started with the year 1 (not zero).


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If we consider parallax scrolling, isometric perspectives, ray-casting, sprite/tile scaling, prerendered sprites/backdrops and Doom's hybrid/transitional technique, there were a LOT of tricks being used to imply depth, but only a few used actual 3D coordinates for any of its information.

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The hydrogen element should be renamed as Heliogen instead, since it's what stars are mostly made of, and it only forms water when it binds with oxygen.

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7 minutes ago, CyberDestroyer said:

yo thanks for the widescreen editon of that meme

no problem, we must share our high quality widescreen memes to others

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God bless Japan :-D


Even their weirdest and strangest stuff seems to have some super wholesome meaning behind it :-D



Honestly at this point if you told me all profits made from Henti went to treating children’s cancer or something I wouldn’t be surprised XD

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